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As if drinking a mini bottle of Kubota in less than 10 minutes wasn't enough, we opened a bottle of Golden Chun Chun, which is very drinkable! Golden Chun Chun, or Golden Sparrow, which has won many domestic and international awards from Horie Shuzo in Yamaguchi Prefecture, is impressive for its extremely fruity and intensely sweet taste! I wanted to buy it but couldn't find a good place to buy it, so I just popped it at Osaka-ya again, and it's still delicious! When you open the bottle, you can hear the lively sound of the bottle opening, and when you take a sip, you can feel the dense sweetness and lingering aftertaste that gives you the illusion of tasting the wine. The pineapple-like fruity taste and the aftertaste of the wine, similar to that of Mr. Kahaniyori, is one that I think I will be addicted to! Rice polishing ratio: 50%. Alcohol content: 15%.
Kin Suzume山廃 生純米吟醸山廃生酒
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Tonight I opened a bottle of Golden Chun Chun. It has a cute golden sparrow on the chiller required tag.... I'll go ahead and write my impressions first: this sake is best when it is cold and chilled. Is this really Yamahai? It is really Yamahai? Of course it has the pineapple aroma characteristic of Kinjaku, but the lactic acidity is unexpectedly stronger, which surprised me a little. But it is a very nice aroma. The sense of gas is weak. The sweetness and acidity are strong, but not too strong. But it is not too strong and rather refreshing. The acidity changes to bitterness and is short-lived. The bitterness is not so strong and easy to drink. It is like this when it is cold, but as it gets to room temperature, the taste changes to "oh, this is Yamahai," and it becomes punchy. It is best to finish Kinjaku as soon as possible.
Good morning, DISRY ☀️ This chun chun is waiting for you❣️. What's it like to be a mountain waste? I was wondering, but it looks easy to drink 😉👍I'm looking forward to opening the bottle ♫
Good morning, Tsubu 🌞. I thought it would be more sour and alcoholic, but this sparrow was a pineapple 🍍 lactic acid drink ☺️. However, it becomes all the more mountain waste feeling stronger on the second day 😅😅.
Kin Suzume純米吟醸山廃生酒
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I bought a repeat purchase when I found out that the last time I drank the first bottle of Kinjaku, aka "Golden Chun Chun", Yamahai, Nama Sake, was now available! The last time I drank it, it was hi-iru, but this time, it was Yamahai nama-zake, so my expectations were high! When we opened the bottle, it opened with a light gas sound as if it was a nama-zake. Compared to the hi-iru Junmai Ginjo, the mouthfeel was lighter and the sweetness and acidity spread beautifully on the palate. The aroma was reminiscent of pineapple, and the taste was rich, but it also had a complex flavor due to the fact that it was made from Yamahai. The sourness and the bitter aftertaste were very pleasant. Rice polishing ratio: 55 Alcohol content: 16%.
亀の海春うらら うすにごり純米吟醸
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The sun has risen With the spring weather The streets are now filled with people. of a liquor store in Kichijoji. To the corner bar One of the recommended dishes Sweet and sour It is very well blended. This is delicious! Highly recommended.
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At a liquor store in Kichijoji. I was curious about it. I was able to get the sake I was able to get it. Fruity aroma A mellow taste The mellow sweetness It spreads. You can also feel a faint gas It is a profound sake.
So you got it at a liquor store in Kichijoji. "Kinjaku Akigami" is delicious, isn't it?
Thank you, Makoske. Mr. Makoske pushes Kinjaku the most, doesn't he? I drank it for the first time this time. It was an attractive sake as rumored. It seems that there are not so many shops that carry it. If I come across it again, I'll try drinking it!
