Hello, I'm from Minamiaizu Town, Japan.
Thank you for drinking Hanazumi and Kunigon with the sake breweries Aizu and Hanazumi from my hometown of Minamiaizu!
Thank you for your comment!
I envy you for having a wonderful hometown!
As a side note, I bought this one at a liquor store in Aizu Tajima!
I will go there again when spring comes!
I really appreciate you buying from a local liquor store.
Whenever I go back to my hometown, I always buy from Kobayashi Sake Shop run by my classmate Mari.
Golden Beetle from the Imameya hanpukai!
When I heard that it was a kijo sake, I thought it might lose some of its beetle goodness. I thought it would lose some of the beetle's goodness, but no!
The sweetness has increased, but so has the acidity, making it a sake with a powerful impact!
In my image, it is as if all the parameters of regular Beetle were doubled!
You can drink it even during the hottest season!