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Hirashima Liquor Shop (ひらしま酒店)

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Kudokijozu純米大吟醸 しぼりたて 生純米大吟醸生酒
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I was finally able to try it. I had heard that it was supposed to be sweet and fruity so that women who were new to sake would not be put off by it, but when I opened the bottle, I found that the ginjo aroma was a bit subdued, and the sweetness and sourness were not too strong, but the flavor was strong, and the balance of flavor, sweetness, and sourness was exquisite.
十八盛多賀治 純米吟醸 山田錦純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Last time I got Tagaji's Omachi, and this time I was looking forward to the Yamadanishiki, but due to the malfunction of the refrigerator, it might have matured a little... I felt it was a little sour. I felt that it had become a little mellow, but it also had a ginjo aroma, and I enjoyed it very much.
Kikuhime山廃純米 呑切原酒純米山廃原酒
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I thought it was a classic because it was Yamahai, but it was a very delicious sake with a fruity aroma, a modern feel, and a taste of Yamahai. The sourness went well with the cold tofu with a little vinegar.
Good evening 😄 I haven't had Kikuhime yet, but I'd like to try it after reading your review ☺️ I live in Kitakyushu, so I sometimes visit Hirashima Sake Shop 😉.
Thank you for your comment😊. I've never had Kikuhime before and it was very different from what I imagined 😁. I often go to Hirashima Sake Store and Rikimaru Sake Store in Kitakyushu, and Urano Sake Store in Gyobashi, although it is a little far.
十八盛panda no kimochi原酒生酒無濾過
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As the tag says, it has the tingling sensation of carbon dioxide gas, and the aroma and taste of unfiltered undiluted sake is very delicious. Strangely enough, the taste did not change even after returning to room temperature, and it was a stable sake. We had it with sautéed fresh onions, and it was delicious without losing the strong flavor.
Nice to meet you, Inchkin, and good evening ⭐️! That's a cute label! I think I'm going to buy the label. I'm naturally curious about what's inside too 😊.
AKI, nice to meet you and thank you for your comment. I'm sorry for the late reply... 🙇 At first it was a complete jacket buy but the taste is very good and I recommend it ☺️.
Inchkin-san, the contents are also 👍. It's a must check❗️I'll check it out at Hirashima-san.