SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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播州人 日本酒猛勉強中。宜しくお願いします😄

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Niwa no Uguisu特別純米
縄文人🍢Mild aroma, salty, clean, sharp, food sake The garden warbler represents the taste expression, where the warbler is depicted on the label. Bottom left facing is male bush warbler, flavorful type Above right is the female bush warbler, the floral type. This is a male bush warbler. This is a refreshing type that combines the natural aroma of rice with a delicate acidity. It has a pleasantly fading aftertaste and is an excellent match with food, making it a repeat customer! 9
Bottle Shop Hz
縄文人🍢Purchased in good shape on my first visit to the store. $95.04 including tax 😂. Quadruples the price. I swore I wouldn't spill it and opened it up, but it was a bit of a letdown and lackluster 😂 I don't know if this is the right taste since it was my first time drinking it, but it tastes a bit eggy. Alcohol 17 degrees, this will make you drunk.