The color is intermediate. Anyway, there is no character in taste. They said that a heavy drinker liked it. I think warming is better. Good match with Vietnamese salad roll.
sweet fragrance. Taste such as domi-sec champagne. Why is sweet in spite of rice cleaning rate 50? recommending to lady.
色は黄金に近い黄色。フルーティではあるが、後味が極めて淡麗であり、微発泡を感じる。鴨肉のスモークと◯ 2020/2/3@原価酒場虎ノ門
The yellow near gold. It is fruity, but aftertaste is extremely Tanrei and feels slight sparkling. good fitting with smoked duck.
the particularly fruity fragrance of the lemon and pineapple. brewing sake from the finest rice incense
Refreshing brewing sake incense. The color a little yellow. aftertaste is refreshing very much and is easy to drink. The sake which women like. @Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi.
香りはメロン。口に含むと非常にフルーティで、桃やメロンの香りが広がるが、後味のキレが最高。全くベタベタしない。 fragrance such as melon. When take it in a mouth, very fruity, and the fragrance of a peach and the melon spread in a mouth but sharp aftertaste , not Sticky at all.