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Tenbi純米吟醸 生原酒
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When I input the name of the liquor store (A) I wanted to go to into the car navigation system without thinking deeply and set off, the scenery is different from usual. I wonder if I'm going through such a place. I thought so, but I drove on. When I checked the name of the liquor store, I found that I had entered the name of the liquor store incorrectly, and we were going to a different liquor store (B) than the one we were planning to go to (A). It was too late to notice, so we're still going to get it at liquor store (B). There was Tenbi. In the prefecture where I live, other liquor stores (C) also have it, but they sell out on the same day, so visiting liquor store (B) is more likely to get Tenbi. There was a good amount of both white and black. Since I checked in the black before, I choose the white without hesitation. The aroma before drinking is mild. It may be the exact opposite of what others have commented... When I put it in my mouth, a bit of a swooshing sensation comes and it's pleasant. It fills your mouth with gorgeous flavors. I don't know if I'm describing it correctly, but it's like water in a good way, pale? Gentle? It's easy to drink. It is easy to drink, and I think it is a sake that can be recommended to many people. Once I've finished drinking the Tenbi, I'll post the sake I bought at the liquor store (B) as well.