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Hanamura純米酒 陸羽田純米
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When I asked for the bill, the lady from Eiraku Restaurant came as usual and asked me what I enjoyed today. She said, "I don't mind if you have something else, please have something to drink. I asked for a bottle of Rikuwada, which I hadn't had yet in the Hana Yuu that I had drunk at the start of the tour! My friend also had a drink earlier in the day, so I got the picture! A delicious sake, perfect for the end of the day! Thank you very much! I can't come to Akita very often these days for work! I've decided to come to Akita once a year for this golf party, so please let me drop by again! extensive knowledge Rikuwada is a memorable sake rice that has been used with Omachi Junmai Ginjo since the early days of Hanayuyuu. It is a rare sake rice that is cultivated by only a few farmers and in small quantities, and is currently used only by "Hanayuup" as a raw material for its sake. Rice used: Rikuwada Rice polishing ratio: 55 Yeast used: Undisclosed Sake degree: -4.9 Acidity: 1.5 Alcohol content: 16
Zaku純米吟醸 雄町純米吟醸
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There were so many different kinds of sake! After much deliberation, I chose Hiyoroshi and Omachi! It was a fruity sake 🍶! We drank for almost 3 hours! We enjoyed the atmosphere of the new restaurant together and hope to come back again! This time, my friends and I were on the attack with Shinmasa! I think I'll try Shinmasa and Jyushiyo next time, too! extensive knowledge The stylish black bottle, painted in bright blue, has a modern design that resembles the O of Omachi. Rice used: Omachi from Okayama Prefecture Polishing 55 Specified name sake, etc. Junmai Ginjo/Hiirei-shu Strength: 16%.
Zaku純米吟醸 ひやおろし純米吟醸ひやおろし
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There are too many sake from outside Akita Prefecture that I'm interested in. I chose two of them! It's almost winter, but there was still hiyaoroshi! It is a matured sake, so it has a deep flavor! Saku is a sake that I haven't had much of recently, so let's make sure to drink it! extensive knowledge Rice used: "Yamadanishiki" from Hyogo Prefecture Polishing 55 Specified name sake, etc. Junmai Ginjo/Hiirei-shu 15% alcohol by volume
喜久水能代 喜三郎の酒 純米吟醸純米吟醸
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Let's make this the last cool around here 😎. 5th cool 👀. Orae, thanks for the Akita sake, and Adae, let's finish up with two Mie sakes together! Kisaburo's sake, which my friend was also interested in on the tanzaku as well. I asked for it. This sake is from Noshiro, the hometown of Akita Prefecture's Hisashi Yamada! You can really enjoy the taste of rice! It is a junmai ginjo, so there is almost no bitterness! I refrained from heavy dishes today, thinking about the next time! Let's enjoy the rest of the curry roux and sake from here 😌. extensive knowledge This brewery has a hereditary succession system, and I am currently the sixth generation "Kisaburo". In the Meiji era, when the name Kikusui did not yet exist, Hirasawa Kisaburo Shoten was known and loved in Noshiro Mancho as "Kisaburo's sake. The sake of those days was junmai-shu (pure rice sake), and this sake was made to reproduce the sake of those days. This junmai ginjo, named after the brewer himself, is brewed with local rice (Hanabukiyuki) and has a dry flavor with a somewhat hard-edged image, with a slightly suppressed aroma and a rich rice flavor. Provenance: Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture Structure: Junmai Ginjo Rice: Hanabukiyuki Rice polishing ratio: 55 Yeast used: No. 9 series Sake meter rating: +2 Acidity: 1.6 Alcohol level: 16.5
Toyobijin限定純米吟醸 醇道一途 西都の雫純米吟醸
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I have had many kinds of Toyo Bijin in the past. I've had Aizan, Hashu Honor, Hakutsuru Nishiki (which I drank this time), and Saigato-no-Shizuku. And Saito no Shizuku! This is also a first for me! It tastes like a melon. It's a junmai ginjo, so it goes down your throat nicely! My friends are drinking Akita, but I'm going to try Eiraku's Adae! Knowledge Rice used: Koji rice: Yamadanishiki/Kake rice: Saito no Shizuku Polishing: Koji rice : 40% / Kake rice : 50 Specified Name Sake, etc. Junmai Ginjo / Once-fired Sake Strength 16
Toyobijin純米吟醸 大辛口純米吟醸
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I was drinking this red label when I visited Eiraku before. But I neglected to comment on it 😝. Compared to the Jundo Isshu, it still feels crisp and dry when you drink it, but when you sip it slowly, the sweetness comes through. It gives a different impression from Hakutsuru-nishiki. Naturally, it goes well with curry roux. Knowledge Rice used: Yamadanishiki Polishing 55 Specified name sake, etc. Junmai Ginjo/Hiirei-shu Degree of alcohol content 16
