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こまっちゃんKobayashi Kかわむらobayo


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The sister of the fishmonger I always go to is celebrating her birthday tomorrow, so I bought some chirashi sushi with seafood for the eve event. Looking forward to it😊 Let's start with the standing aroma. It has a faint aroma of ears of rice. In the mouth, the first sourness and bitterness come with a bang, followed by the smooth sweetness and umami of the rice. I would like to try it with chirashi sushi with seafood. Personally, I think it went well with the bigeye tuna 😋I like this sake because it has a strong umami flavor 🤟 Rice used: 100% Omachi produced in Okayama Prefecture Polishing ratio] 50%. Alcohol content: 17%. Sake meter] -1 Acidity】0.9 Pairing] Chirashi-sushi with seafood Price including tax】1,650 yen
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I've been looking forward to this one as we enter the second half of the GW season👍. The color is a little cloudy. The aroma is citrusy with a hint of acidity. It has a fruity sweetness in the mouth followed by a grapefruit-like bitterness that makes it refreshing and easy to drink 😊and the delicious aftertaste is long 😘Ms. Wife loves it ❗️ and says it's her favorite of the year 😍. With grilled pork. The balance between the slightly sweet tender thigh meat and the good umami flavor increases the umami flavor with the hint of this sake and goes well with the bitterness🙆. Sake rice】Ibi no Homare Rice and rice malt (all white malted rice) Polishing ratio] 60 Alcohol content】16度 Grilled pork Price including tax】3,140 yen
Komachan-san Good evening ^_^ Imi, that's nice... I've never even seen it 🥲. I haven't made char siu pork in a while, so I think I'll make it for the first time in a while and pair it with a refreshing drink 😁.
Good morning, Manta-san. I have been going to the liquor store every time to ask if it is in today's bottle. The guy at the store says it's a sake that runs out in an instant😅. I think the roast pork would go well with a refreshing drink too 😊.
Hi Komacchan 😃 I love the sake 😍I love it! I think it's important to be diligent in your drinking 🤔I'm sure your wife would love to have some 🥹.
Jay & Nobby, let's work on our drinking together ‼️ (lol) the next time we see you, Imi 😊.
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The bonito and fresh onion with mustard I had in Towada was delicious, so when I went to the fish shop to buy some sashimi, I bought this bonito yabeya (according to the fish shop (laugh)). In fact, it seems to be marinated in vinegar and ginger. I chose this one to go with it👍This time I tried to match it with heated sake. Let's start with the first sip. The aroma is slightly sweet and sour with a hint of rice. The sweetness and umami of the rice spread through the full mouthfeel, followed by a slight bitterness and then a crisp taste. Tamitsu itself has a beautiful mouthfeel in general. With the bonito yabeyesu. The meatiness of the bonito is well balanced with the vinegar and ginger, bringing out the smoothness of this sake and the sweetness and umami of the rice. ☺️ delicious 😁. Rice polishing ratio] 60 Alcohol content】15度 Bonito with a little bitterness and sweetness. Price including tax】1,485 yen
Komacchan konbanhar (o´ omega`o)no~~ The "yucky one"🤣 I'd love to go there but haven't had it yet 😆.
Good morning Eririn-san ☀☀☀ I think the bonito is especially tasty this year 😋 and it was perfect with sake 👌.
Good morning, Komachan 😃. I can tell from the picture that it looks badass 😋Yabeh and Tamitsu bring out the best in each other🥹This is badass 😁.
Jay & Nobby He was a real bad guy (laughs).
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Well, I'm tired🥱It's been a hard week of bringing things in 💦My body aches... 😓Yesterday I went to Akita, and today I'm in Aomori. Reward yourself for somehow getting through it👍. The nose has an apple-like ginjo aroma. The sweetness is refreshing on the palate with a nice bitterness at the end. It is more refreshing than I expected. Serve with potatoes and minced meat. The sweetness of the new potatoes and ground meat, the acidity of the tomatoes, and the rich flavor of the cheese bring out the sweetness and aroma of this sake even more. It will be gone in no time😅. Rice】100% Kinmon-Nishiki produced in Nagano Prefecture Polishing ratio] 49%. Alcohol content: 16%. Potato and minced meat baked on top of each other Price including tax】2,400 yen
Hi Komacchan 😃 Thanks for your work across Tohoku 😌The drinks will go down a treat when the food and sake are perfectly matched 🤗.
