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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)

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大嶺3粒 冬のおとずれ
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
I wanted to try it based on its reputation but did not know where to find it, so I went to Hasegawa Sake Shop, which had it in stock by mail order, with a reading that it was also a real store, and was able to purchase it successfully ^-^ It is good that a liquor store with a good selection is fun just to look around. I would like to visit more stores. It was delicious, not too sweet and juicy. It may be my favorite nigori sake I have had to date. Do you just not know the ocean yet? I guess it's just that.... It is quite difficult to have a completely free holiday since the 27th at the end of last year until now, but I am fine.
Hello, freelancer first generation man 😃. Thanks for your hard work during the holiday season 😌. Looking at liquor store fridges is like looking at art 🤗It's really fun to visit liquor stores 😊. I think you know the ocean when you see the sake wa 😁.
Hi Jay & Nobby ^^^^. I can't go to the liquor store unless I have a day off, so I want to have a vacation soon (I really want to have a vacation). Even though I have gained knowledge from sake-no-wa, the number of brands I want to drink is increasing, and I'm still in a state of death ^^^^;
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
We opened a bottle of Shizenkou's 馥郁 Junmai, which we drank a year ago and enjoyed so much that we decided to slowly savor it in a bottle this time. The first impression is of sweetness, but as you continue drinking, the acidity and bitterness mix with the umami to create a multi-talented flavor. The balance of sweetness, umami, acidity, and bitterness is so good that you will never get tired of drinking it. On the second day after opening the bottle, the umami deepens and the spiciness comes out moderately, which makes the sake go further. It goes well with Japanese food such as simmered dishes with dashi broth! It is a delicious sake that is soft and easy to drink at 15 degrees alc. ☺️
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
The first sambudo 🎉 Pop, open the bottle with a bang! The sweetness is refreshing and refreshing. The refreshing acidity and bitterness gradually appear, mixing well with the sweetness to create a complex flavor 🎉. Light and light with a low alcohol content of 13 degrees Celsius, but with a deep flavor. It is too easy to drink and will be gone soon 😋.
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
Shizenigo Hozhun Junmai by Oki Daikichi Shoten, a well-known brand of Masamune Instrument. It has a very gentle sweetness. The beautiful acidity and bitterness spread afterward, and the crispness disappears in a blink of an eye! However, since it is a junmai spec sake, you can enjoy the umami gradually as the temperature rises. On the second day, the dry and astringent taste prevails over the sweetness, which is also to my liking 😋. It is a good sake for midsummer with a refreshing and crisp overall taste 😊.
Kudokijozuくどき上手Jr.と小川酵母 愛山編
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
A fruity aroma that rises as soon as the bottle is opened. A sip of this wine will give you a grape-like, strawberry-like aroma and a sweet flavor ✨. As you drink more, the sourness, bitterness, and spiciness come out and you can enjoy the complex flavors. The sake is a Junmai Daiginjo, so it is not only clean and clear, but also has a concentrated umami and flavor. This is super delicious!
Good evening, drunkennosuke! I'd like to try the other Kudokidomi Jr. sake, but they sell out quickly💦I'd like to taste this sweetness again: ❣️
Good evening, Pon-chan😄 I opened a bottle as soon as I saw your review the other day and I wanted to drink it 🎉It was so good that I emptied it after 2 days 😂If this label is re-released, I'll definitely repeat it 😋♪
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
It's been a long time since I've seen Shinoho. As the label on the back says, it is pitchy. The first time you taste it, you will be surprised at the sourness and the bitterness that comes immediately. The aroma is then released into the nose. The bitterness gradually comes forward in the aftertaste. There is nothing wrong with Shinohine! It is still a delicious sake. Before opening the bottle, I thought I would let off the gas slowly, But the moment I was distracted by the TV and looked away, I opened it all at once 😱. As you can imagine It spilled out in a big heap 😓.
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
Land production 2022 earning increase 300 check-in. I decided to have my first San-do Hozasu. It was not easy to come across. Looking forward to it😋. Opening the bottle pops as it should. Fine bubbles when transferred to the glass, something that makes me happy 😊. Slight yellow tinge. Not as refreshing as Yamadanishiki. It is not as refreshing as Yamadanishiki. It has a sweetness and bitterness. It's delicious. As usual, it evaporates in no time at all😍.
