SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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夫婦で月の楽しみとして新たなお酒を開拓中。 仙禽モダンから始まった毎月少しずつの新しい日本酒、ワイン、海外ビールを飲むのを楽しみにしています。 好みの味を皆さんの投稿を参考に集めていきたいと思います(^^) 僕の味の感想はウイスキーを飲んでいた量と期間が長いからか基本飲みやすくさらりといけるという感想になりやすいかも… 妻がウイスキーは好きではないので同じ趣味が出来て嬉しい😊

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Denshu特別純米酒 山田錦特別純米
そらのおさけI bought it at a liquor store that I visit every month to buy sake, attracted by the fact that it says "Limit one bottle per person". It is easy to drink and has the aroma of rice. I learned a good thing again (^^)
Yamamotopure Black Yamamoto純米吟醸
そらのおさけ11/22 It's a good couple's day. First post. Light bodied with a pale citrus aroma, easier to drink than a light wine. I'm glad we were able to drink our favorite flavors as a couple on this day. I look forward to drinking a new sake, wine or foreign beer every month, a little at a time, starting with Senkou Modern. I'd like to collect my favorite flavors based on your posts (^^).