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553 check-ins
Umenoyado 1Umenoyado 2Umenoyado 3Umenoyado 4Umenoyado 5

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Umenoyado Check-in 1
Daiginjo after a long time A bottle given to me by my grandfather Fragrant and fresh flavor. There is also a sense of gorgeous fruitiness. It has a lightness to it, but you can tell it's from a plum wine shop. No unpleasant heaviness.
Umenoyado Check-in 1
I tasted it at the store and enjoyed it so much that I bought a non-filtered, non-nama sake for the first time in a long time. It tastes good even if you drink it at home. I think it is better to chill it rather tightly.
Umenoyado Check-in 1
Booth of "Umenoyado", Nara Prefecture Umenoyado Sake Brewery. How many times have you been to this event? Unfeigned SAKE Cuvee Unfolded SAKE Cuvee" 🔴 "Aragoshi Pineapple" 🔴 "Umenoyado Sake Cuvee Aragoshi Pineapple Personally, I feel that Umenoyado's Aragoshi-Series has been completed. I drank "Irodori Junmai Red Label" at a previous brewer's festival, but it didn't really appeal to me, so I didn't have high expectations for it. Both have a gorgeous aroma, fruity flavor, and a good balance of sweetness and umami. The labels are stylish, but I can't read them in foreign languages 🤣. I mean, it's a mix of English, Japanese and French 😳. The "Aragoshi Pineapple" is still a solid pineapple👍! I forgot to take a picture of the "Aragoshi Pineapple"💦.
Umenoyado Check-in 1
Umenoyado Check-in 2Umenoyado Check-in 3
Sweetness comes, but no aftertaste. Alcoholic but tasteless. This is from a line called Yamafuka, before the Un series, and was shipped 5 years ago. A friend of mine found this bottle in the refrigerator case at Koami-Naka and bought it for fun, saying it was old sake. It was just a hassle that had lost its taste and aroma. 720 mL
Umenoyado Check-in 1
Umenoyado Check-in 2Umenoyado Check-in 3
Junmai Ginjo Nama Sake Unfeigned Sake ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Seasonal version of Umenoyado Un series Polishing ratio 60%, ALC 14%. I was sent information about a newly arrived brand, so I had an after-party by myself on the way home from a social gathering. I entered the restaurant just before the last order and ordered sake and light snacks. The aroma was subtle and sweet, and the taste was slightly mild. It is a bit heavy if you drink it alone, but I think it is a very tasty sake as a food sake. Chigasaki Chirori: 20230310

Brands from Umenoyado Shuzo

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