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鉄板とおばんざい はなきん

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鉄板とおばんざい はなきん
<From "light" to "dry". This sake is named after Mr. Ogiwara, the toji of Musashino Sake Brewery, who was impressed by "Tensho" of Shimane's Itakura Sake Brewery when he visited the brewery. Incidentally, the restaurant's menu describes it as fruity. The aroma is indeed fruity. But it does not seem to be sweet. It also has a hint of rice flavor and alcohol. The mouthfeel is smooth and light, with a hint of umami. But then, the umami starts to flow. The umami spreads out in the end, and there is plenty of lingering umami. There is only a hint of sweetness. This is a deliciously dry sake. If I were to compare it to the Eboshi-gozen from "Princess Mononoke" in Ghibli, I would say that it looks sweet, but it is not sweet at all. It looks sweet, but it is not sweet at all. Degree of liking:★★☆☆☆☆ I will post the full version on my blog. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
Kakuemoncry for the moon特別純米
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鉄板とおばんざい はなきん
<Cute and surprisingly hard-core cat labels. The aroma is gently tinged with the deliciousness of rice, bananas, and alcohol. The mouthfeel is smoothly sweet, umami, and acidic. Then the sweet and umami flavor fills the mouth, and finally, the umami alcohol comes in with a bang. The aftertaste lingers on the palate, leaving a lingering aftertaste on the tongue before disappearing. The first half of the sake seems modern, but the second half is a classic umi-al classic. Interesting. And it was delicious! As for the entrée, the thickly sliced bacon that was used earlier went well with it. It would also be good with simmered dishes. If I were to compare it to Ghibli, it would be like the dragonfly in "The Witch's Delivery Service. At first I thought it would be sweet and fruity in the modern style, but it was surprisingly hard-core. In the original story, he is 14 years old, one year older than Kiki. And yet, he is a great guy because he builds a human-powered airplane with his friends and serves as its pilot. Satisfaction: ★★★★ *I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
AkabuAKABU 純米ひやおろし純米ひやおろし
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鉄板とおばんざい はなきん
<Soft, smooth, sweet, and deliciously delicious. The aroma is of the delicious sweetness of rice and a pleasantly tangy alcohol taste. The mouthfeel is softly sweet and acidic. It has the umami of rice, a slightly fruity sweetness, and the acidity of lactic acid. From there, the sweet umami gradually spreads, and the umami is even more pronounced. It has a full, robust umami that is typical of junmai. The umami aroma reaches the nose softly, and the aftertaste is long and pleasant. Umooooooooo! For Akabu, it is a bit dry. It has a hint of sweetness, but the second half and the aftertaste are very dry and umami. It seems to be a good sake for a mealtime drink. If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, I would say that she is like the lady in "Laputa: Castle in the Sky". She is only 20 years old, but has a very dignified presence, completely dominating her 40-something master. She is strong! But she is not only strong, she is also kind. She pushes Pazoo to escape easily by saying, "You're a good boy, let me protect you. Satisfaction: ★★★★ *I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
大嶺3粒 生詰ひやおろし 雄町生詰酒ひやおろし
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鉄板とおばんざい はなきん
<Happy, mellow, sweet, acidic, and firmly delicious. Omine-san is a favorite of ours. Following the previous Hiyoroshi Yamadanishiki, this is Omachi. The aroma is sweet, delicious, and fruity. Syrupy sweetness, rice flavor, and melon. And you can tell the moment you put it in your mouth! Yum! What the heck is this? It's so cute sweet and sour, but it also has a great flavor. The rich sweetness of melon and pear, and the fruity center of acidity with a hint of citrus. The rice flavor and the slightly acorn-like complex umami follow, and the slight cemedine and bamboo grass finish it all off. There's a freshness to it, but the flavor is still on top of it. It is sweet and sour and juicy, yet full of umami, with a pleasant alcoholic feel despite its low alcohol content of 13 degrees. It was delicious! If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, it would be "The Wind Rises. It is not a character or a scene, but the work itself. It is sweet, delicious, and refreshing, but the karma is deep, sad, and painful. There are so many emotions that I can't keep up with the understanding. Satisfaction: ★★★★★ *I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
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鉄板とおばんざい はなきん
<Fruity, sweet and sour. The aroma is slightly fruity. The aroma is slightly fruity, very gentle, but it is calm and pleasant. When you put it in your mouth, it has a gentle sour-sweet taste that is refreshing and easy to drink. But then, the complex umami of the rice also comes through. Then, the fruity overtone of the aroma wafts from the nose. It is beautiful, but also has a gradual umami flavor, and is mildly sweet. The aftertaste also disappears nicely and softly. When it warms up a little and becomes cooler (15℃), the sweetness and acidity open up, and the aftertaste is rich. Oh, this is good, too. If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, I would compare it to Mr. Kosaka in "Mimi wo Sumeba" (The Girl with the Young Ears). She is a slightly mature infirmary teacher with cute glasses. She is adored by her students. In Ghibli films, there are many characters with glasses, perhaps because Hayao Miyazaki has a complex about glasses. I think the cutest of them all is Ms. Kosaka. Satisfaction: ★★★★☆ *I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
