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255 check-ins


Shinanonishiki Check-in 1
Summer is near, and the rainy season brings a sinking feeling. The mood lifted by drinking is only for today, and tomorrow will be a mixture of pleasure and sadness at the thought of drinking again. From the left, Eiko Fuji. I like this brand, but I have an image of it being a hit or miss. Maybe it is because I drank it a long time ago and smelled it. Easy to drink. The right one. Houraisen from Aichi Prefecture. I want to order this sake whenever I find it, but I forget why I wanted to order it. It has some residual alcohol, but is it easy to drink? It would be my favorite if it had a little more roundness, but I guess I will order it again when I see it again. Now, Shinanonishiki. It is a flat sake, neither hot nor sweet. It has a little bit of residual strength, but it is easy to drink. It's a refreshing drink. I thanked the waitress for letting it go so smoothly even though I said Shinshu Nishiki when I asked for it, and looked for the next sake.
Shinanonishiki一瓢 なまざけ
Shinanonishiki Check-in 1
Shinanonishiki Check-in 2Shinanonishiki Check-in 3
I can't even read the words "Tsuru and Nishiki" anymore🥲 It's a complete mistake sake... Shinanotsuru's raw sake⁉️I had to drink this, so I bought it. I opened the bottle and said to my husband in high spirits, "There was a bottle of raw Shinanotsuru sake and I bought it because I wanted to drink it... ❣️ My husband said, "It's Shinano-nishiki though!" He said, "It's Shinano-nishiki!" and .........🥺. Too stupid‼️No, but dry sake is perfect for a food sake 😋 but my mouth was asking for a Tsuruchu... 🥺.
Good morning, Yucachin 😊I make that mistake too 🤣I don't go so far as to buy it, but it's cute of you to notice it so close to opening the bottle 😍💕.
Good morning, Yukachin 🌞. Shinano has "Nishiki" and "Tsuru" and you took it upon yourself to tell me to look carefully at the label 🏷️ when I buy it 🥰. You are the quintessential sakewa godmother ❤️
ゆかちんさん、こんにちは😄 あるあるですよ〜それ😂ラベルの文字ってとっても達筆だし〰︎💦 でも飲む直前に‥はショックでしたね😥
Good morning, ai.sake😊glad I'm not the only one 😆 but if you didn't buy it, no problem 💦 I was disgusted with myself 🙆‍♀️
Good morning 3KAN4ON 😊Godmother 🤣🤣 just a silly 💦Look carefully at the label and buy it! I know 😅
Good morning, Tsubu 😊It's crazy how you don't realize until right before you drink 😅I'd like to believe that you can't go wrong anymore 😊.
Shinanonishiki Check-in 1
Shinanonishiki Check-in 2Shinanonishiki Check-in 3
In 1982, the brewery decided to use only local Miyamanishiki rice as a raw material. In 1991, all of the rice used to make Tokutei Meishu (specified name sake) was contracted to be grown locally. Since the 2006 brewing year, the brewery has been using pesticide-free or pesticide-reduced contract-grown rice for all brewing, producing a mellow, dry sake that takes full advantage of the flavor of the rice. Rice] Miyamanishiki 42%, grown without agricultural chemicals Alcohol】16度 Slight peach aroma Soft mouthfeel Mild sweetness Fine and firm acidity Citrusy astringency continues on the palate Refreshing and pleasant aftertaste The acidity is just wonderful!
Shinanonishiki Check-in 1
Shinanonishiki Check-in 2Shinanonishiki Check-in 3
It has a fruity quality that is typical of nama-shu, but as you drink it, it feels a bit dull and rough. The fact that I purchased two bottles by mistake is charming. I am enjoying the second bottle deliciously.
Shinanonishiki Check-in 1Shinanonishiki Check-in 2
I drank it for the first time❕. I didn't even register at Sake no Wa. This one has sweetness but also sharpness. However, I wonder if it is a characteristic of Nagano sake that it leaves an aftertaste of alcohol ('_'?). I've never felt much alcohol in Tohoku sake, even if it's junmai or so. But I was saved from feeling that it doesn't interfere with delicious food. I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not.
Shinanonishiki一瓢 しぼりたて 大辛口純米生酒
Shinanonishiki Check-in 1
Shinanonishiki Check-in 2Shinanonishiki Check-in 3
I want a nice, crisp, dry one to drink with my buckwheat! I opened a bottle of Shinanonishiki Ippou Shiboritate in anticipation of the big dry one on the label I bought yesterday! I like Shinanonishiki and have had a few of them recently. I've had Ippou, but this is my first time drinking Shiboritate! Almost clear, with a bit of suspended solids. Jamb is strong. Disc is thick. Aroma is mild. Distant slight pickle and bread lactic acidity. Attack is silky and expansive. Dry but with an equal amount of sweetness due to its deliciousness. Despite the great dryness, there is no crispness. It is good, but not what I was looking for today. It's good, lol. My mistake completely. With wine, I rarely miss it, but with sake, there are still many things I don't understand. 100% Miyamanishiki grown in Nagano Prefecture with reduced pesticide use Rice polishing ratio: 61 Alcohol content: 16%. Date of manufacture and date of shipment from the brewery: January 2023 Come to think of it, I haven't been to this liquor store that I used to like recently. It's a local shop, but they still carry good stuff!
Good evening, Mr. Las 😃. We visited Miyajima Sake Shop on our trip to Nagano last weekend 🤗 The large amount of beautifully arranged Nagano sake 🍶 was breathtaking and made our eyes sparkle🤩. ‼️
Good evening, Jay & Nobby. I have never been to Miyajima Sake Shop and would love to go there. My eyes sparkle when I see the sake 🍶✨Yeah, lol.
Shinanonishiki超玄 山惠錦純米
Shinanonishiki Check-in 1
I guess I expected a little too much. It is too sweet. I wonder why this is the case with this creation. It should be rather earthy and spicy. It is too sweet, so I tried it with cheesecake, and it turned out to be a good clarification. I once had a chocolate thrown into my mouth as a joke, and the sake came out surprisingly good. The flavor and heaviness of the sake was a bit harsh. I remember asking the owner and he told me that chocolate and sake go surprisingly well together. Maybe something sweet would be better than ham. Dried persimmons, chocolate, etc. might be good. Dried fruits and dried tomatoes would also be good!
Shinanonishiki Check-in 1
Shinanonishiki Check-in 2Shinanonishiki Check-in 3
Today is the far shore of the equinox. I can't visit the graves, but I'll drink heated sake and talk with my ancestors. Chogen S91 is 91% Yamae-Nishiki 91% polished rice grown without pesticides. Even the label is minimal SDGs sake! Light nutty and dried fruit flavors The grassy, herbaceous flavor and amino acid-rich umami are in good balance with the elegant sweetness. Yet it has a sharpness that makes you feel it is not low-polished. It is best served warmed. The range of flavors expands vertically and horizontally. Enjoy it slowly as it cools down from the hot sake.
Shinanonishiki Check-in 1
Shinanonishiki Check-in 2Shinanonishiki Check-in 3
Yamae Nishiki" produced in Nagano Prefecture is used. It has a refreshing taste. It is dry but has sweetness and umami, making it easy to drink. Production date: January 2023

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