KennyMinamiMinami ShuzojoKochi11/3/2023, 4:29:11 AM15KennySweet in the mouth, yet refreshing.Japanese>English
KennyYamakawa Mitsuo2022ふゆ© YAMAKAWA MITSUO PROJECTYamagata12/10/2022, 10:13:56 AM14KennyIt tastes so good! It's like water!Japanese>English
KennyBunkajin辛口純米酒ArisawaKochi4/30/2022, 12:05:07 PM12KennyRefreshing! I can't stop guzzling! Refill!Japanese>English
KennyTedorigawa酒魂 純米吟醸Yoshida ShuzotenIshikawa4/30/2022, 11:29:20 AM18KennyClean, dry and easy to drink Goes well with all kinds of food.Japanese>English
Kenny原田特別純米酒HatsumomijiYamaguchi4/30/2022, 11:09:50 AM13KennyA mellow drink like sake or liqueur, neither sweet nor spicy, easy to drink.Japanese>English
KennyTakacho伝承入魂之一滴Yucho ShuzoNara4/30/2022, 10:58:40 AM12KennyModerately lactic acidic Not as habitual as doburoku and easy to drinkJapanese>English
KennyKaze no Mori秋津穂特別栽培米Yucho ShuzoNara4/30/2022, 10:55:39 AM14KennyAroma like grapes, fresh and easy to drink.Japanese>English
Kenny風の森 愛山807Yucho ShuzoNara4/30/2022, 10:52:56 AM13KennySweet and easy to drink like rice juiceJapanese>English
Kenny日本海府Hokusetsu ShuzoNiigata1/29/2022, 10:10:20 AM12KennyWater! It's water! Too good!Japanese>English
KennyTenbiChoshu ShuzoYamaguchi1/29/2022, 9:19:03 AM11KennyMellow aroma in the mouth. Too good to be true!Japanese>English
KennyHyakurakumon純米大吟醸無濾過生原酒Katsuragi ShuzoNara1/29/2022, 9:16:21 AM11Kennyrefreshing and tastyJapanese>English
Kenny勲保志Saito ShuzoKyoto1/29/2022, 8:42:49 AM8KennyNo longer water! It tastes too good. Water in the mouth, alcohol on the tongue.Japanese>English
KennyKaiun無濾過純米Doi ShuzojoShizuoka1/29/2022, 8:17:06 AM15KennyNot too sweet, but sweet and delicious.Japanese>English
KennyMasuizumi生純米吟醸Masuda ShuzotenToyama1/29/2022, 8:15:28 AM13KennyEasy to drink, like water. The aftertaste is elegantly fragrant and doesn't interfere with the meal. I love it!Japanese>English
KennySensuke超辛口純米吟醸 原酒泉酒造Hyogo1/15/2022, 9:14:08 AM1/15/2022KennyDry with a squeaky throat. +10.Japanese>English
KennyいおのTakanoi ShuzoNiigata1/15/2022, 8:55:56 AMKennyTepidly heated. Very easy to drink!Japanese>English
KennyHyakurakumon特別純米 冴Katsuragi ShuzoNara1/15/2022, 8:53:03 AM1/15/2022KennyThe sharpness of the +10 is very strong. Less aroma.Japanese>English
KennySoku(ソウクウ) Fujioka ShuzoKyoto1/15/2022, 8:44:20 AM1/15/2022KennyClean and dry. The moment you put it in your mouth, the sweet aroma spreads out, but the mouthfeel is firm.Japanese>English
KennyYuki no Bosha山廃純米生酒Saiya ShuzotenAkita1/15/2022, 8:11:56 AM16KennySweetness is prominent. A hint of ginjo aromaJapanese>English