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Suginishiki Flavor Chart

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4-chōme-6-4 Koishigawachō, Fujieda, Shizuoka
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Tokiko Takahashi
Room temperature Aroma: Earthy, with hints of mirin (sweet sake) and a little bit of Shaoxing wine. Taste: Mild on the palate, but gradually becomes dry, with a sharp finish. The aftertaste is very dry, but there is a hint of rum raisin. 40℃: The aroma is slightly alcoholic, the taste is mellower on the palate, and the acidity is a little stronger. →This is a good temperature for meat stews such as beef stew. 50℃: The mildness on the palate remains, but the mildness changes to a pungent impression that lingers on the tongue. 60°C: The aroma is almost gone, the dryness stands out, and the taste changes to a crisp one.
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The aroma is not very strong. You can hardly taste the top notes. Not heavy but strong umami It is not a solid sake yeast yeast yeast. There is even a fruity taste. The aftertaste is firm. It is slowly delicious. It's even better now that it's cooled down a little.
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As with yesterday's post, I bought this when my parents were back home in Shizuoka. Rarity is common in Shizuoka, but higher outside of the prefecture. Cold sake. Gentle ginjo aroma. It is light but not too spicy. Not much acidity. The taste is not boring. The aftertaste is normal. Personally, I think it is better served at room temperature or hot. It is a good food sake. It is good with strong dishes. Suitable for intermediate to advanced drinkers of sake.
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The sky is high and sake is fat ↑upI'm about 0.05t, right? It spreads in the mouth and lingers in the mouth. It has a rich yet clear acidity like the autumn sky. It is a bottle specialized in acidity. It goes well with any snacks.
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One more bottle this time. I haven't uploaded the Suginishiki Honjozo yet. It is from Shizuoka. This is our lazy series of bottles, After a series of Fukushima sake from Chozo to Izumikawa to Hirotogawa, we now have this Suginishiki. Now we have this Suginishiki. Kikusen is one of them, but the stability of Shizuoka sake cannot be ignored. First, at room temperature. Pale yellow color. Slightly sweet rice aroma. Smooth on the palate, Soft banana aroma with a hint of Yogurt-like acidity and banana sweetness. The umami taste is as if you are biting into the rice. The light and elegant umakuchi taste is finished off with a firm bitterness. It is already delicious at room temperature! And, the sake store owner's recommendation: hot sake. The thick, banana-like texture and the dryness of the second half are irresistible! The thick banana taste and the dryness of the second half are also irresistible! This sake is delicious at any temperature. I just end up taking a sip at the end of drinking at home, I can rely on Sugi-chan ^ ^.
Good evening, Hirupeko! I prefer cold to chilled sake, but Hirupeko's review makes me want to drink a heated sake 🍶☺️
Good evening, Hirupeko😄. Suginishiki is a wonderful sake! I just had it and I want to repeat it as soon as possible. It is truly delicious at any temperature.
Hi Aladdin-san. The door to heated sake is opening for you Aladdin 🚪✨This kind of sake is good for relaxing and not thinking about anything 😊.
Hi Kab. I'm interested in the Tenpo-jusannen that Kab-san was drinking 😊.
Good evening, Hirupeko! Sugi Nishiki❣️ is a timely sake for me 😆I mentioned that I like to drink it at room temperature at the Tochigi Off-line Meeting the other day and etorannzyu told me that Sugi Nishiki is good at room temperature and I was curious 🤔.
Good evening, Tsubu-chan. Suginishiki is a great and very stable sake even in honjozo, so if you see it, please try it 😊etorannzyu, you are the best 👍.

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