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Shocking taste❗ I️ got excited after taking a sip. I think it's different from any other sake I've ever had. If you have a bad impression of sake, or if you want to try something new, this is the bottle for you. It is low in alcohol and has a stylish label, so it would make a good gift.
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This drink is delicious❗ Recommended. This is a sake that you should try once. It is easy to drink, but has a strong flavor, and the low alcohol content makes it go even further. I think it's the kind of sake that is introduced on social media by the brewery and the liquor stores that sell it. One thing I would like to say. The price is 2200 yen per bottle. It's a bit expensive compared to other brands, so it might be hard to get your hands on for a trial run.
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It comes up as recommended for you, but I have never had much of it before, so I chose "Quiet Sea" from the Senkou range. As for the taste... I honestly don't know.... It was calm, light, and watery. It's a sake I've never had before. It's not a taste that everyone can clearly understand, but maybe it's a taste that those who understand can understand. If I were to use a rough analogy, I would say that it is like eating soba noodles without dipping them in dipping sauce to taste the original flavor. When I looked it up again, I found out from the brewery that it is called "New Age Sake. I see. Then that's why I've never had it before.
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According to the Instagram of a liquor store in Osaka Prefecture, it is a popular product that sells out as soon as it comes in. The alcohol content is also 13 degrees, which fits the requirement, so I had to buy it along with yellow narcissus. It is very easy to drink, with a strong and refreshing effervescence, so I drank it quickly and easily. Even though the alcohol content is low, it is still more than twice as much as beer or soju high, so I have to be careful, but the first sip of the day is just too much.... I always drink it with my partner, and he raves about it more than any other sake he has ever had. I don't usually repeat the same sake because I like to try different kinds of sake first, but with such rave reviews, I'm sure I'll be repeating it.
Kamonishiki荷札酒 黄水仙 瓶火入れ
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After the start of the year, I went out for my first stocking. Since we were going to drink, we thought it would be better to have some kind of theme, so we decided to focus on "low alcohol" sake for 2022. As a standard, I looked for sake with an alcohol content of less than 15%. There was only one bottle of Huangshuisen left, which I had been eyeing for years, so I decided to make it my first sake of the year. Unlike the sweet smell of sugar or syrup, the taste is not that sweet or sticky. It is rather light and gives the impression that it flows quickly. It's easy to drink, but it lacks personality, or perhaps it's hard to feel what is unique to this type of sake. Maybe I'm choosing too many of these types of sake, but... I think the taste will be affected by the food we ate together today, my physical condition, and my mood, so I'd like to try it tomorrow and see how I feel.
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It fizzes when poured into the glass. I was surprised at the size of the bubbles. This is the reason why I didn't describe it as a slight fizz. The aroma is gorgeous. As the temperature rises, the aroma changes to that of a lactic acid drink. In a good sense, it doesn't seem like sake. Because of the low alcohol content, you can drink more and more of it. It is a must try for those who are uncomfortable with sake. There is another brand that has a similar aroma and taste to this sake, but I personally prefer it to this one. I don't have a good record or memory of it, but I think it was the best sake I drank this year. However, the price is a bit high compared to other brands, so I guess it depends on how you look at it.
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It is delicious to drink it as it is, but because it is a valuable product, I recommend [drinking it with milk]. It is also possible to eat it over vanilla ice cream, but the ice cream melts as time goes by, so I came up with this way of drinking it. It's nice to have a bottle of this kind of drink in the fridge, so you can adapt it to your mood and physical condition that day.
