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「かわずる」と読みます。 宮崎県延岡市に存する地名です。 川中島幻舞、ソガペールエフィス、信州亀齢がメイン。 川中島幻舞     愛山(達成)、ハーモニックエモーション 信州亀齢      戸沢産ひとごこち(達成)、稲倉の棚田ひとごこち(達成) ソガペールエフィス ヌメロシス (達成)、イリヤソントン(達成)、リアサケナチュレル70                 上記の入手に努めます。

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Sogga pere et filsリア サケ ナチュレル 70
Now, two types of Riasake Naturel 70 will be released next month. This is reproduced in excerpts from the data released by the brewery. (1) Riasake Naturel 70 Domaine Takou Cultivated by Ms. Sayoko Takou, this is a pesticide-free Miyamanishiki with a 30% reduction in yield. Less than half the yield of ordinary Miyamanishiki. The low protein content of the rice allows the sake to be rich in flavor without cutting it down unnecessarily. Mixed fermentation with No.1 to No.6 yeast. Mixed fermentation with No. 1 to No. 6 yeast. (2) Ria Sake Naturel 70 Tenjinbara Cultivated by Masamitsu Yamazaki in Tenjinbara, Miyamanishiki without pesticides. Miyamanishiki without pesticides. Tenjinbara is located at an altitude of 800 meters in the sky. The spring water from Misasawa is cold, so the hanging time of the unhulled rice is unusually long, making it a harsh and ideal place for Miyamanishiki. Mixed fermentation with No.1 to No.6 yeast. A very small amount of this sake was released, and it was made with a traditional sake yeast. Now, which will you choose? There must be some Sogapale lovers who choose both. I have already decided which one I will choose.
Good evening, Mr. Kawamizuru 🍶. It's really a maniacal drink 😆. Of course I will buy both😊.
Mr. Matsuchiyo. In the past, the launch has been on the same day.
Shinshu Kireiひとごこち 稲倉の棚田
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The bottle arrived yesterday, but the announcement was in the afternoon and I couldn't get to the stones. The taste was a little more refreshing than last year's. Still, it was fresh and smooth on the palate, and can be said to be Hitogokochi's best. Still, the freshness and smoothness on the palate make it the pinnacle of Hitokokochi. Due to the publicity, some distributors still have some stock left. If you are free tomorrow, why not visit Ueda?
alt 1
Ilya Thornton uses yeast #1 and yeast #2. The #2 yeast seems to be working better in this case. Now that there is no longer a do of only No. 2 yeast, I guess you have to have drunk it before you can grasp it. I liked the No. 2 yeast because the sake felt more energetic and lively. Ilyasonton means a hundred years ago, named after the fact that both No. 1 and No. 2 yeasts were discovered more than a hundred years ago. This time, the bottles were shipped separately to Tokyo, so the arrival dates varied. The early bottles arrived last Thursday, and the late bottles arrived today. To be honest, we were worried that we might not be able to get it.
Shinshu Kirei稲倉の棚田 ひとごこち
Okazaki Shuzo can be said to be a sake brewery that focuses on Hitokokotchi. The brewery produces three different types of Hitogokotchi: one from Nagano Prefecture, one from Tozawa, and one from the terraced rice fields of Inakura. These three types of sake are released on the market as draft, and are shipped again in the spring and later as fire-aged sake. The terraced rice fields of Inakura can be seen from the highway just before Ueda. In other words, the sake rice is harvested from rice paddies located within the city. Of the three varieties, Inakura Tanada boasts an overwhelmingly delicious flavor. It is truly exceptional, and as long as you have sake, you don't need any snacks. Last summer was extremely hot in Ueda. I have never heard of a hot summer in Nagano Prefecture. I am sure it will affect the sake rice, but I will never forget the taste of last year's sake. We don't know exactly when the sake will be released this year. However, from the information we have gathered, we think it will be about the same as last year. The sake is sent to other distributors on the same day as the brewery's release date, so the distributors will have their release date delayed by one day. I plan to buy some for a friend of mine this year. This means that I will have to visit Nagano Prefecture the day after the brewery's release date. The sales at the distributors are so strong that I am not sure if they will be able to keep it in stock after another day. Timing is everything. This is Inakura Tanada.
As you may know, we invite you to become a sake rice owner next season in the Kakawareru terraced rice fields of Inakura! We are guaranteeing 12 bottles of four-packs of sake for the return.
Shinshu Kirei戸沢産 ひとごこち
Perhaps, but it is believed that the product is now available at Sanada's special dealers around today. Other distributors do not carry it. The Okazaki Sake Brewery is also believed to have run out of stock. There is a line of people waiting in line at the store. We do not know how much is sold in a day, but at any rate, the stock cannot keep up. It is believed that they are now selling Yamae Nishiki.
As you may have heard, we have a guarantee of two bottles of No. 4 in Kurafan, which we recommend for next season.