Toyobijin限定純米吟醸 醇道一途 白鶴錦純米吟醸
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Now, let's go to the fourth cool thing! Around that time, the curry roux appeared! I ordered enough for three people, so I'm going to match the curry roux and sake one by one at my own pace! I often drink Toyo Bijin at Eiraku, but they have many kinds of sake! This time we had our first Hakutsuru Nishiki! This is a tropical fruit type sake! I love this flavor! The sweetness and the spiciness of the curry roux are great. ⭕️ Knowledge Rice used Koji rice : Yamadanishiki / Kake rice : Hakutsuru Nishiki Polishing: Koji rice: 40% / Kake rice: 50 Specified name sake, etc. Junmai Ginjo / Fire-aged sake Degree of alcohol content 16
abe圃場別プロジェクト “安田鳥越” 2022-2023BY純米
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Last month I had another brand of Abenoko at Minoshina in Hakodate for the first time, so when I saw the words "Yasuda Torigoe" on a strip of paper posted on the wall, I absolutely couldn't miss it! This one is also delicious! Since we had the Shinkame, we were able to alternate it with the other two in a good balance, and it was great! Once you start eating the stewed motsu, the chopsticks don't stop, and the sake doesn't stop either! Knowledge This is a project to create sake together with rice farmers in and around Kashiwazaki City, Niigata Prefecture, where the brewery is located. The rice used for this sake is exclusively Koshitanrei rice harvested from fields in the Yasuda and Torigoe districts, which belong to the "sato" area very close to the brewery. The brewing water is also spring water from Yasuda, and the sake is brewed in the "nama-moto" style with no yeast added. It is said that even if the rice is not polished very much every year, it melts well and the flavor comes through. Rice used: 100% rice grown in Yasuda and Torigoe in Kashiwazaki, Niigata Prefecture. Alcohol content: 15% (unpasteurized) Yeast used: Undisclosed Sake meter: Undisclosed. Acidity] Not disclosed
Raifuku純米大吟醸 愛山純米大吟醸
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Recently, Raifuku is also interested in the brand I'll drink it when it's there. So I'll drink it! Is it the first time for you to drink Aizan? The color is a bit pale, but it's basically a fruity sake with a slight spiciness. Motsu-ni (boiled and seasoned pork) is also available! The sake was flowing at full speed! My two friends next door are also trying various kinds of Akita sake 🍶🍶🍶🍶. May good fortune come to the three of them! extensive knowledge of Akita sake Ingredient rice: Aizan from Hyogo Prefecture Rice Polishing Degree 40 Alcohol level 16 Sake meter degree +1 Acidity 1.7
Shinkame『GAMERA -Rebirth-』ガメラ生誕50周年純米
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We had prepared a small ceremony for this day! It went off without a hitch, so we started again with a fresh mind to compare three different kinds of sake ⏯. Shinkame from Saitama, served cold at Shoei in Yamagata! I will never forget how profound it was! Then, I found a sake called Gamera Rebirth, celebrating the 50th anniversary of Gamera's birth here at Eiraku! Tonight it was very cold, so I managed to finish it! I think it is best to drink it hot! Sake goes well with dashimaki egg with mentaiko (cod roe) 🍶! knowledge The new "Gamera-Rebirth" (all six episodes) began its worldwide distribution on Netflix on September 7, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the birth of "Gamera," a great monster loved by monster fans around the world. To commemorate the anniversary, we have decided to release collaborative products. The sake is very well-balanced and matures beautifully. It is recommended to be served cold to warmed, and especially for those who are new to drinking heated sake, heated to around 50°C is the best introduction. Alcohol content 15.5%. All the rice used is Awa Yamadanishiki Polishing ratio 60 Pouring: Hi-ire Sake degree +4 to +6 Acidity Yeast
Ine to Agaveどぶろく水酛にごり酒
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Eiraku-san's last drink was doburoku. The earlier "do" gave it a boost. This one was very thick doburoku, but it was delicious. I drank too much today. My golf game was disastrous, but I was satisfied with good drinks and pleasant conversation.
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The last one is written as "Sansho" and is grounded. Recommended by a friend. The acidity is refreshing. It also has a slight gaseous taste. The bitterness in the aftertaste is pleasant.
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The third course, I voluntarily ordered 3 sake of Shinmasa which I wanted to drink though I couldn't compare 3 sake. The first one was Cosmos. It has the same sweetness and acidity as Shinmasa, but I felt this one had a good balance.