Jay & Nobby From now on, I'd like to enjoy spring foods with sake 😋 and I may drink more and more sake (lol)!
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Well, I got home early and opened it again 😅. Let's start with the first sip. The nose is slightly alcoholic and sweet. In the mouth, a pear-like sweetness comes first, followed by a sourness that gives a sharp aftertaste. There is also a hint of fragrance, and a pleasant umami and a hint of bitterness spreads. Serve with crispy stir-fried pork in Chinese style. The sweetness of this sake increased due to the punch of the garlic soy sauce, but I think it lost some of its individuality. On the other hand, when served with unohana, the richness increases and the umami flavor stands out 😄. Maybe it goes better with gentle flavors such as unohana. 🙆‍♀️ Sake itself is very good 😋. Alcohol content] 16 degrees Celsius Pork stir-fried with Chinese-style crunchy sauce & Unohana Price including tax】1,980 yen
Jokigen渾身 仕込第四六号純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Chose this one today👍 Let's get right to it. The standing aroma is a little bit sweet in a cemedine type. When you put it in your mouth, you will feel a slight alcohol taste at first, then a soft sweetness, and finally a bitter taste with sourness and umami. It is characterized by an exquisite balance that envelops you softly. It is a great drink 😚 and may be good heated up. 🙆‍♂️ Serve with grilled scallops with butter. The aroma of the sea brings out the flavor and sweetness of this sake and makes it even more delicious. It's delicious 🤩and what can I say, it's very cosy. ‼️👍 Rice polishing ratio] 55 Alcohol content】16度 [Snacks] Grilled scallops with butter Price including tax】1,560 yen
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The 701st post also starts with sake from Iwate 😁. Let's start right away. The aroma is soft and sweet like spring. It is juicy and fresh in the mouth. After the sweetness, there is a bitter taste. It's spring, isn't it? First of all, I had it with crab soup. I made it based on a crab soup🦀 that I bought at a roadside station in Towada, Aomori. The crab flavor and sweetness are distinctive, and the sweetness and flavor increase with the aroma of this sake. It goes well together 😍. Next, I served it with crab gratin. Each flavor is combined with a crisp aftertaste. This is also good 😁. Rice】100% Iwate Ginotome Polishing ratio】55%. Alcohol content】16度 Snacks] Crab soup & crab gratin 🦀. Price including tax】1,980 yen
Hi Komacchan 😃 You're restarting with Iwate sake 🤗I've never heard of crab soup 😳 crab 🦀 gratin and all things crab 😍Attees that make sake even better are the best 😍☺️
Jay & Nobby A collaboration between Iwate and Aomori. Crab soup, it's my first time too. It looks like crab soup made with mokuzu crab from Lake Ogawara in Aomori. It went well with sake😍.
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Hmmm... I got home a little early, so I opened this bottle 😝. Let's get right to it. The nose is sweet with a refreshing green apple aroma. In the mouth, the sweetness is followed by acidity, and then the umami spreads to the palate with a hint of bitterness at the end. If I were to use an analogy, it would be like strawberries before they ripen. Chicken roasted with garlic and mustard. The richness of this sake, brought out by the deliciousness of the chicken, increases the flavor of both 😁. Next, I paired it with the Sasakamama Cheese Board that I was given. This also goes well with the chicken 😃 Unlike the chicken, the sake's individuality is further brewed out to create a good balance of umami and bitterness. It also goes well with fish paste 👍. Rice] 100% Omachi (Okayama Prefecture) Polishing ratio] 50%. Alcohol content】15度 Chicken with garlic and mustard Price including tax】1,980 yen
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Since I was able to buy chestnut crabs 🦀, what should I pair them with? I thought 🤔I chose this one👍 First of all, from the standing aroma. It has a faint aroma of grain. When you put it in your mouth, there is a hint of aroma, and unlike the impression of the aroma, it has a light and clean mouthfeel. It has a good balance of sweetness, umami, bitterness, and acidity, and is easy to drink. Now, let's try it with chestnut crab. The richness of this sake increased with the flavor of the crab, and the taste became richer 😄. Next, I paired it with grilled pork from Shirogane Pork 🐖. The sweet fat and sake harmonized with each other to create their own flavor. Very nice 🙆. It could easily be paired with either seafood or meat 😁. Rice】100% Miyamanishiki Polishing ratio] 55 Alcohol content】16度 Chestnut Crab & Grilled Pork Price including tax】1,600 yen
Hi Komacchan 😃 Chestnut crab 🦀 & roasted pork 🐖 is another good otsumami 🤩It's fun to choose a sake 🍶 to go with it! That was the perfect sake to go with it 🤗
Hello Jay & Nobby, I enjoy meeting different kinds of sake and foodstuffs than when I was in Okayama😄.
