It has a strong rice flavor.
It is not a summer sake that can be drunk quickly and easily, but a relatively robust nigori sake.
It is a relatively robust nigori sake.
Be careful when opening the bottle!
Sake made with Koshihikari rice.
I drank it cold, but I've never tasted such a strong rice flavor! I would like to try it heated, but I wonder if it is suitable for cold sake when it is this rich?
Beppu's Bii.
We had it at a restaurant known by those in the know.
The proprietor said it was his favorite sake.
It's so good warmed up!
The color is on the surface, the acidity is like making a traditional sake brewing.
The acidity is refreshing and not insistent.
It's very good.
It goes very well with delicious Japanese food.
I want to buy it if I see it somewhere.
In Unzen City, Nagasaki.
This is a sake from Aisumusume Shuzo.
The aroma has a faint hint of oak at first.
It's a little high in alcohol content, so it's a little hard to tell from the middle of the drink.
Add one ice cube.
It's fruity and never gets old.