SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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I knew it was on sale from Instagram, but I hadn't had a chance to visit the liquor stores that sell it, so I had completely forgotten it existed! Then, I found it at a liquor store I hadn't visited in a while. Even though it had been on sale for almost a month and a half, it was still there. In fact, I was planning to buy a different sake, but once I saw it in my sight and knew it existed, I couldn't help but be curious. Various thoughts went through my head, such as "The strawberry I drank in winter was so delicious," and "If I miss this, I won't be able to drink it until next year." After a few minutes of worrying... I bought some grapes. I enjoy drinking it on the rocks or with soda. It's a small thing, but I think it's a blessing to be able to spend my days feeling like I can drink this when I get home.