けんぞJujiasahi純米吟醸Asahi ShuzoShimane9/4/2024, 11:58:19 AM20けんぞSlightly bitter (dry) and refreshing. It tastes like summer!Japanese>English
けんぞAkishika純米吟醸生酒Akishika ShuzoOsaka8/4/2024, 10:55:30 AM18けんぞSlightly effervescent while refreshing? And exquisite bitterness. I underestimated Osaka's sake. I am sorry.Japanese>English
けんぞAsahikiku生酛Asahigiku ShuzoFukuoka8/3/2024, 11:03:22 AM15けんぞStrange taste. It's delicious, but it's not like any sake I've ever had (although it is sake). I guess my limited vocabulary comes out at times like this.Japanese>English
けんぞKakurei純米吟醸Aoki ShuzoNiigata6/21/2024, 10:57:19 AM16けんぞIt has a smooth taste. It has a sharp taste and is good for hot weather.Japanese>English
けんぞYukiotoko本醸造Aoki ShuzoNiigata6/18/2024, 11:03:43 AM14けんぞSimple sake. This is another great daily sake.Japanese>English
けんぞKakurei本醸造Aoki ShuzoNiigata6/15/2024, 11:46:12 AM14けんぞSimple taste, great for daily drinking. Good without any peculiarities!Japanese>English
けんぞKakurei純米Aoki ShuzoNiigata6/14/2024, 10:44:18 AM14けんぞHeavy taste. There is no fruity difference, and the taste is simple. Is it a taste typical of Yukio?Japanese>English
けんぞIchinokura特別純米IchinokuraMiyagi5/18/2024, 1:25:29 PM16けんぞRefreshing and refreshing. Slightly sweet aftertaste. Seems to be a limited edition sake from Seven-Eleven. Not bad.Japanese>English
けんぞRihaku特別純米Rihaku ShuzoShimane5/17/2024, 12:01:56 PM14けんぞThe smell is strong. Taste is refreshing but surprisingly heavy.Japanese>English
けんぞOkuharima純米吟醸Shimomura ShuzotenHyogo5/5/2024, 9:36:01 AM15けんぞQuite refreshing and sharp. There is little sweetness and a little weight of rice.Japanese>English
けんぞTakachiyoスカイブルー(無濾過生原酒)Takachiyo ShuzoNiigata5/5/2024, 9:20:14 AM19けんぞSlightly sweet. Slightly fizzy with a rich flavor. If the sweetness is removed a little more, it would be my favorite sake.Japanese>English
けんぞSuminoe特別純米Suminoe ShuzoMiyagi5/5/2024, 9:04:29 AM14けんぞIt has a sharpness and you can taste the rice flavor. Yes, it is dry. It is dry.Japanese>English
けんぞMeikyoshisuiJUN-KARA9純米Oosawa ShuzoNagano5/5/2024, 8:47:29 AM15けんぞIt's pretty silky. The label is kind of cool.Japanese>English
けんぞShichiken空の彩Yamanashi MeijoYamanashi5/4/2024, 10:57:39 AM16けんぞA rice schwash. It's also deliciously easy to drink. Slightly sweet.Japanese>English
けんぞShichiken本醸造Yamanashi MeijoYamanashi4/27/2024, 10:46:48 AM19けんぞSweet, sour, spicy, bitter and astringent sake? It was a simple and refreshing sake, although it had an interesting list of kanji characters.Japanese>English
けんぞShichiken山ノ霞Yamanashi MeijoYamanashi4/27/2024, 9:46:52 AM15けんぞSparkling Sake. Sparkling rice. Light and moderately tasty!Japanese>English
けんぞKirei八捨純米Kirei ShuzoHiroshima3/29/2024, 9:23:53 AM17けんぞIt's just not shaved and has a great rice feel to it! It's dry and also good!Japanese>English
けんぞGokyo純米大吟醸Sakai ShuzoYamaguchi3/29/2024, 9:10:28 AM10けんぞThe fruity and dryness of Junmai Daiginjo match each other perfectly!Japanese>English
けんぞKanhokutoshibienKanhokuto ShuzoFukuoka3/29/2024, 8:58:54 AM11けんぞDry and refreshing. I like it light and refreshing.âJapanese>English
けんぞHiranclassic森酒造場Nagasaki3/25/2024, 11:16:10 AM19けんぞThe mouthfeel is sweet for a moment, but the aftertaste is very good and light. Very tasty!Japanese>English