Nito純米 山田錦六五 にごり生原酒純米生酒にごり酒発泡
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鉄板とおばんざい はなきん
<Yogurt with thick acid bowa It is an unseasonal active nigori. The aroma is lactic acid. Rather, this is already a dairy product. Yogurt-like acidity and rice flavor. The mouthfeel is a slurp, and the acidity is blah. Maybe because it was the last cup, there was not much pizzazz left in the mouth. The flavor that develops from the acidity is also very strong. There is some sweetness, but it is lost before the acidity and umami. The aftertaste is also very strong. This is such a naughty activated nigori sake that even the opening instructions are clearly written on the bottle, but it has been aged for six months. I wonder if it has more flavor than freshly brewed sake. It had more flavor than I expected. I would like to try it freshly squeezed next time. It was delicious! If I were to compare it to Ghibli, it would be like the cat bus in "My Neighbor Totoro". It's cute, but it still retains a bit of wildness. By the way, the Neko Bus is definitely No. 1 on my list of Ghibli rides that I would like to ride, based on my own prejudice. Satisfaction: ★★★★ I will post the full version on my blog, complete with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
Kikuizumi吟冠 吟醸酒吟醸
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鉄板とおばんざい はなきん
<Fuon-to, refreshingly tasty, classic>. The aroma is mildly sweet with the flavor of rice. It is moderate. The mouthfeel is also mild with a classic acidity. The umami starts to expand from there. It is beautiful, yet has a strong umami, and finishes cleanly. There is a slight sweet atmosphere, but there is almost no sweetness on the palate. It is a clean umami classic. I would like to serve it with sashimi. White fish is fine, and cutting fatty tuna with sake is also delicious. However, the deep-fried eggplant was unfortunately a friend of mine. If I compare him to Ghibli, he is Tamasaburo from "Heisei Raccoon War Ponpoko". He is a handsome raccoon dog. He plays the role of the messenger who brings Kanechou Raccoon, and in the end, he marries Kanechou Raccoon's daughter and succeeds to Kanechou Raccoon's lineage. He is a talented and accomplished actor. Satisfaction level: ★★★☆☆☆ *I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images and other information. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
Hououbiden純米吟醸 ひやおろし 山田錦純米吟醸生詰酒ひやおろし
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鉄板とおばんざい はなきん
<Hoho Mita Hiyoshi Oroshi. The aroma is slightly sweet and fruity with a hint of rice. It is more subdued than the usual Hououmida. However, once in the mouth, it has the fruity sweet and sour umami that is typical of Hououmida. The umami of peaches, grapes, and rice is well-balanced and fluffy. From there, the umami spreads out. The aftertaste spreads slowly and then disappears nicely. Oh, so this is Hououmida's hiyaoroshi. I can totally understand. It is indeed a Hououmida with a strong umami. Yum! The side dish is deep-fried eggplant. The sake's robust umami goes perfectly with the dashi broth. Yummmm~! The specs are as follows Sake: Junmai Ginjo Nama Zuke Rice: Yamadanishiki produced in Nishiwaki, Hyogo Prefecture Rice polishing ratio: 55 Alcohol content: 16% ・・・ high Honjo is the Honjo from "The Wind Rises" in Ghibli. He is the best friend of the main character, Jiro, since his college days. He is young but full of flavor. Because he is a sensible person who differs from Jiro, he is also well aware of the bitterness of the times. Satisfaction: ★★★★ *I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
Takijiman純米吟醸 名張乙女純米吟醸
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鉄板とおばんざい はなきん
<The taste is delightfully varied and deep. The aroma has a clean, delicious taste of rice and alcohol. In the mouth, there is a subtle sweetness and acidity. Then, first the acidity recedes, followed by a lingering sweetness and umami, and then the sweetness recedes and the umami swells. Wow! The changes in flavor are enjoyable. It was a quiet, reserved, and cute sake. When I paired it with the meat cutlet, the flavor of the sake also spread out, pulled along by the flavor of the meat. It's very good. I know it's not Ghibli, but I can compare it to Lana from "Conan: Future Boy". She is the heroine. At first glance, she looks like a local beauty, but she has the potential to be a national heroine. But I guess this kind of girl will quickly go off to get married. Satisfaction: ★★★★ *I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
鹿鳴純米吟醸 生原酒 雄町純米吟醸原酒生酒
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鉄板とおばんざい はなきん
<A slightly sweet, slowly deliciously bitter classic. This is Shikanaru, a brand distributed by Seibei Imanishi Shoten, the distributor of Harushika. Incidentally, the word "Shikamei" is derived from "Shikamei no shi" in the oldest Chinese poetry, "Shijing," and is said to express hospitality to visitors. Ah, so the Deer Cry Pavilion. Well, then, let's have a drink. The aroma is very mild and faintly delicious. In the mouth, it is softly and gently sweet, bitter, umami, and acidic. From there, the umami and bitterness gradually come through. It is a swelling of umami and bitterness that is typical of Omachi. Hmmm? Aged? It has a rich, slightly bitter aftertaste that makes one think "matured? The production date is November 2021, so even if it is not matured, the flavor may have been added during the six-month period. If we compare it to Ghibli, it is like old Mito in "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind". He is a castle old man who looks like Nausicaa's closest aide. He always looks bitter. But this guy is only 40 years old. Young for all his maturity! Satisfaction level: ★★★☆☆☆ *I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "Korune Sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.