Toshi-chan, Kinjaku is delicious, isn't it? The biggest drawback is that you can't drink it when you want to... (Holy shit!) There are two shops in my hometown that sell it, but Both of them have a "one bottle per family" policy.
abe純米吟醸 たかね錦純米吟醸生酒
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Drink from the top clear. It has a strong gaseous sensation as soon as you drink it. It has a berry aroma and well-balanced sweetness and acidity. The aftertaste is mildly bitter. Mix the ori and drink. The overall taste becomes mellower and the flavor increases. The lingering sweetness will make you reach for the next cup. This is a delicious beer right after opening the bottle. The best sake of April was also the Abeno Green Label, but the Pink is just as good.
Kin Suzume純米吟醸純米吟醸
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During GW, I went to Kichijoji and got my wish, Kinjaku. As I sipped it, I could smell the pineapple aroma as they say. Although it doesn't have the explosive power of pineapple compared to Kameisen CEL-24 or Hanayakuyo, it still smells good even three days after opening the bottle. It has a refreshing and well-balanced sweetness and sourness, with a slight bitterness to finish. There are no lingering flavors, but the finish is pleasant and you can't stop drinking the glass. I am convinced that the stability of this beer is due to the fact that it has been heated. That's why I can't stop wondering what it will taste like raw. Next year, I would like to drink it raw. At the Osaka-ya Sake Shop in Kichijoji.
You went to Kichijoji to buy it, didn't you? Have you heard of Koyama Sake Shop in Tama? I've never been there either, but my favorite liquor store recommends it, and there's some sake I really want to get, so I thought I'd go there when I'm back in Yokohama.
I went to Shinjuku to check out the store's website, and they seemed to have it in stock, so I went to the Chuo line.... When I saw the real thing at the store, I was shaking! I'd been to Koyama Shoten two days earlier. It's a labyrinth of alcoholic beverages!
Mr. Disry. I knew you had already visited the shop. I'm looking forward to it. I can't wait to go!
町田酒造55 純米吟醸 山田錦純米吟醸生酒無濾過
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An elegant Yamada Nishiki Junmai Ginjo. The sweetness is gentle when it is opened. The acidity is also light, and the impression is clean and beautiful. I have an image that Yamadanishiki has a sweet aftertaste, but I did not feel it so much. However, it is a well-balanced and delicious sake that shows off the characteristics of the rice! I have a feeling that it will become something more after a few days. As it approaches room temperature, I think the Yamadanishiki nuances are coming out. I think it's starting to show its true colors. The "55" in the name seems to indicate the polishing ratio of the rice. The alcohol content is 16 degrees. It's not heavy at all, but it does get you drunk. The flavor has increased over time.
SanrenseiR2BY 番外編Ⅲ純米吟醸生酒
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すっきりとした酸が後を引く食中酒!どこか酸味に柔らかさも感じ、旨みもあります。派手さはないですが、個人的には単体でチビチビいけちゃいます♩もし、合わせるとしたら梅水晶を激推!絶対合います‼︎ まるで、ジオン軍MSを連想させるラベル。今にもジェットストリームアタックを仕掛けられそうな感じですね。ラベルの遊び心で、つい手に取ってしまいました。サンライズの許可を取っているのかが、気になるところです。 使用米は北海道産の彗星。ここからも、お蔵さんが面白がっている、のではないかなと推測できます。物作りに遊びは大事ですよね♩このシリーズは、ガンダムファン"必飲"です!笑
shitakkeさんおはようございます🌞モビルスーツ感ぱないですね👀 まさに大人のガンプラですね😆空き瓶はガンプラと共に飾ってあげて下さい😊ゴックが合うかもです✨
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Taste level 4.6 I've been pretty stoic in my quest to complete my journey through Japan! The last two prefectures happened to be Okayama and Tottori in the San-in region, so I went for it! First, let's start with Tagaji in Okayama, the home of Omachi. I love this type of 🥳! The youthful aroma of green apple and the freshness of freshly squeezed Omachi combined to make the first attack like a crisp green apple popping in your mouth✨🍏 🌾The freshness of the wine is accompanied by the rich and gorgeous flavor and acidity of Omachi, and the wine clears up beautifully. It has the strength of unfiltered raw sake, but the flavor of sake is still there, and it has a very clean and crisp finish.