ZakuIMPRESSION-N 純米大吟醸原酒
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The fruity scent, reminiscent of pineapple, is so gorgeous that the scent alone is enough to put a smile on your face or lift your spirits. I am truly amazed that rice can be used as a raw material to make something with such an aroma. When you put it in your mouth, the taste is different from what you would associate with the aroma, and the spiciness and bitterness become more pronounced. This time, the gap between the aroma and the taste is astonishing. The aroma is quite sweet, but when you put it in your mouth, it is not sweet at all. I wonder if I've ever had such a strange experience...? I was a little confused. After that, I looked it up on the Internet. [Quote below The aroma is the most gorgeous, and while it retains the richness and flavor of a nakadori, the overall taste is clear and crisp, making it easy to drink. The aroma is the most gorgeous, and it has the richness and flavor of a nakatori, but the overall taste is clear and crisp. I see.... I didn't study enough.
Tenbi純米吟醸 生原酒
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When I input the name of the liquor store (A) I wanted to go to into the car navigation system without thinking deeply and set off, the scenery is different from usual. I wonder if I'm going through such a place. I thought so, but I drove on. When I checked the name of the liquor store, I found that I had entered the name of the liquor store incorrectly, and we were going to a different liquor store (B) than the one we were planning to go to (A). It was too late to notice, so we're still going to get it at liquor store (B). There was Tenbi. In the prefecture where I live, other liquor stores (C) also have it, but they sell out on the same day, so visiting liquor store (B) is more likely to get Tenbi. There was a good amount of both white and black. Since I checked in the black before, I choose the white without hesitation. The aroma before drinking is mild. It may be the exact opposite of what others have commented... When I put it in my mouth, a bit of a swooshing sensation comes and it's pleasant. It fills your mouth with gorgeous flavors. I don't know if I'm describing it correctly, but it's like water in a good way, pale? Gentle? It's easy to drink. It is easy to drink, and I think it is a sake that can be recommended to many people. Once I've finished drinking the Tenbi, I'll post the sake I bought at the liquor store (B) as well.
Kankiko純米吟醸 小さな喜び
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I won a prize for sake, and this is what I received. I'm very sorry, but I didn't know about it. When I searched on the Internet, there are almost no reviews by you.... Then I'll try as much as I can. First of all, it is basic information, but It's made by Sawada Shuzo in Kashiba City, Nara Prefecture. The rice polishing ratio is 50%, and both the rice for the sake and the rice for the malted rice are 100% Yamada Nishiki. The alcohol content is as high as 17 degrees, and the most important thing I want to introduce is that it's made with Won the highest gold medal in the premium junmai category of the "Delicious Japanese Sake in a Glass Award 2021". This sake won the Gold Medal in the Junmai Ginjo Sake category of the International Wine Challenge. Therefore, you can be sure of its taste. If you drink it by itself, you can feel the alcohol strongly, but if you drink it with a meal or when the temperature rises a little at room temperature, the sweetness and aroma increase and it is delicious. I'm not a big drinker, so I tend to choose low-alcohol drinks, and I think I've always hated drinking them. Having this opportunity, I'm sure I'll be able to enjoy more in the future.
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It's another Shinsei again.... The liquor store I often go to is a special distributor, so recently I've been able to buy it at the right time. This time, they had Cosmos and Flax Cat. Since I bought Cosmos before, I would like to buy Flax Cat, but I heard that I need the store's own points to buy it. I had some points saved up, so I could buy it, but I didn't want to use them, so I decided to buy it. Conclusion. I'm glad I bought it. I think it's perfect for strong flavored dishes. It's so fizzy that if it were poured into a champagne glass, I don't think I would recognize it as sake. It's really deep. I think this bottle will make me love sake even more.
Tenbi特別純米 生原酒
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Tenbi is incredibly popular. You can't help but want to chase after what's hot. Each time, I go to that liquor store or that one.... These days, I feel like I'm more pleased with the fact that I was able to purchase a hot (famous, rare) sake than the taste itself. I feel a little self-loathing, but I try to affirm what I'm doing, thinking that without this kind of buzz and information, people like me wouldn't be interested in sake. As for the aroma, I could feel the fruit. In my senses, it smells like apples. It also feels like honey. I think everyone will find it a nice fragrance. As for the taste, it changes every time you drink it. If you take a long time to savor it, you will feel the bitterness that comes after it strongly. It would be nice if you could enjoy it with a good meal while talking about the day's events.
