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鉄板とおばんざい はなきん

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鉄板とおばんざい はなきん
<Refreshing, soft lemon, sour and spicy sake. The aroma is clear lemon. When you put it in your mouth, it is slightly acidic, slightly sweet, and soft. The acidity is lemon-like and clear, but it is soft and fluffy, not acidic and pungent like a real lemon. From there, a refined umami flavor gradually emerges. The aroma is full of that mellow umami. The aftertaste, however, is slightly sweet and lingers for a long time. The acidity is sharp and cool. However, although the acidity is strong, the umami sweetness softens the whole flavor and is not harsh. Delicious! If I had to classify it as classic/modern, I would say it is modern. But I think it is modern in the classic sense. It's like a refreshingly modern wine with a solid acid classic base. If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, I would say Jiro's mother in "The Wind Rises. The environment around her is classic countryside, and she is very beautiful and somewhat modern, even though she wears a kimono, and she is a beautiful woman. But I feel some tension in her relationship with Jiro. Liked: ★★★★ *I'll post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
Zarusohorai純米吟醸 Queeen 槽場直詰生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
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鉄板とおばんざい はなきん
<I thought you'd be quiet, but... The aroma is of apple and rice. Slightly tangy and fruity on the palate. It is like adding kiwi acidity to apple. There is also a hint of citrus acidity. Yes, it is delicious. When I thought it was such a quiet fruity wine, the flavor and the rich aroma came out all at once! Plenty yet elegant. Elegant and yet glossy. The aftertaste is a gentle sweet, umami, bitter acidity for a moment. But it disappears quickly and cleanly. I can't think of any other sake that has a similar taste. It is interesting! If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, it would be Monica from "Red Pig". She is one of Fio's cousins. She only appears for a moment, she doesn't stand out, and she doesn't play an active role. But she is the kind of girl you remember later, saying, "Oh, by the way, that girl was cute too. Liked: ★★★★ *I will post the full version of the blog, supplemented with character images and other information. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
Kunpeki純米吟醸 桜酵母 五条川桜純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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鉄板とおばんざい はなきん
<Sweet and full, with a bitter taste that spreads slowly. Sake made with cherry blossom yeast isolated from cherry blossoms. The aroma is slightly sweet. The aroma is slightly sweet with a hint of cherry blossom flavor. Well, the aroma of cherry blossoms, like that of sakura mochi (cherry blossom rice cakes), gives a strong impression of the aroma of leaves, and there is no direct relationship between the yeast and the aroma of the tree or fruit in the first place. However, there are some interesting yeasts, such as banana yeast, that can be used to make sake with a very banana aroma. When you put it in your mouth, you will be hit with the sweet and sour taste of green apples. From there, sweet, bitter, astringent, and umami flavors come through. The umami astringent aroma spreads in the mouth and lingers in the aftertaste. The astringent taste is a bit conspicuous. It is not a negative factor, but it is a little bothersome. If I were to compare him to Ghibli, I would say he is ASKA from "On Your Mark," or CHAGE & ASKA's Aska. He is a handsome man with a sweet voice and mask. But the cop job he plays in the play is full of bitterness and astringency. Degree of liking: ★★★☆☆☆ *I'll put the full version of the play on my blog, supplemented with character images and other information. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
Juyondaiおりからみ 荒走り 生酒純米吟醸生酒荒走りおりがらみ
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鉄板とおばんざい はなきん
<Pear, sweet acid, slight bitterness of lees, smooth. The color is slightly orizzled. It is more silver than white. Beautiful. The aroma is gentle, with a hint of rummy pear. Hmm? A little oily. In the mouth, sweet and sour of sugar & unripe pear, and a hint of bitter pom-pom. Then, more sweet and sourness. It is clearly fruity, and the slight bitterness of the lees is also pleasant. And here is where it really starts to shine. Although the taste is clear, it melts in the mouth and disappears without passing down the throat. It is so smooth that there is no sensation of it passing down the throat at all. Yet, the aftertaste is beautifully lingering. The fragrance is also pear-like. It's really delicious. I have the impression that the sugar is clearer than last year. And there is a slight astringency in the aftertaste. If I were to compare it to Ghibli, I would say it is like Marnie in "Marnie of the Memories". There are many fascinating characters in Ghibli, but I think Marnie is the most beautiful. She is beautiful with freshness and a hint of melancholy. Degree of liking: ★★★★ *I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
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鉄板とおばんざい はなきん
<Refreshingly soft milk and yogurt. Sake-based yogurt liqueur. The color is the milky white of dark milk. The aroma is of sweet yogurt and milk with a sense of density. It is interesting to feel gentle milk apart from the lactic acidity of yogurt. Looks delicious. The mouthfeel is thick, thick drinkable yogurt. Refreshing lactic acidity, acid-sweet unma! It is not nigori sake, so there is no rice grain feeling. This is not just yogurt, but drinking yogurt mixed with milk. It has a pleasantly smooth sweetness and gently melts in your mouth, even though it has a strong acidity. It is very dense but not insistent, and the aftertaste disappears naturally before you know it. It's refreshing and has no clinginess or alcohol taste at all, so you can drink it forever. It was so delicious! If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, I would compare it to Sita from "Castle in the Sky. She is an ideal heroine who is cute and kind. Sita looks like she would look good milking milk. Degree of liking: ★★★★ *I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section!
