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Kikuzakari Check-in 1Kikuzakari Check-in 2
Kikuzakari Check-in 3Kikuzakari Check-in 4
Sake from the Kikumori Fair at Asano Sake Shop Umeda 🍶. Kikumori Sake Brewery was devastated by the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, when its brewery was partially destroyed, making brewing impossible for a time. In 2014, the company borrowed a brewery that was going out of business in the neighboring city of Hanamaki with CF financing, and restarted and began brewing as an all pure rice brewery in Hanamaki City. Currently, the reconstruction of the original brewery in Kitakami City is almost finished, and this season is the last for sake brewing in Hanamaki-shi. Finally, brewing is scheduled to resume in February 2024 at the original Kikumori Brewery's reconstructed warehouse! We are looking forward to it 😊. The brand name "Viktor-nage kara no jujigatame" comes from the finishing combo of President Fujimura, who was also a martial artist. The face I've seen somewhere has a line in the eye, but this is the original story of the "Viktor method" (= a sales technique where the same sake is sold under similar different labels). This is the original story of the "Viktor method. The third and fourth pictures have nothing to do with this fair, but they are concrete examples of the Viktor Business Method 😁. The appearance is a mist white that retains a sense of transparency. The aroma of cooked rice and freshly pounded rice cake is rich with a hint of fruity flavor. From the feeling of gas that makes you shiver, the umami spreads with a slight bitter astringency, and it finishes with a transparent and beautiful sweetness. Not dry but not sweet. Very tasty. ☺️
Hi Aladdin-san! I also had a drink at Asano Sake store in Hamamatsucho, but they beat me to it 😅. It's a strange label, but it's pretty tasty 🍶.
Hi Matsuchiyo 😃 Did you drink it😊🍶🍶The labels are all weird, including this one, but they are all serious sake and delicious ☺️ I'm looking forward to checking in with you too, Matsuchiyo-san 😄
Kikuzakari Check-in 1Kikuzakari Check-in 2
Kikuzakari Check-in 3Kikuzakari Check-in 4
Sake from the Kikuzakari Fair at Asano Sake Shop Umeda (3) 🍶. Cab Driver" is a representative sake that has grown to the point where it can be said that Kikuzakari is known for this sake. As proof, it was sold out on the first day of the fair at the Umeda store! Even though we have one more week to go! Cab Driver was the result of a conversation over drinks with Yoshiki Takahashi, a designer in the movie industry. Although it is easy to be distracted by the name and label design, the contents are also full of Mr. Fujimura's character: the sake rice, koji, and yeast are all Iwate junmai sake. Specifically, the sake rice is 100% edible Iwate "Kakehashi" rice, the yeast is Iwate Prefecture's original "Yuko no Koi," and even the koji is Iwate Prefecture's original "Reimei Hiraizumi. It is full of local love. The aroma is gentle and discreet with a nice fruity flavor. On the palate, there is a smooth umami and a dandy bitterness, from which a slight sweetness spreads and the bitterness and acidity kick in. While the sweet umami and bitterness are in harmony, it also has the impact typical of nama-zake. It is an anachronistic expression, but it is a manly sake. Very tasty. ☺️ I heard that it tastes good heated up, so I thought I would like to buy a four-pack bottle and drink it carefully at home.
Hi Aladdin 😀 You've gone Taxi Driver 🤣. I'm also very curious about this drink, so I plan to visit Asano-san before Friday 😀.
Hi Yasubeyesan, 😃I went to Takudora 😁Asano and Umeda stores are no longer selling Takudora and it is doubtful how long the store's set will last 🤔By the way, Seijo Ishii was also selling fresh Takudora the other day 😳.
Kikuzakari Check-in 1Kikuzakari Check-in 2
Kikuzakari Check-in 3Kikuzakari Check-in 4
Sake received at the Kikuzakari Fair at Asano Sake Shop Umeda (2) 🍶. Kikuzakari's sake bottles are designed by Mr. Fujimura, who is an avant-garde, underground and subculture-loving person, with his taste in full bloom, and the sake's hard-edgedness is not even slightly apparent. The bottle design is a perfect example of the Japanese taste for sake. The sake bottles more than adequately embody the characteristics of Mr. Fujimura, whose roots lie in areas such as video games and martial arts, which are different from the typical Japanese sake world. This is Kitakami Yakkyoku. It is a junmai sake made from 100% Kame-no-o from Kitakami City, polished to 55% and brewed with Kyokai No. 6 yeast. The aroma is again typical of sake, but it is not unpleasant, perhaps because it is unadulterated junmai sake, and has a gentle and elegant sake aroma. The taste is characterized by acidity, with a taste of plums and plums, and a gentle finish. The aftertaste is medium with a slight hush. Interesting. ☺️ This sake is delicious on its own, but I'm curious to see what it would be like with food. It might go well with vinegared octopus or pickled plum rice balls 🤔.
