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Fruity. No, too sweet? Maybe the drink I drank was long since uncorked. It tastes like citrus juice. The fruity flavor stands out without any alcohol or rice flavor. If you want to change your concept of sake, this is a drink for those who don't like sake.
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This is my first Ichinokura sparkling. There is a slight sweetness in the mouth right away. The overall taste is refreshing, but there is a slight bitterness in the aftertaste. It is delicious.
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Recently, Kijo-shu has become a favorite among people who enjoy Japanese sake. This time, it is the first time for me to try Ichinokura's Kijo-shu. It is called "Again", but the reading is "Again". The name is a combination of the English word "Again" and the Miyagi dialect word "Again" (= "Bon appétit"). I didn't know "Again". Now, this is both a noble sake and an aged sake. The maturing period is about one year. When poured into a glass, it has a beautiful amber color, which is rare for sake. The aroma has no ginjo scent, but is strangely sweet. At the beginning, it has a sweet taste like a noble sake, but it has a sour aftertaste. I personally feel that it is like Shaoxing wine with sugar. I admire that sake has a wide nostalgia. If you're going to have a full sake course, you'll want to enjoy it with greasy food or a rich dessert. By all means, if you haven't had it yet, give it a try!

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