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Umenoyadoun feignedsake classic純米生酒
Umenoyado Check-in 1Umenoyado Check-in 2
The aroma is of dashi broth, like kombu-shime. In the mouth, it has a texture like a ripe melon, with a sweet aftertaste. It is a very intense sake. The impression is similar to port wine.
Umenoyadounfold SAKE純米大吟醸
Umenoyado Check-in 1Umenoyado Check-in 2
Here is another one I forgot to post. This is the brewer of "Aragoshi Umeshu," which I used to love and drink a lot back in the days when I could not drink sake like I do now. This is the first time I've had a sake from this brewery that is not a fruit sake 😌. I stumbled across it this time and got it👍. The taste is very light and easy to drink 😆. I like sweet sake, but I can also enjoy this sake 🍶.
Umenoyado純米 アンフェサイドサケ
Umenoyado Check-in 1Umenoyado Check-in 2
Dry but never tasted before. Dry from the aroma. As the brand name suggests, it is unadorned, refreshing, and sharp! Refreshing and not disturbing even during a meal.
Umenoyado Check-in 1Umenoyado Check-in 2
Umenoyado Check-in 3Umenoyado Check-in 4
It's been a while since all my nieces and nephews gathered for a joint birthday party of mother, sister and nephews at a nice teppanyaki restaurant at my nephew's request 🍴. We had a glass of Umenoyado Honjozo, the only sake from outside of the prefecture that was available at the meat-centered restaurant, with my father's favorite sake, Tobikiri Heated 🍶. The sake was heated to a tobikiri (a special kind of warmed sake), which gave the sake a nice spread of umami, followed by an alcoholic feeling and then a soft finish. Good with the beef stew and squid butter grilled as snacks 😁. The image of the bottle is borrowed from the official website. I thought I would have first conquered Nara's sake around Mimuro Sugi, Kaze no Mori, and Shinomine, but I was surprised to find an unexpected surprise! I would like to pay a visit to Ookami shrine someday. ⛩️ The second and third pictures are of a Belgian beer called "Reefman" that I ordered before going for the hot sake, but it was more like a sparkling wine than a beer because it was low-alcohol, full of berries, and rock style 🥂.
Umenoyado Check-in 1Umenoyado Check-in 2
★★★★☆ My guy at work bought this for me when he went back home. Not because of that, it's delicious! Is Umenoyado famous in Nara? It was my first time.
Umenoyado Check-in 1
I was told that there was a new pineapple in the Aragoshi series and I immediately bought it 😊. Pineapple is better than pineapple juice 🍍. I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not, but it's a good thing. I'm sure pineapple lovers will love it.) I think pineapple lovers will love it. It's not too sweet like canned pineapple juice, so you can't stop drinking it. I usually drink sake, so the alcohol content is not too much. But it's a good price, so you have to drink it with care.
Umenoyado Check-in 1
Umenoyado Check-in 2Umenoyado Check-in 3
3. ume no yado Un series. unfeigned saké. classic. Seasonal Junmai Nama Sake. The mouthfeel has a strong acidity as if it is made from the traditional sake yeast, and there is a sticky sweetness like melon or banana. There is a pleasant bitterness in the aftertaste, making it easy to drink at a good tempo. Omachi, 70%, about 1,700 yen, Otsuka Sake Shop in Honmachi.
Umenoyado純米吟醸 生原酒
Umenoyado Check-in 1
Umenoyado, which I didn't like for its sweetness, turned into something else when I tried it with soda. The refreshing sweetness and the rice flavor that lingers afterwards are very elegant! ❤️❤️🤍🤍🤍
Umenoyado Check-in 1
Umenoyado Check-in 2Umenoyado Check-in 3
4. Un series of Umenoyado, Unfined Sake. Unfiltered. It has a slightly light cloudy appearance. The mouthfeel is gorgeous and spicy, but it also has sweetness. It is not too sweet, and the acidity is well balanced. Seasonal Junmai Daiginjo Nama Sake. About 2000 yen, Otsuka Sake Brewery, Honmachi, Tokyo.
I sipped it in a hiya. The fruity aroma is momentary, and a strong sweetness spreads in the mouth and lingers for a bit. ❤️🤍🤍🤍🤍

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