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This is the first time for me to drink "Gakki Masamune". I have never had a chance to drink it before because all the shops I know that carry it sell it out quickly, but since I had Monday off from work after a long time, I visited the shop that carries it and found it. The price was reasonable, so I bought it without hesitation. The smell is just amazing. When I took a sip, the sweet taste spread in my mouth. This is delicious, and it's my favorite flavor. As I continued to drink it while eating, the taste gradually changed and it started to feel more like ramune. I'm going to enjoy drinking it and see how I feel in the future. I usually choose "Junmai" sake. Somehow, I think it's better to drink sake that doesn't contain "brewed alcohol", but perhaps I should abandon this preconceived notion.
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Speaking of cups of sake... I've never picked up a cup of sake before because I had an image of it being drunk by people who are older in life, but I don't want to be undrinkable, so I tried it for the first time. It doesn't have much of an aroma. I usually drink it in a wine glass, so I shake the glass, but I can't shake a one-cup glass, so I start drinking it. When I put it in my mouth, the fruity taste spreads. However, when I swallow it, the spiciness rises. It feels spicy to me. It would be more delicious if you drink it while eating something than drinking it alone. It's been a long time since I had Ohmine, so I don't remember what I thought of it when I drank it before, but each sake has its own character and I feel it's deep. I have another bottle, so next time I'll try it in a wine glass.
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I went to buy a brewing forest and there it was. I didn't expect to be able to buy Cosmos and Viridian.... Thank you for the chance. It is difficult to describe the taste. I drank it while eating, and before I knew it, my glass was empty, so I think that's proof that I enjoyed it. It's hard to find, and it's one of the most expensive bottles of Colors, but it's a luxury item, so I'm okay with that. When I looked at the label again afterwards, I saw the expression "dark and light". I see. When it is said so, it may be so. I felt it was a perfect expression. I'm looking forward to drinking it again tomorrow.
kamosu mori醸す森 純米吟醸生酒
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It has a fruity scent. I'm not sure what else I can describe it, and after many sniffs I'm getting less and less sure... It's not something I try to do more than I'm capable of. When you drink it, you can still sense from the first sip that it's fruity. It's delicious, but what is it that makes it feel like alcohol? I think, and I slowly drink it again and again. The moment I drank it, I tasted something like pineapple, then the aroma came up to my nose and there was something like a lingering aftertaste. Is it similar to Kameizumi's CEL24? I have the impression that it has a strong sweetness, but I can feel the depth of sake making in the fact that it is not just sweet.
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I knew it was on sale from Instagram, but I hadn't had a chance to visit the liquor stores that sell it, so I had completely forgotten it existed! Then, I found it at a liquor store I hadn't visited in a while. Even though it had been on sale for almost a month and a half, it was still there. In fact, I was planning to buy a different sake, but once I saw it in my sight and knew it existed, I couldn't help but be curious. Various thoughts went through my head, such as "The strawberry I drank in winter was so delicious," and "If I miss this, I won't be able to drink it until next year." After a few minutes of worrying... I bought some grapes. I enjoy drinking it on the rocks or with soda. It's a small thing, but I think it's a blessing to be able to spend my days feeling like I can drink this when I get home.
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I've seen Ecru and Lapis a few times before, but today there was only one bottle of Cosmos, so I bought it immediately without even looking at the other drinks. It was my first time to try Cosmos, and my expectations are soaring. Here's what I thought when I tried it... It has a sour taste and seems to have a dairy taste like yogurt. From my unsure tongue and memory, I thought it was similar to Ecru. I felt that it was. I don't know what it actually is, but it's delicious anyway, and it doesn't have that nasty feeling that tends to put people off sake. More than anything, the joy of being able to drink something that is so hard to buy may have made it even more delicious.