It is made in 2019 but was left in the brewery at the end of 2024. It has an aroma of maturity with a golden yellow color, the deep flavor of Kimoto is followed by a bit of spiciness.
The top clear liquid was not fizzy and felt somewhat spicy, but after mixing it, the sweet flavor of the nigori came out to dominate, and it was delicious, but beware of getting drunk.
A gift from a friend.
It has a very effervescent, nigori rice flavor, and a sweet taste, but combined with the carbonation, acidity, and bitterness, it is drinkable without feeling sluggish.
The aroma is gorgeous, the taste is a bit thin, with a slightly pronounced bitterness and acidity that comes through smoothly, and the alcohol that passes through the nose is refreshing like a daiginjo, but not to my liking.
Light crispness and freshness, the quality of the rice is smooth but the taste comes through at milling 70, the flavor is delicious with just the right amount of umami and bitterness.
Keep in the refrigerator for 9 months from the date of production.
It has a mellowed mouthfeel, with a slight tanginess in the back of the mouth. It has a fresh, not-too-sweet, green melon-like flavor and delicious taste.