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川中島幻舞Kawanakajima Genbu
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When was the sake I bought? I believe it was in Omotesando, Nagano. Today, playing on the shore. It would have been fine yesterday, but today it was up to 20 degrees Celsius. In the cool air, we had a marriage with fresh shirasu (baby sardines) that we bought in Miura Peninsula on the way back home. It was so fresh. Or rather, mizuya! ☆☆
Kawanakajima Genbu美山錦 純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
Masaaki Sapporo
8.5 points (wife: 9.5 points) Rice used : Miyamanishiki Rice polishing ratio : 49 Sake meter : undisclosed Acidity : undisclosed Sake Shop Yushuya (Kiyota-ku, Sapporo) When opening the bottle, it was very smooth. Almost no gas Slightly pineapple-like tropical overtone The slightly fruity aroma is the same as the first rise, and the full-bodied sweetness and umami of rice spreads with a pleasant acidity. The sweetness is initially noticeable, but the umami of the rice and the acidity balance it out from the mid-palate, and the sweetness increases further as the temperature rises slightly. It can be served with food, but it is better with cooked food than raw food. It is also rich and delicious on its own. It went well with a recipe for "Boys' Dinner," rice mixed with chicken and burdock root, octopus carpaccio, deep-fried octopus, and a home-tax return crab. It went well with a recipe for "Boys' Dinner," Tabasco adobo, fried sweet shrimp, and fried hokke.
Masaaki Sapporo-san, good evening 🌙 It reminded me of the delicious seiko crab bowl I had on a previous trip to Fukui ☺️🦀Although not freshly pressed, I purchased a bottle of Miyamanishiki Jungin the other day and am looking forward to opening it 🥳.
Masaaki Sapporo-san, good evening 🌇 I want to drink Genmai after reading your delicious review ☺️ I will look for it this weekend! I'm sure you'll be able to find it this weekend 😁.
Masaaki Sapporo
Thanks again, Kotaro 👍Seiko crab, small but tasty 🦀It's not freshly pressed since it's been a while since I opened the bottle too 😅.
Masaaki Sapporo
Thank you for all your help, Mr. Studying 👍The sweetness was a bit noticeable for me, as is the case with this Genmai. Maybe a little more glamorous at first too 🍶I'm looking forward to the second day and beyond😁.
masaaki Sapporo, Hi ✨😃😃❗I have never had seiko crab yet, so I would like to try it 😃I thought I would try to get it if I can get it with my hometown tax payment.
Masaaki Sapporo
TAKAHIRO, good evening 🌙Seiko crab is not distributed here, so it is just right for Furusato tax payment ✨Kinjaku from Yamaguchi is also available through Furusato tax payment 😋.
Good morning, Masaaki Sapporo 🎵. Thank you very much for the information about Hometown Tax 🎵. I will look into the various taxation options ❗
Kawanakajima Genbu特別純米 山田錦 しぼりたて特別純米原酒生酒無濾過
I was able to get it in a bottle. I enjoyed it a lot 🤤. Rice: Yamadanishiki Alcohol content: 16 Rice polishing ratio: 59
Kawanakajima Genbuしぼりたて特別純米原酒生酒無濾過
Fruity type Yamadanishiki Polishing ratio: 59% Alcohol level: 16 Acidity: 1.8, Sake meter value: +4, light and dry It was purchased at a sake shop in Matsudai, Nagano. It is a very well-balanced sake with sweetness, richness of rice, mild acidity, and a fruity aroma like white peaches in the mouth with slight carbonation 🍶. The smoothness of the silken tofu matched the smooth texture of the sake. When heated up, the sweetness was subdued and the peach aroma remained and a gentle acidity emerged. It was a very good sake 🍶 ❗️ thanks 😊
Kawanakajima Genbu純米吟醸無濾過生原酒
It is a fruity 🍶 that smells and tastes like melon🍈😃. I had it with grilled sardines, cold tofu, and spinach with sesame paste as a side dish, and personally, I think it has a strong sweetness 😃. Alcohol: 16 degrees Celsius Rice polishing ratio: 49 Rice used: 100% Miyamanishiki Sake degree: +3 Acidity: 1.6
Kawanakajima Genbu純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒
I bought it in a bottle at Kenmoku at the end of the year, but could not open it easily 😱. Good aroma when poured into a glass😃. The mouthfeel is soft and slightly thickened. The sweetness is spreading, but with good acidity and sharpness, very tasty 🍶. It is a bottle that I want to repeat again☺.
Kawanakajima Genbudrop collection しずく集斗瓶囲い純米大吟醸斗瓶取り
April, which was a very busy month for both work and private life, is over before you know it. I want to take my time and nourish my energy, so I opened a bottle of this one that had been sitting in my stock since last year. Kawanakajima Genmai drop collection All of the Genmai Kawanakajima are delicious and to my liking, but this sophisticated one is only sold during this season, so I managed to secure it! When we immediately opened the bottle, we were enchanted by its beautiful taste. It is a refreshing sweet taste like an adult melon cider! Rice polishing ratio: 35% (Yamadanishiki) Alcohol content: 16%.
I asked for it because it was recommended to me at the restaurant. It was crisp and refreshing, yet mellow. I had it in a wine glass, and it had an aroma and taste I had never experienced before. It was so rich that it could be called a Japanese wine. Surprisingly, it went well with beef tendon radish. It also goes well with spicy hot pepper salad.