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Yamatoden 1

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(^_^)🍶🍶🍶+ GW Tohoku Tour (3) 🍶Drinking set 🍶 with fried oysters and grilled oysters 📐 at an izakaya 🏮 in the basement of the station This sake is also very dry and goes well with food 🤔.
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The fifth one is Yamatoden. This is a Miyagi Prefecture-only brand brewed by Ichinokura. But it seems to be sold in other prefectures as well. The name Yamatoden comes from the name of a Japanese sword forged in Matsuyama, Osaki City, where Ichinokura is located. The sparks on the label are from the hammer used to forge the sword. The aroma is only faintly fragrant. The mouthfeel is light and dry, but the flavor is also strong. What should be noted is the sharpness. The sharpness is just like a Japanese sword, leaving only the good parts of bitterness and astringency. When I was a child, my late father used to keep Yamatoden on his bedside table as a sleeping sake so that he could sleep in the daytime after coming home from his night shift. My father never had an image of drinking, so I foolishly thought to myself as a child, "My father drinks too. It reminded me of something strange. Thank you for the food!
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An acquaintance of mine bought me (or rather, ordered me to buy him ...... lol) this Miyagi sake, Yamatoden! It smells nice and mellow! When I drank it, I didn't feel much sweetness, but a lot of spiciness! It's not very sweet, but it's very spicy! But there's no bitterness, and it has a dignified taste! Thank you, my friend!
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Another brand of Ichinokura sold only in Miyagi Prefecture. It doesn't have a strong aroma or fruity taste, but it has a standard flavor with a hint of sweetness. We drank it chilled, but you may find that a lukewarm or mid-meal drink will bring out its natural flavors. #Yamatoden #ichinokura #Osaki City #Miyagi Prefecture

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