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I've been working hard to consume the stock in my refrigerator for the September event purchase... but I've been stopping by a few sake stores 😊. At one store, Umenoyado was recommended. Wife nailed me first saying "if I buy it, they will only let me buy a little at the Hankyu Department Store event" 😅.... She said fruit wine would be OK, so we went to Umenoyado izakaya in Namba underground shopping mall to do some research 😄. I bought "Aragoshi apple" and "Aragoshi Yuzu" because they were particularly good with a clean aftertaste. It wasn't aragoshi, but the taste was the same 😄. The aroma of yuzu overflows in the glass, not too sweet and refreshing. Especially good on the rocks 😋. Thank you 😋😋.
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<It's full of yuzu and thick and sweet sake. Today, we have a yuzu liqueur. The ingredients are yuzu, brewing alcohol, sake, and sugar. The aroma is like yuzu syrup. It's not sharp and sour like yuzu itself, but it's full of sugar. When you put it in your mouth, you get a thick, thick yuzu sourness and the sweetness of the syrup. The bitterness of the citrus appears instead. And the aftertaste disappears completely. Delicious! On the official website, it says the recommended way to drink it is on the rocks or straight. I can certainly understand that. It's pretty thick, but just barely thick enough to drink as is. Of course, it seems to have a wide range of uses as a flavoring agent for soda and cocktails. Personally, I liked it on the rocks. If I were to compare it to Ghibli, it would be Terra from the final episode of "Future Boy Conan". A typical tsundere. She can't be honest and is always on the attack. But in the last episode, she is completely Jimsy's wife. She is very sweet. Satisfaction: ★★★★ I'll post the full version on the blog, complete with character images. If you'd like, you can search for "korune sake" or come from the link in my profile section.
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ザ柚子!って舌触りがトロミがあって すごい濃い柚子ジュースを飲んでる感じ! 何に合うんだろう🤔 オススメがある方教えていただけないでしょうか?

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