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Suzune Flavor Chart

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Product information is as of 9/15/2024.

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It was on sale at the supermarket, so I didn't hesitate to buy Abduction. Suzune is good, but... this is sake, but it's not sake... The sweetness is restrained and the sourness is present! It's refreshing and has no lingering aftertaste! I can recommend this unconditionally... but the price is rather not pretty w
Suzuneいちのくら 発泡清酒
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I bought it because it was on sale at a little upscale supermarket that I don't usually go to. It was a Japanese wine and the introduction was written on the store's popup. The wine was cloudy at the bottom, so I only took the first sip of the top... Delicious! It's only 5%, so it's a juice! My first impression was the same as a certain blue bottle of sparkling sake with a single kanji character that I drank the other day! Then, as the bottle says, I slowly turned the bottle upside down three times to let the muddiness spread. Sake-like bitterness is added just a little bit. The nigori sake's unique egomimi? Aroma? I can drink it without worrying about it, even though I'm not good at that. 300ml is 800 yen without tax! ...sometimes it's good 👍
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Beautiful yellow color like rape blossoms. The Suzune series has this slight sparkle that is just right (for me, who doesn't like strong carbonation), and if only there were 750ml bottles, I always wish I had a 750ml bottle to drink a lot of it at Christmas lol.
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Purchased at a local supermarket. First time in a long time for Suzune. I drank it before in a green bottle, but have not experienced the premium version. Alcohol 9%. The aroma is not so strong. It has a sweet taste, but it is more sour than sweet. It's more like a plum wine... I don't remember Suzune being like this. 🤔 I don't trust my memory of taste 😅. It's 9% alcohol, but the sourness bothers me, so I drink it little by little. Toward the end, it was almost like ume soda. I thought it was nice to have a light drink once in a while.
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Suzune after a long time Sake that made me think sake tastes good for the first time 🍶. It was the first sake that made me think that sake could be good. Since then, I have tried several sparkling sake, but I have yet to find one that I like better than Suzune! It's mild, sweet, slightly sour and delicious! Not much aroma. Somewhat like "Himezen"? I want to drink it again: ★★★★★
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When we went shopping last week, we stayed at Kami's parents' house, so we were accompanied by his wife's favorite tin sound. We went this way and that way. We stopped at a store that was a favorite of mine for a long time. We came home safely with our cold storage box full. I spent a lot of money on some unexpected items...
Good evening, Go-ni-Go-san (^o^) Suzune! It's famous in Miyagi and sold in soup! It's delicious😄and the sake you purchased are all wonderful! I'm jealous of Kamerei!
Good evening, Sashiu-san. This is the only sake that my wife likes. We bought a lot of sake which is not available in Iwate. I didn't expect a bottle of Kamerei, but...

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