Herman MokHerman Mok
Sake lover from Hong Kong 🇭🇰 SSI 國際清酒唎酒師 WSET Level 3 Award in Sake









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Herman Mok
If you ask me I would say I am a bit disappointed. The sake is full of fruity aroma, while giving you a complexity of tastes - apple & pear fruity sweetness. However, the sourness is also quite prominent, in the form of cream yogurt and fresh cheese. Spot of bitterness as in roasted nuts also found. When it is placed for a while, the sourness becomes more and more overwhelming and affecting the balance of this sake. Would like a purer one instead.
KazenomoriAlpha 2M 真中採り 無濾過生原酒原酒生酒無濾過
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Herman Mok
Not the first time I drink this sake - but this time it has been stored for 1 year. The fruity smell is still there but I could spot there is a bit of sourness like yogurt and cream. I would think it is due to the ageing issue. Slight umami is also spot. Alcoholic feel become more bitter than usual, it seems better to be drink earlier than waiting for a year!
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Herman Mok
Snowy feel clean and transparent. Easy to go ginjo type fruitiness on melon, apple and pear. Slight rice sweetness which is clean. Light and crispy finishing. No prominent alcoholic bitterness, good one to drink!
Shinshu Kirei金紋錦39 純米大吟釀純米大吟醸
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Herman Mok
Very nice one and also one not easy to buy. Clean and transparent sake, which is such an easy one to drink. Very smooth fruity style, slight rice sweetness, crispy ending. Nice explanation of what kire is!
Jokigen純米大吟釀 雪女神純米大吟醸
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Herman Mok
Standard 雪女神 style - pure, sweet and elegant. With some fruity melon smell and taste, together with rice sweetness. Easy to drink, not much a burden. Nice one
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Herman Mok
Again a sour one to match with fatty and oily food - not a sharp sourness but still quite elegant I would say. Serve it in normal temperature maybe a bit better I think.
Haginotsuyu純米吟醸 里山 生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
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Herman Mok
Thanks my friend for taking this all the way back from shuzo! Obviously it is a sourer one on lactic acid side which I think is good to match with things that are bit oily and fatty - like meat. It comes quite smooth with a little bit of nuttiness. Will be too much if drink solely.
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Herman Mok
Weirdly I have not drunk a lot of abe in my life - so this is the first time I log this. It gives me a taste of tropical fruits on smell and palate, a little bit sourer than what I expect but perhaps it is a replication of wine domaine style. I also like the slight rice sweetness and umami coming with this, but I guess it is more designed to lair with different food.
DassaiNigori Sparkling純米大吟醸にごり酒発泡
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Herman Mok
Not the first time I drink the Sparkling Dassai - but the first time I mark a record here. Very fresh one as it is manufactured in Nov 2024 - standard Dassai sweetness with melon, sugar, pineapple feel, also some sort of rice sweetness. Fresh drink with bubble feel to make it quite fresh. Always good to be served as a starting drink!
KazenomoriWEEKS 2024原酒生酒無濾過
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Herman Mok
Sake specially made for WEEKS 2024 in Osaka - lucky to have a chance to try this in Hong Kong! Very delicate style and a bit dry - still shows a lot of ginjo smell and taste. Clear and transparent, clean and I think is a good match with steam seafood. Also I think it is not that hard like other kaze no mori, much softer in feel :)
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Herman Mok
A free gift from my usual sake shop - as it has passed the freshest period already. It is manufactured in Jan 2023, so nearly two years has passed. Surprisingly it is still quite fresh I think - with slight bubbles and carbonic acid feel. Pineapple and Melon smell and taste still presents though it cannot be avoided that the bitterness and minty feel of alcohol is a bit too prominent, due to the age of this sake.
HiraizumiFour Seasons 秋純米山廃生酒
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Herman Mok
Being served hot - with meaty duck rice and shrimp rice. This is a very good paring, upon heating the sake becomes more round and the rice sweetness comes out to match with the rice dish itself. The lactic acid is creamy and match well with the fats in duck. The umami also made the shrimps taste better! Fantastic!
HyakujuroMononoke 覺純米吟醸
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Herman Mok
It is being served to pair with sashimi and shell fish dishes. I would think the sake itself has been too prominent in taste and have made the food less attractive. It is a sake that comes with more on the lactic acid side, with fresh cheese and yogurt taste. Slight bit of umami, alocohol feel not blended inside enough. Dont think it is a good pairing.
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Herman Mok
First time drinking this brand - but sadly it has been faulty. Let me try again next time and write a fairer review!
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Herman Mok
As you would expect, this brand would give you a much richer texture and also complexity in smell and taste. It actually offer a fresh cheese smell, together with some nuttiness of roasted nuts and chestnuts. Clear umami which is staying for long enough. Some coffee / toffee feel as well.
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Herman Mok
Alcoholic feel is a bit prominent. While it is round and full in texture, it comes with fruity taste and some sourness as well. Overall the balance is fine and good to drink - just not a very elegant and pure ones as people may expect.
Jikon純米吟釀 雄町 火入純米吟醸
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Herman Mok
Comparing with 千本錦, it obviously is richer in flavour and have a heavier texture. It comes with slight sourness and rice sweetness - stronger umami as well.
Jikon純米吟釀 千本錦 火入純米吟醸
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Herman Mok
Standard Jikon fine and elegant feel. But when i drink it after juyondai - its alcoholic taste is definitely more standing out. Prominent fruity smell and taste, good one!