ほっぴーSotenboじゃんげKawachu ShuzoNiigata8/19/2024, 11:02:16 AM20ほっぴーDry Orikagarami raw. Served with fried green pepper and pork belly. The clear acidity and the taste of lees combine to create a delicious taste!Japanese>English
ほっぴー甲斐開運IdesyuzouYamanashi8/16/2024, 10:23:38 AM赤井14ほっぴーSake outside for the first time in a while. Motsu-ni, oden, and bonito tataki. The rice tastes good!Japanese>English
ほっぴーGokyo五 グリーン純米生原酒おりがらみSakai ShuzoYamaguchi8/12/2024, 10:59:21 AM22ほっぴーEnjoy with shabu-shabu to prevent summer fatigue. It is slightly carbonated and tasty!Japanese>English
ほっぴーKirinzanながれぼしKirinzan ShuzoNiigata8/8/2024, 10:57:41 AM13ほっぴーMeat and potatoes with canned mackerel. A refreshing summer drink. It's delicious!Japanese>English
ほっぴー又兵衛夢の香四家酒造店Fukushima8/1/2024, 10:48:08 AM17ほっぴーSaikyo-Yaki Gindara with miso soup of shijimi clam. It is mellow and delicious!Japanese>English
ほっぴーZakuFLINTShimizuseizaburo ShotenMie7/25/2024, 11:21:04 AM23ほっぴーGyoja garlic buns and edamame. It's so good and refreshing! It can get over the heat!Japanese>English
ほっぴー又兵衛星と灯台四家酒造店Fukushima7/19/2024, 10:58:56 AM14ほっぴーChicken simmered in a refreshing sauce with edamame (soy beans). It tastes good with a solid taste!Japanese>English
ほっぴーSenkinナチュールせんきんTochigi7/5/2024, 10:56:26 AM19ほっぴーWith stir-fried vegetables, spinach and cold tomatoes. Flavorful and tasty,Japanese>English
ほっぴー自然酒Niida HonkeFukushima6/24/2024, 10:55:20 AM19ほっぴーWith buri daikon. Good with a firm taste!Japanese>English
ほっぴー清開渡邊佐平商店Tochigi6/14/2024, 11:05:25 AM13ほっぴーWith bean sprouts, Taiwanese manju and gingerbread. Mellow and good.Japanese>English
ほっぴーNikko-Homare渡邊佐平商店Tochigi6/6/2024, 11:13:50 AM12ほっぴーCold Shabu, Tekkamaki and Teba Gyoza. MellowJapanese>English
ほっぴーUrakasumiSaraMiyagi6/2/2024, 10:21:39 AM16ほっぴーWith tamari pickles and yuba knots bought in Nikko. Delicious.Japanese>English
ほっぴーKid夏の疾風Heiwa ShuzoWakayama5/26/2024, 10:38:02 AM20ほっぴーWith bonito from Katsuura. Good aroma!Japanese>English
ほっぴーBijofuHamakawa ShotenKochi5/9/2024, 10:51:52 AM17ほっぴーWith squid and taro stew. Firm taste.Japanese>English
ほっぴーChikuhaKazuma ShuzoIshikawa4/28/2024, 6:44:11 AM12ほっぴーIt's refreshingly good!Japanese>EnglishほっぴーThe bamboo leaves were made at the Kurumata Brewery due to the earthquake.Japanese>English