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At the fish store, I already bought a star of a mosquito? I bought a I looked it up 🔍and it seems to be shark heart🫀. Today I paired it with this dry type👍. The standing aroma is refreshing along with a sense of alcohol and koji-like aroma. In the mouth, the freshness and umami of the rice is strong, as if it is made from sake lees, and there is also a hint of fragrance. Finally, the pleasant acidity and bitterness give it a refreshing aftertaste. First of all, it is served with Mouka no Hoshi. It has a crispy texture and tastes like liver sashimi, which goes well with this sake😃I tried it with sesame oil this time. Next, I had the yerba mate steamed with sake. The flavorful broth from the yerba mate is amazing 😳The flavor of yikyo is increased ❗️ Well, I'm so happy 🎶. Rice] 100% Yamadanishiki from Tojo, Hyogo Prefecture, special A district [Rice polishing ratio] 60 Alcohol content】16度以上17度未満 Tsumami] Sashimi of Motsuka no Hoshi (shark's heart) and steamed yerba mate with sake Price including tax] 1,700 yen
Masaaki Sapporo
Good evening, Komachan! I haven't seen any more Kaka stars or yerba mate here, but my wife said the yerba mate is delicious 🐚 Looks delicious with sake 😋.
Masaaki Sapporo-san Good evening. I am originally from Kyushu, so I am familiar with yerba mate, but this is my first time to try kanohoshi! Both went well with chivalry. ☺️
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First purple space sparkling 😁. The standing aroma is more like a combination of yogurt and koji malt. When you put it in your mouth, you will feel a sense of sizzle at first, and then the crisp and dry taste spreads more than you expected. As you continue to drink, the taste becomes more smooth like amazake (sweet sake). Today, I had it with oden. I knew it would go well with dashi (Japanese soup stock) 😊It makes this sake easier to drink and it goes down smoothly. Delicious 😋. Rice: 100% Gohyakumangoku Rice polishing ratio: 55%. Alcohol content】15度 Snacks] Oden Price including tax】1,760 yen
Komachan kombanha(o´o)n~~~ Purple space is delicious 🥰. I want to repeat it 🎶. Oden also looks delicious with lots of ingredients🍢🤤.
Good morning Eirin-san, good morning. ☀️ purple space is delicious 😁I actually have a different series of stock in my fridge 😋 looking forward to that one too 😋.
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Kobayashi K
This sake has a refreshing sweetness. It is named Melon, but I didn't feel that much melon. But very fruity and delicious sake. In the aftertaste, there is a flavor (I don't know how to describe it) that is often felt.
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Kobayashi K
Second drink at a liquor store in front of Morioka station. I used red yeast. Try it because it is often seen at liquor stores this time of year. A peach-colored sake. It had a liqueur-like sweetness and sourness, and was a delicious sake that was easy to drink and gobble up.
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Kobayashi K
First drink at a liquor store in front of Morioka Station. There was a sake made with CEL-24 from Kochi, which I had been curious about since the last time I drank Kameizumi, so I tried it. It tasted more like apple than pineapple, and the sweetness was not as strong as I expected. It was a delicious sake with just the right amount of acidity to make it a crisp drink.