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Setchubai雪中貯蔵 本醸造原酒
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The mouthfeel is very robust, and the sake is very impressive. It has a sweet taste but is not too strong. It tastes best when cooled down. Price: ¥1,870 (tax included) Content: 720ml Taste: Rich, slightly sweet Strength: 18.5 degrees Celsius Acidity: 1.4 Sake degree: -1.4 Rice polishing ratio: 63
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Echigo tasted Sanwa sake. It had a clear mouthfeel with a slightly sour flavor. It was a delicious sake with a refined and light flavor.
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Niigata sake today because Tochioage was on sale at the supermarket I often go to. The only Niigata sake that is sold at a local liquor store is this one, Yukinuchubai's "Normal Sake". My definition of sake is a sake with added sugar. To be honest, I don't like to drink it, but Yukinakubai is an exception. Honjozo is good, but for me personally, this is the best sake. Alcoholic sake is often criticized for its strong alcoholic smell, but I think the smell of alcohol is what makes this sake so good. The flavor of soybeans from Tochio-age (fried horse mackerel) and the flavor of big slices of aji (horse mackerel). The umami of horse mackerel cut into large pieces and the umami of soy sauce. The alcohol and the sake's deliciousness do not lose out to the deliciousness of the ingredients. Who said that Niigata sake is light and dry? Good sake, Yukichubai!
Hi Maruwa 😊 Regular sake from Yukichubai 👍. This bottle is labeled "Niigata" and is commonly known as "Niigata Label". It is a sake that has a sake-like character, including the alcohol smell👍. It has a certain elegance to it, which is another characteristic of Yukichubai.
I like to pair Tochi-age with regular sake "Ryu" from Echino Keitora, I see what Mr. Maruwa means when he says, "Alcohol and sake are as good as the flavor of soybeans (ingredients).
Good evening, Mr. Hiraccio. Yukinaka Ume, it's so deeply delicious. While it is said to give a sense of elegance. It has the sticky sweetness of ordinary sake. I feel like I am drinking sake. I'd like to drink it with red chochin.
I'm also interested in Keitora. Is there a sake that has local roots? It's not easy to find this sake in Osaka.
The sticky sweetness of regular sake, yes 😅. But it's a good drink that you're drinking 👍like you'd want to drink it with a red lantern 🏮. The Honjozo you know has a more dignified profile.
It's also a junmai sake, It is an excellent sake with almost no alcohol or sake smell, but it is a light and tasty Junmai sake that warms up well.
Junmai sake, not interesting but an honorary sake, seems to suit my tastes and interests. It can be drunk without hesitation, and I can easily imagine opening a square before I realize it.
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At New Shinshu Izakaya, located relatively close to Shibuya station. I had visited this izakaya several times before, but it was relocated due to redevelopment. This was my first visit after the relocation. The menu has not changed, but the range of Japanese sake has expanded to include Jikin, The basic lineup includes Echino Kanmei, Tsuru no Tomo, Shimehari Tsuru, Yukinakubai, and Isojiman, which is right up my alley. The regular sake of Yukinuchubai tasted a little sweet. It goes well with simple dishes such as stewed new potatoes.
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Honjozo. For evening drinking with brewing alcohol. The first sip is exceptional. Three or so tastes of umami and sweetness come in at the same time. It is an amazing moment as if you were kicked around, punched in the stomach, and slapped in the stomach at the same time. →Delicious. A mugful will make me happy again tonight. If you like sweet sake and the aroma of rice, you should definitely try Yukichubai. The taste is sweet, Japanese sweets type fruity. It goes down your throat softly. Refreshing aftertaste.
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In the Showa period, this brand was difficult to obtain in Niigata Prefecture. It is not as common now as it used to be, The production volume is not so large. It is only occasionally seen. It is somewhat alcoholic. It may be light and dry in the best sense of the word, It is not as light and dry as Koshino-Kanbai. It tastes better warmed than chilled.

Brands from Maruyama Shuzojo


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