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鉄板とおばんざい はなきん
<Thin and tangy, with a hint of sour sweetness and a hint of bitterness. This sake is made by Kangiku Meikozo and is limited to Chiba Prefecture. The aroma is softly rice flavorful. There is a hint of sweet and fruity, but the aroma is not so strong. The mouthfeel is thick and carbonated. The mouthfeel is a sweet-sour sweetness from the sour-sweetness of muscat. But then, the bitter alcohol cuts through it nicely. Yum! The alkyl acidic aroma gives a cute twang to the nose, and the aftertaste is bitter-sweet. And before you know it, it's gone. It has a bitter taste, but that is the only reason why it seems to go well with meals. I haven't had a chance to dig too deeply into Kangiku-san, but when I compare it to the ones I've had so far, the sweet-swirling part is similar, but the bitter aftertaste is a little bit different. But they are both delicious. If I were to compare it to Ghibli, it would be Ursula from "The Witch's Delivery Service. She is a painter. She lives in the forest during the summer. It's fresh, but it's not sweetness is not in the foreground. Likes: ★★★★ *I'll post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
Kure純米吟醸酒 CELうらら 生酒純米吟醸生酒
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鉄板とおばんざい はなきん
<Sweet with a hint of bitter melon. Sake made with that CEL-24 yeast. The aroma is gentle, slightly sweet and fruity. The mouthfeel is like green apples with a mildly sour sweetness. It has a cute, understated but refreshing sweet and sourness. But then, the sweetness of melon comes in! One step later, a pleasant bitterness also comes in! The bitterness lingers in the aftertaste, while a hint of bitter-sweetness lingers in the mouth. This bitterness is very pleasant. It is not sticky sweet, but cuts through the sweetness nicely. It is quite different from Kameizumi's sweetness. It is sweet, but there is also a bitterness in it, and it goes well with meals. Both are delicious. If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, it would be the senior witch in "The Witch's Delivery Service. She is cute, but that's not all; after a year of training, she has learned a lot about bitterness and has a strong character. Liked: ★★★★ *I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
Midorikawa緑 雪洞貯蔵酒純米吟醸
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鉄板とおばんざい はなきん
<Mild and gentle dry taste, soft and delicious. This sake is a junmai ginjo-shu pressed in midwinter and immediately stored in a snow cave at about 0°C. The sake is moved from the snow cave facility before summer and shipped from June to October. The sake is moved out of the snow cave facility before summer and shipped from June to October. Expectations are high. Let's drink it now. The aroma is rice-tsumekirei. The mouthfeel is very light and smooth. From there, all the delicious sweetness, acidity, and bitterness of the alcohol gently swells, leaving a subtle umami taste and a gentle aftertaste, which disappears nicely. It is indeed a mellow, mildly dry sake without any harshness. As expected from storage in a snow cave. Fluffy and delicious! I paired it with grilled seseri with salt. The meat with just the right amount of fat goes well with the beautiful flavor of the sake. If I were to compare it to Ghibli's "My Neighbor Totoro," I would say it is like the Totoro in the movie "My Neighbor Totoro. There is nothing sharp, nothing sweet or fruity at all, but it is mild and cute. Liked: ★★★★ I'll post the full version on my blog, complete with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
Juyondai槽垂れ原酒 生酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
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鉄板とおばんざい はなきん
<The sweetness spreads richly and melts away. The aroma is of rice flavor melon. Oh? It seems darker than usual Jyushiyo. Is it because it's a pure sake? When you put it in your mouth, it is sweet and juicy from the beginning. Melon, pear, and rice syrup. After that, there is a slight carbonation and slightly fruity acidity. The second half is sweet and bitter. The aftertaste is rich with sweetness and bitterness. And speaking of Jyushiyo-sama, it has a smoothness that fits into the body. It is liquid only at first. It melts and disappears in the back of the mouth, and there is no sensation of it passing down the throat. It's as if the sake has directly transformed into a sense of happiness. Wow! It's still insanely delicious. And it's so thick. Many Jyushidai-sama are fragile and beautiful, but this time it was a gorgeous beauty. It was delicious~. If I were to compare her to Ghibli, she would be Gina from "Red Pig. Very sweet and beautiful, refreshing and not too bitter, so it's Ms. Gina after the last duel. Ms. Gina, who appears dashingly and settles the festivities. So cool! Liked: ★★★★☆ *I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you'd like, please search for "korune sake" or use the link in the profile section.