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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)

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Akabu Check-in 1
Akabu Check-in 2Akabu Check-in 3
Akabu Jade Junmai Ginjo The label and bottle are a jade ocean blue 🩵. Good taste on the palate with a good mix of umami and acidity. Perfect with sushi, shiokara, etc. Half the price of the rare sake from the other day. Hmmm? I like this one ❤️
Harry-san konban-ha(o´o)n~~~ Akabu is delicious 🎶. I haven't tried it with salted fish yet, I'll give it a try 😉.
Erin, good evening. Red Takeshi is definitely a good choice, and the bottle is beautiful too. The bottle is so beautiful, I can't throw it away, You should try it with shiokara (salted fish)!
Bijofu特別純米 夏酒特別純米
Bijofu Check-in 1Bijofu Check-in 2
Today, I went home directly from my outside work. Since the nearest station was Tokyo Station, it was my second stop in a row. I ordered the sake I didn't drink yesterday. The first one was Mikuyo. The lingering taste of Kochi still lingers. This is a summer sake. The mouthfeel is smooth. It is light but gradually tightens up. It is not harsh. It is easy to drink.
Musubi Yui純米吟醸 生酒 三千櫻酒造製造純米吟醸生酒
Musubi Yui Check-in 1Musubi Yui Check-in 2
I went home and had another drink. This is Yui bought at the same Hasegawa Sake Shop. The one we had at the store was made by Raifuku Sake Brewery. This one is made by the Sanzen Sakura Brewery. Two breweries have stepped in to replace the brewery lost in the fire. It has a delicious mouthfeel and fruity aroma with a firm dry taste. The taste is different from the Raifuku version. We are grateful to have it.
Jokigen純米吟醸 彗星純米吟醸
Jokigen Check-in 1Jokigen Check-in 2
Tired from working overtime since Monday, I took the Marunouchi Line to Tokyo Station. When I enter the underground ticket gate, I feel like stopping by for a bit. I wondered if it was open at this time of the day. No problem. So I went for a 30-minute game. The first glass was this sake with a label that looked like a painting. It is sweet and fruity on the palate. It finishes with bitterness and spiciness. A good start.
AramasaNo.6 H-type純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過発泡
Aramasa Check-in 1
Aramasa Check-in 2Aramasa Check-in 3
A casual stop at a store in Tokyo Station I found this surprise. The store didn't expect it to be in stock. One bottle per person, a little expensive! It seems to be Hasegawa's limited edition sake, H-type means Hasegawa? It's sparkling like a sparkling wine, but it doesn't blow up. It's sparkling, but it doesn't blow up. The first sip has a tangy citrus flavor on the tip of the tongue. The sweetness lingers on the palate with a tangy citrus flavor on the tip of the tongue. Low alcohol content at 12%. Suitable for an aperitif or dessert sake. I had it with light dishes such as sashimi. If it is a mealtime drink, it would go well with strong flavored meat dishes or I think it would go well with strong flavored meats or strong flavored snacks.
Good evening Harry 🌆This is the one that was a bit of a buzz on X 😆 It was a guerrilla sale on a weekday 😃You have it 💪❤️
Manachie, hello! Well lucky ✌️ is all I can say, of course I thought it was the X family, but I only drink Shinsei once in a while so I forgot 😅.
Kamonishiki Check-in 1
Kamonishiki Check-in 2Kamonishiki Check-in 3
Kamo Nishiki Dewa Sanzan That sparkly one you saw at the event Stan Smith tennis shoes. The tall toji makes a cargo tag 🏷️ sake. As usual, a deliciously sweet fresh sake 🍶. Here's a bottle for when you're sick. It's been a while since I've had one so I know what it tastes like. I'm glad! is the first word 🤭.