One or two runs seems like a good idea, taking into account transportation costs.
3 shipments appear to have begun. We expect the bottles to arrive at many distributors tomorrow and the day after. My impression of last year's wine was that it was fluffy and had an unusual flavor that was not clear. I guess tastes differ. I will not go through with it this time either.
Shinshu Kirei戸沢産 ひとごこち
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Last year's heat wave has affected sake rice. This time, I bought it because of the next terraced rice field. Ueda had almost no snow. Sanada is located higher than Ueda. There is an impact, but it is on the smaller side. It is a bit thin, but tasty. I heard that last summer in Ueda was severe, so I am more concerned about the terraced rice paddies.
Sogga pere et filsヌメロシス ドメイヌ池田
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Finally, 750 ml is in. First, the taste. It is smooth. Not much flavor or richness. However, the alcohol is excellent. It is pleasant and light. It makes you forget everything you don't like. This time, I will let it sit for a while. It is troublesome to handle a cork each time, so I use a sake lid.
It's starting to happen, isn't it? The discrepancy between 750 ml and magnum bottle shipments was also last year. You can see how tremendous the sales are. Please keep your antenna up and secure them.
Suddenly, there has been a change in the timing of arrival. It looks like Numerosis Normal and Ilya Thornton will be changing. Please see the other information we told you about.
The release date is getting closer and closer. I won't be doing the complete this year. I don't have Lusakenaturel, so I can afford it. I only have experience with house drinking in Sogapel. If you have a list, please exercise its power to the fullest.
For those who have a list. When the sogaper is released, a record will appear in the Other Information section of Assovini Kiichi. You should check that. If you have the list, you will understand what we are talking about.
I see. Thank you 😊
Tonight, I would like to talk about our distributors. The three that we are defending are Shinshu Kamerei, Sogapere Ephis, and Kawanakajima Genmai. These are the top three Nagano sake. Therefore, they are competitive and yet popular sake. Some special dealers sell their products under various conditions. They do not necessarily have to sell it in stores. In some cases, it may not be sold in stores. There are also special dealers that sell wholesale to restaurants and other retailers. I call this business sales, or business sales for short. Since they are popular in restaurants and taverns, I sell the remainder of the product. In fact, there are liquor stores in Tokyo that sell only business sales in Sogapale and Genmai. In some cases, they have refused to sell over-the-counter because they sell to their customers. Last year, some stores stopped selling Lusake Naturel. If there are no over-the-counter sales, we have no choice but to hit other stores. Therefore, it is essential to check how several special dealers handle the situation.
Let me tell you about the list. First, when is late January? Last year, the bottles were shipped on January 20 and arrived in Kanto the next day. In other words, it is just a guideline, not a strict schedule. In Nagano Prefecture, there must be some distributors whose bottles arrived on the 20th. The last liasake naturale and lusake naturale are generally sent to one side, but last year the lusake naturale was delayed and sent separately. Therefore, Tenjinbara and Domaine Tago were sent on the same day. You need to keep your antennae up and contact the distributors.
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At the end of my shopping trip today, I went to a liquor store with the intention of buying a bottle of Miyamanishiki from Genmai. Then this happened. I had no idea it would be available on New Year's Day. I was going to visit a distributor in Tokyo, but I changed my mind and went to a distributor outside of Tokyo. The taste of cold brewing is just wonderful. Aizan does not seem to be affected by this. It is not clear if the stock will last until tomorrow. Last year, Aizan was released twice. There may be another one this year.
We will continue our discussion. Last summer was extremely hot. This affected the sake rice as well, making the rice less soluble. Also, due to the low rainfall, the harvest was down 30% in Takayuki and almost 40% in Tenjinbara. Since sake is made under these conditions, it is inevitable that the harvest will be more affected than in previous years. Last summer was a difficult summer for Miyamanishiki. First, we will try to grasp the situation with Miyamanishiki from Genmai.
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About this year's Sogapère. First of all, to my surprise, the most difficult to obtain, Le Sachet Naturelle 90, was not sold. The images are from last year and the year before. The number of bottles sold is extremely small, and it is the only precious sake available, in small 375 ml bottles. The brewery seems to have given up on it because the sake rice harvest was too small. Next, the number of bottles available for order. This data was made public for the first time. This is the maximum number of bottles that can be ordered by a sake distributor, and this is the number of bottles that are normally ordered. There is a figure of 88 bottles for 750 ml Numérosis, but the maximum I remember is 66 bottles. As for this one, it is a big deal. The 750 ml is in units of 11 bottles per box. Also, the number of bottles is for one particular distributor and varies from distributor to distributor. This particular distributor, by the way, is a small liquor store. However, it is a store that handles Sogapère wines well and should not be underestimated. The special distributor I purchased three bottles of Le Sacquet Naturelle last year, but this distributor had six bottles.