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255 check-ins


Shinanonishiki Check-in 1Shinanonishiki Check-in 2
The simple bottle caught my eye and I bought it. There were several kinds of bottles, but I thought I could taste the umami in this 91% polished one. It has a gentle aroma, and is a deliciously refreshing type of sake. Just the way I like it. I think it tastes bitter right after taking it out of the fridge, but as it gets closer to room temperature, it becomes more to my liking.
Shinanonishiki Check-in 1
Shinanonishiki Check-in 2Shinanonishiki Check-in 3
Opened February 5, 2024 Purchased at the brewery Cold: rice complexity, poncake-like sweetness, refreshing acidity, a bit of garland chrysanthemum-like bitterness, but overall softness like a gently enveloping pear 🍐. Warming: smooth ❗️ softens further ^ ^ fluffy like cotton candy 🥰Heating is the best 🌟. The president of the brewery was also a scientist 😁. The conversation was so much fun ☺️
Shinanonishiki Check-in 1
I heard it's good warmed up. So we warmed it up a little lukewarm. Bingo! It's so good! Smells like freshly cooked rice! The taste is mellow and full of flavor. It also had a full aftertaste. It was the right choice!
Shinanonishiki超玄 M91純米生酒
Shinanonishiki Check-in 1Shinanonishiki Check-in 2
Shinanonishiki Check-in 3Shinanonishiki Check-in 4
Shina-no-shiki kyogen Strong and peculiar. Aroma that makes you wonder if it's hiney. Bitter taste and aftertaste like soy sauce. What is this? The sweetness and umami are enhanced when it is heated. It's delicious, isn't it? On the other hand, if you cool it down, it has a fruity, dry taste. What is this? Purchased at a sake brewery. In front of the station in Ina, the townscape with a Showa-era atmosphere is nice. Postscript. According to the flier, the 81% milled rice ratio is called Chogen series, M means Miyamanishiki and 91 means milled rice ratio. Homage to superstring theory. Nobeyama radio telescope. It seems to have been created under the concept of reducing food loss by low rice milling and saving paper for labels. Sustainable.
Shinanonishiki Check-in 1Shinanonishiki Check-in 2
It is a low-polishing junmai sake with a rice polishing ratio of 91%. I had this sake at a tavern I visited some time ago, and although I forget the details of the taste, I remember it was a delicious sake with various flavors and aromas of rice.

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