Hi Aladdin 🐦. I've been curious about this fair too 😆 I've never been able to get my hands on it because the label is so unique 💦 I'd like to try this one the most after reading your review 😊The bottle is also very retro 👍✨.
Hi Pon 😃 Aside from the presence of the label, the sake inside is a genuine authentic junmai sake brewed with sincerity and Iwate love, so I hope you will try it 😊I think you will be more into it if you also like it heated 🥰.
Kikuzakari Check-in 1
Kikuzakari Check-in 2Kikuzakari Check-in 3
Sake (1) received at the Kikuzakari fair at Asano Sake Shop Umeda. Kikuzakari Sake Brewery was founded in 1894 in Kitakami City in inland Iwate Prefecture. The brewery's fifth president, Takuya Fujimura, who has been the brewer since 2003 after the sudden death of his predecessor, is a hard-core sake brewer that releases all of its sake as pure rice sake, pressed in the tank, and unfiltered. Mr. Fujimura became the brewer at the age of 30, and last year marked his 20th anniversary. Congratulations on your belated success. ㊗️ First up is the Junmai Daiginjo "Denki Bosatsu". Named after part of the name of a work by a manga artist that President Fujimura loves, this sake invites you to buy a packet. It has a characteristic aroma with a strong sake-like character, with the habit of being an aged sake. But it was aged for about 4 years or less, and was bottled on February 24, 2020 😳. The taste has a soft attack of umami and acidity, followed by a sweetness lurking in the background that emerges in the middle to end of the bottle, which is also unique. It has a nice sharpness, with a lingering sweetness and a fruity after-flavor. The opposite of the order you would normally perceive in a normal sake😳. The sweetness is deeply felt as you continue drinking. I thought it was a deep sake that you need to buy a bottle and face it carefully, drink more of it or drink it warmed 🍶.
Hi Aladdin! I was surprised to see such a sake label when I first started drinking sake, I didn't know there were so many other kinds of sake besides "Taxi Driver" and "Viktor Throwing" 💦.
Aladdin, good evening 😃Kikumori Festival ✨I wish I could experience it once. After all, all the labels have so much impact that I can't get the sake information into my head properly💦.
Hi Gyve 😃 The impact of the label may be unique 😁It is similar to Miyoshikiku but Kikumori is more underground 🤔It is not often that we get a chance to drink all these together, so thank goodness it was a fair 🤔☺️
Hi Wakata 😃. Kikumori, it's good 😁, if you drink it ☺️, it's a serious sake, so we sake lovers will definitely moe a gap 😁. It was fun to say the brand name out loud when ordering 😄.
Good evening, Aladdin. I see you went to the Kikumori fair 😆 even the sign on the last wall is unique ✍️ Did you not drink the posthumous mackerel?
Hi Hirupeko, good morning 😃Kikumori drinking comparison is rare, so even though I couldn't meet President Fujimura, I just went to get some sake 🍶I bought a four-pack of posthumous mackerel so I can enjoy it later: ☺️
That's right! You made a reservation for postmortem mackerel, didn't you? I'm looking forward to having the postmortem mackerel at home again 😊.
Hakuryu Check-in 1
Hakuryu Check-in 2Hakuryu Check-in 3
Hakuryu Special Junmai Shiboritate Unfiltered Nama Sake. This sake is made by Yoshida Shuzo in Eiheiji-machi, Fukui Prefecture. I learned from Nemuchi's post earlier that Hakuryu has a Hakuryu from Niigata Prefecture and a Hakuryu from Fukui Prefecture. I only knew about this Fukui Hakuryu😅. I had a quick drink at Asano Sake Shop Umeda while shopping 🍶. The exterior is a warm clear crystal. The aroma is mellow and sweet like grapes, with a slight magic ink freshness in the alcohol. Smooth mouthfeel with a sense of freshness. The crisp, refreshing sweetness and firm umami spread along with a gaseous, fine acidity dustiness, and the acidity is light and gradually lifts. The lingering aftertaste is a gentle sensation of acidity and alcohol. There was no bitterness, and it was easy to drink cold. It would also go well with warmed sake. It's not something that gets a lot of attention, but it's the kind of quality sake that keeps sake lovers like us going. It was delicious and you could taste the freshness of the freshly squeezed sake! Thank you very much for the sake!
