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Tokiwachō-2706 Matsuyamamachi Muramatsu, Kitakata, Fukushima
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Aizuhomare喜多方テロワール EPISODE I純米吟醸
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Homare Shuzo Kitakata Terroir EPISODE I Junmai Ginjo This brewery is located in Kitakata City, Fukushima Prefecture. Kitakata-grown "Yamadanishiki" rice polished to 55%. Gentle and fruity aroma, gentle The bubbly aroma, the gentle fruity flavor, and the umami of rice, the fresh acidity, and the crisp aftertaste A crisp aftertaste with good overall balance. #Nihon-shu
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🍶 Aizu Homare Shuzo Uzushima Yume Yeast Pure Rice Sake Aladdin Bottle with 15%-16% alcohol level. It has fruity and a little bit sour and little bland. 🍽 Today, I made crispy chive with mozzarella and plum tomatoes. I think it paired well with anything light and not too spicy. 🌾 Overall, it was a normal sake. I didn't really like the sour taste, but it was light and airy, easy to drink. Overall (*^3^)/~ 7/10 🟡 Light & Dry
Aizuhomare雲嶺庵 限定酒
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My daughter, who went back to her hometown, received this Unrei-an as a souvenir for her father from her boss at work. She said she visited the sake brewery and examined the sake that suited my taste before handing it to me. It has a gorgeous, fruity ginjo aroma reminiscent of fresh pears. In the mouth, it has a gorgeous hint of fragrance, mild sweetness, and elegant rice flavor. The clear and refreshing taste made it very easy to drink and perfectly suited my tastes. The taste of sake was made even more exceptional by the smile of my daughter, who said that she was blessed with kind-hearted people and that she enjoyed every day.
Hi pumpkin pudding😃 That's a good story 🥹I think being blessed with people means that your daughter and your pumpkin pudding family are returning the favor 😌. This drink must be delicious 😚.
Jay & Nobby, nice to meet you. Thank you for your comment. As my only daughter, I was very worried about being a parental figure, but everyone I met in Aizu was very kind to me and I can only thank them for that. You are right, the sake is dozens of times better than the original. ☺️
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Fukushima Sake Brewery Tour♪ We went to Homare Sake Brewery. I tasted a lot of sake and they were all delicious, but I liked the Terroir series because it was well-balanced! I especially liked Episode 1, but it was a seasonal product and not available... The sake based lychee liqueur and chocolate liqueur were also delicious!
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Yakitori Yurippi
Another good Fukushima nihomshu Slight sweetness with melon and hint of mushrooms with a dry finish Delicious with the ひざ軟骨の唐揚げ but not so good with the Yakitori as the delicate flavour is lost
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Color is clear with a slight yellowish tinge Aroma: melon-like ginjo aroma, standard aroma volume The taste is delicious with a hint of sweetness from the rice, and is a bit downscaled from what is considered to be a more expensive grade. As a daily, it is my favorite type of sake.
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It was given to me by a person in my company. Yamadanishiki 65%, Yume-no-Kou 35%, Polishing rice 59%. Slight aroma of 🍈. I thought it might be sweet, but the label said it was light and dry. The label said it was light and dry. The attack was mildly sweet, but later it became dry. The aftertaste is also quite long. This is a nice sake with a refreshing sweetness and dryness. It's too cosy, isn't it?

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