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The second restaurant I had always wanted to visit was "Nara no sakagura zenzoku nemu umashu" (Nara's sake breweries all drinking umashu). There, I did not hesitate to try Umenoyado! It was the sake I wanted to drink in Nara this time! It was one of the sake that I had in my sake debut drinking comparison. What a stylish label! It was delicious with just the right amount of acidity!
Daiginjo is characterized by a full-bodied flavor. It has a fragrant and certain sweetness, blended with good acidity and spiciness. After opening the bottle, it tastes as if it is going to run out of steam, so we want to dry it out today and tomorrow, and it has a deliciousness that allows us to do so.
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Aragoshimikku Sake, which had been on sale for a limited time in March 2022, has become a standard product. The sweet and rich peach, mandarin orange, mango, banana, and apple fruits are given a light aftertaste by the addition of a special spirit made from yuzu and lemon distilled in-house. The addition of the texture of mandarin oranges and apples doubles the enjoyment of the drink! It is filled with 130 years' worth of sweat and tears! Umenoyado's history and technology are gathered! (1) "Sake Technology," the Cornerstone of Umenoyado's Sake Since its establishment, Umenoyado has been brewing sake with great care. By blending the sake brewed by our brewers, we have achieved a mild and pleasant taste. (2) "Liqueur Development" that became an innovation The best fruits and fruit juices, carefully selected over 20 years of development, are used. Using sophisticated blending techniques, "five kinds of fruits" were combined with "special spirits" distilled from lemon and yuzu in a perfect balance! (3) "Distillation technology" for the next generation The idea of "distilling yuzu and lemon" was obtained through more than 1,000 prototypes. Umenoyado's new challenge, "distilled liquor production," is also utilized! Ingredients Mandarin oranges (domestic), apples, peaches, bananas, mangoes, brewing alcohol, spirits, sake, sugar/vitamin C, citric acid Yuzu and lemon are used for spirits Alcohol content 5
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Exclusively sold at airports Plum wine made by carefully soaking high-quality Japanese plums with the refreshing flavor and subtle bitterness of green tea. The combination is carefully selected so that the sweetness and aroma of fully ripened plums and the refreshing sourness of green plums can be felt. The green tea is extracted from the tea leaves to bring out the right amount of bitterness and sweetness. We also blended in our own specially brewed sake to create a harmonious blend of green tea and plum wine flavors. Chill it well and drink it straight.
Umenoyado梅の宿の梅酒 黒ラベル
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This luxurious plum wine is an even richer version of the standard "Umenoyado's Plum Wine". It is made from both domestically grown green plums and fully ripened plums, and soaked in Umenoyado's sake. In the mouth, the refreshing aroma of plums spreads, and the elegant flavor of sake lingers in the aftertaste. Because of its rich ume aroma and flavor and high alcohol content, it can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, such as on the rocks, with soda, or with water. The brewers of Umenoyado Shuzo, a famous brewery representing Nara Prefecture, wash each plum seed by hand and carefully soak them in sake brewed by the brewers themselves. The sake is soaked once a year. The plums are soaked in early summer, when they are harvested, and matured for about six months before shipping. The sake is bottled specially without filtration, and is unfiltered. It has a full-bodied plum wine aroma, and when you drink it, it is very soft on the palate, but also has a full-bodied flavor. The flavor is full of plum extracts and overflows. The sweetness is moderate and not clingy, and the aftertaste is pleasant. It is of course delicious straight, but since it is an undiluted sake, we recommend serving it "on the rocks," where it does not become too thin even with ice. Hot Umeshu with hot water is also good on cold days! Ume (domestic), brewing alcohol, sake, sugar ALC 18 degrees
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Umenoyado Sake Brewery Umenoyado Junmai Shiboritate This brewery is located in Katsuragi City, Nara Prefecture. This is a freshly squeezed new sake. Slightly sweet and fruity. Fresh aroma and refreshing taste. #Nihon-shu
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Umenoyado Shuzo Umenoyado Junmai Daiginjo Mature Nama Shuzake This brewery is located in Katsuragi City, Nara Prefecture. This Junmai Daiginjo has been matured in the brewery for about one year. The aroma is modest and gorgeous, and the taste is rich and mellow. The rich flavor and calm taste. #Nihon-shu

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