Good morning, Aladdin! I learned about Niigata's "Hakuryu" from "Sake-no-wa" 😅. And the other side is [Hakuryu Sake Brewery] 🤔. It is one of the breweries that has been supporting Eiheiji together with "Kuroryu", so they are very good at what they do 😁.
Good morning, Gyave 😃. I didn't realize that Eiheiji is famous for Koryu 😳Koryu and Hakuryu stand side by side 😅Koryu is huge, but Hakuryu is also a good sake and you can find it in Kansai 😄.
Shirataki Check-in 1
A refreshing drink. The carbonation is dry and tangy, but then softly mellow and discreetly sweet. It is like the refreshing feeling you get when you drink a refreshing wine. Still, it has the perfect balance of sweetness and sharpness of rice that will make your back grow firmer!
Kinoenemasamune Check-in 1
It has a clean mouthfeel, but a gorgeous rice sweetness that spreads quickly. The slightly smoky aftertaste is a very nice sweetness that gently envelops you. Slightly slightly carbonated. A touch of bitterness on the bottom side, and then the sweetness wraps you up for a clean finish. Delicious!
Choryu Check-in 1
It has a sour aroma, but when you drink it, the clean and sweet taste spreads instantly and is very tasty! The aftertaste leaves crisply, so it goes well with any dish. Personally, I would like it to have a bit more of a lingering aftertaste, but it would be nice to drink it while thinking about the soft sweetness of the rice!
琥泉 Check-in 1
A refreshing drink. Softly fragrant rice sweetness and soft texture on the tongue. The aftertaste is refreshing, but the sweetness lingers on the tongue, leaving a lingering sensation that can be enjoyed for a long time. It is best when paired with seafood with a strong sweetness, such as crab or shrimp!
Kazenomori Check-in 1Kazenomori Check-in 2
Kazenomori Check-in 3Kazenomori Check-in 4
This is the second of Kaze no Mori's 25th anniversary commemorative sake, Future Sake II. The theme is the world of high temperature fermentation. Utilizing the summer brewing technique of "Goshu no Nikki", this sake looks to the future where high quality sake is brewed by controlling active fermentation of low polished rice under high temperature conditions. Akitsuho rice from Nara Prefecture is brewed with a milling ratio of 90%, almost as low as that of edible rice. The appearance is warm crystal. No sense of gas can be seen after the bottle has been opened. The aroma is of ripe mango mixed with refreshing acidity, banana and melon with a fresh, rich sweetness and acidity. There is a positive magic ink aroma and silky nuances of white flowers that are gorgeous and refreshing. ☺️ When you put it in your mouth, you will feel the stimulation of light gas on your tongue. The wine starts with a deep, fruity sweetness, which is quickly followed by a refreshing acidity, and then it finishes. The lingering acidity lingers for a long time, and the hints of aroma are refreshing. As you continue drinking, the acidity stands up and becomes more refreshing. Roll the bottle to let the air in, and the acidity will fly away and you can enjoy the sweet flavor and minerality. It is very tasty, just like Kaze no Mori (Wind Forest). If you don't ask, you won't believe it's low-milled. Here's to the future of Kaze no Mori as it celebrates its 25th anniversary 🥂. Thank you for the food 🍶.
Inemankai Check-in 1
Inemankai Check-in 2Inemankai Check-in 3
I drank at home on May 12. Actually, a year ago, when I visited Tamba, Kyoto, I stopped by the Mukai Sake Brewery in Ine on my way to see the boathouse in Ine. I was curious about the red sake there and bought a bottle of Ine Mangaka as a souvenir. It was a shock to me, as I had always thought that sake was a liquor that I was not good at due to my own preconceived notions. Since then, I have been gradually getting into the sake swamp... Since then, I have searched for various ways to drink this sake. In fact, I am ashamed to say that it was through my search for this sake that I learned that there is a season for sake. I am grateful for our reunion after a year.