Harry-san konban-ha(o´ω`o)no~~ Glad to see you back in good health🎶. I'm worried 💦 if I can't taste it when I'm sick. The seafood🦪 and the baggage tags look very delicious(´,,-﹃-,,`)
Rafa papa
Good evening Harry 😃. After the sore throat...glad you got the taste...that disease 🙄⁉️ is hardly talked about anymore, but it's hard when you get it 😓 After God rests, let's stick it out and drink 🍻🤣‼️
Thanks Erin 😊. Well, I guess my liver needed a break for a while. I thought my liver needed a break for a while, so I stayed away for a while, I've been away from it for a while, but when I get better, I'm so excited to buy a new bottle. I'm going to take it easy and have some summer sake 🤭.
Papa, fever during GW, doctors were closed. I got a prescription for a fever online. I was given a prescription and an antibiotic, and I was cured.
Ugonotsukiうごのつき 涼風 純米吟醸純米吟醸
Ugonotsuki Check-in 1Ugonotsuki Check-in 2
Monday. Still tired from my trip to Kochi, I take the underpass to Tokyo Station on a rainy day. Then, it's Hasegawa Sake Shop. How many times have I taken this route? It has become a routine. I saw a hiragana Ugo no Tsuki for the first time. It has a melon-like taste, but it is not sweet and has a dry aftertaste.
Musubi Yui純米吟醸酒 雄町 生原酒 来福酒造ver純米吟醸原酒生酒
Musubi Yui Check-in 1Musubi Yui Check-in 2
Sweet and fruity, but this one has a more elegant aroma. The final finish is also firm. The taste has a good sharpness. Yuki Shuzo is in the process of rebuilding after a fire broke out in their warehouse last year. This sake was made by renting Raifuku Shuzo's warehouse. There was also a bottle made by the Sanzen Sakura Sake Brewery, which I bought.
SenkinグリーンナチュールGREEN NATURE純米生酛原酒
Senkin Check-in 1Senkin Check-in 2
I bought this Sentori the other day in the basement of Tokyo Station. I had never seen this green naturals before. If this bottle lured me, it must be Sentori. I had no choice but to buy it. It has a perfect balance of sweet, sour, and bitter. You can drink it with a low alcohol content. Sentori does a good job.
Yamatoshizuku美郷錦 直詰生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
Yamatoshizuku Check-in 1Yamatoshizuku Check-in 2
Yamato Shizuku Miso Nishiki Direct-filled Nama Sake Last time we drank "Heto" at a corner bar 😁. Invitation to your home 🏠! Distinctive tangy, acidic and delicious! From Daisen, Akita. I'm having a hard time making a day off from drinking lately! First of all, I drink beer when the temperature rises. Then I go to the sake in the fridge. Well, I guess it can't be helped😅. Home drinking 619
Good evening, Harry senior 🌆. It was hot today 🥵. I thought I went out for a bit of shopping, but I was drenched in sweat! I don't have any beer at home so I'm sipping on some fresh tasting sake 😁.
Good evening, Mr. Chichi 🌆. Well, it's getting hotter! Don't you drink beer? I have a feeling that sake will make me thirsty right away. Please be careful😅
Jikon白鶴錦 純大吟純米大吟醸
Jikon Check-in 1
Jikon Check-in 2Jikon Check-in 3
Jikin Hakutsuru Nishiki Jun Daigin Bitter with a nice sharp taste When I went to the next store for a while, I found Jikin at a corner bar. They have Jikin at the corner bar! They say it's a GW special, even though it's twice the price. I'll drink it when I find it. And the usual onigiri (rice ball) set! The rice here is delicious 😋!
Hi Harry, good evening😊It's in our fridge 🤭I'm looking forward to drinking it! Do you have an onigiri set 👍you can enjoy it to the fullest just at this restaurant ⁉️
Good evening, Yukachin! Oops, I see you are preparing for it. I've never seen it on sale 😅. I like the onigiri set and light drinking, I just stocked up on a couple of Yongou bottles next door 😀 I'm on my way home now. I went back home 😀.
Mr. Harry konbanhaa (o´o)no~~~ I'll drink it when I find it 😁 The miso soup looks delicious too! Soup is the best way to finish sake☺️
Erin, good morning 😃. Yes you should drink it when you find it 🤭. Onigiri🍙 and miso soup is so good! It's strange that it's underground in Tokyo station 😅. It's strange though😅.
