LysitheaYuki Darumaにごり酒せんきんTochigi12/7/2020, 11:33:55 AM16LysitheaThe taste of sapidity and cider It could be delicious!Japanese>English
LysitheaAKABUF NEWBONE赤武酒造Iwate12/7/2020, 11:32:15 AM10LysitheaEasy to drink. It could be delicious!Japanese>English
LysitheaShichirikiRice YellowMoritashobeeAomori12/5/2020, 8:51:59 AM1LysitheaTwo hundred a year? A limited edition of the wise A rare item that is only sold in seven stores in AomoriJapanese>English
LysitheaShichirikiMoritashobeeAomori12/5/2020, 8:49:26 AMLysitheaJunmai Ginjo, unfiltered raw sakeChinese>English
LysitheaKubota萬寿 無濾過生原酒Asahi ShuzoNiigata12/5/2020, 8:35:51 AMLysitheaOver 10,000 yen per square meter of premium sake Just yum, just yum. Double the flavor after a year of aging.Japanese>English
LysitheaSenshin純米大吟醸Asahi ShuzoNiigata12/5/2020, 8:33:43 AMLysitheaOverwhelmingly refreshing at 28% polished riceJapanese>English