Good evening, Takechi 😃. Congratulations on your 300 check-in ㊗️㊗️㊗️ 🎉 Hozu no Hozu! It's a perfect bottle to celebrate, makes me happy even before I drink it 🤗 but once I start drinking it, it kills me instantly 😋.
Takechi, good evening (^o^) and congratulations on your 300 check-in ㊗Sanzoku on your last check-in 😊Good for you. I've only had Yamadanishiki, so I'm curious about Hozasu. I want to drink it after reading your review.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌙. I managed to stay one step ahead of the blink of an eye and keep a little 😅. Hobo Masu is delicious too...
Good evening, Sashiu 😊. I was wondering about Hozasu too. Yamadanishiki was the standard for me, so I enjoyed the difference in taste 😋I don't know when I can drink it next😅.
Good evening, Takechi🌇. Congratulations on your 300 check-ins㊗️🎊🎉 I've never had Hozu, so I'm behind you: ❗️
Good morning, Takechi 😀☀️ Congratulations on your 300 check-in 🎉🎊㊗️ Kiri number and the laying ✨good 😚👍I'm jealous of the laying I haven't seen yet 🥺.
Good morning, Takechi, and congratulations on your 300 check-ins... I'm jealous because I couldn't afford to buy more ears 😆👍.
Congratulations on your 300 check-ins, Takechi 🎊🎉! I'm jealous because I've never even seen the scent of a flower, let alone the scent of a birthplace 🤤.
Hi Haruei Chichi 😊. I feel like 200 to 300 was too fast. It's not easy to buy more ears 😩.
Hi Maechen, hello ☀️ I'm lost because there are so many delicious sakes for the Kiri number 😅I decided to go with Sansho because I wanted to hear the "pop" when the bottle was opened. It was still delicious😍.
Hi Manachie 😊 I got an email from Hasegawa Sake Shop to find out about the Hozu sale, so I waddled over and popped it in a hurry 😅. I'm glad I was able to buy it👍
Hello, Mr. Noodle Sake King😄. The repertoire of sake varies a lot depending on the liquor stores in the area where you live. The internet is convenient, but there are many alcoholic beverages that you can only buy in actual stores. I'd like to try some of them, but I haven't yet 😩.
Rafa papa
Takechi Congratulations on 300 check-ins ㊗️🎉🎊 You are a Kiri number in the birthplace 😳⁉️ I envy you 🤣Let's have lots of good drinks in the future 😊.
Congratulations on your 300 check-in ㊗️, Takechi, and congratulations on 300 already 🎊, that's great 👏I'm sure you'll still be drinking 😊 I'm looking forward to your ⁉️ posts 😊.
Congratulations on 300 check-ins, Takechi 🎉🎉🎉! It's great that you got a rare sake with the number 👍✨I was given a sip of Hozu last night at an offline meeting🤣 It was delicious! I want to drink properly like Takechi-san ❣️
Rafa papa, good evening 🌙Sanzo is delicious 💕I hope to drink lots of delicious drinks in the future 😋.
Good evening, good evening, good evening😄. I am worried that you have been drinking too much lately. I'm not a strong drinker, but I still enjoy it 😋. I still want to keep drinking ‼️
Good evening, Ponchan 😊. Only one sip 🤣I have a stupid tongue so I'm confident that one sip will never be enough to break down the flavor 😅Please drink plenty if you come across it. It was very tasty😍.
Congratulations to Mr. Takechi! Congratulations on 🎊🎊300🎉🎉🎉 I'd like to drink good alcohol and the number of posts will also go up 😁😁. I haven't had this one yet so I'll refer to your review 🤗
Good evening, Eirin-san, late at night. I've been wanting to drink this and that after reading your review, and I tend to drink too much. I'm not strong on alcohol, so I have to take care of myself 😅 although I'm making progress on the number of check-ins 😅.
Good evening, Takechi-san! 😄 Congratulations on your 300 check-in 🎉🎉㊗️ I drank Hozu quite a while ago, but I remember it was quite tasty 😋😋You must want to drink something good for the last number 😆👍.
MAJ, good evening 🌙 It was delicious Hobo Masu 😍 although I didn't come across it very often. I'm kind of worried about the stock in the fridge when the kiriban is near 😅.