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Hirashima Liquor Shop (ひらしま酒店)

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When the bottle is opened, it has a slightly tangy, gaseous taste and a strong, gorgeous aroma. The sweetness and flavor are so strong that one might wonder if this is a special honjozo? I would think that this is a special honjozo? Normally, we would open the bottle and drink it up, but after about 3 days of drinking, the sweetness has settled down and the taste has become more refreshing. I enjoyed it on its own on the first day, and later on as a food sake. As expected of Jyushidai.
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I opened it unexpectedly and skipped a little..! I was told to be careful when opening the bottle, but I opened it unexpectedly and skipped a little... It is truly a champagne. The sweetness and a little bitterness in the bubbles and the aftertaste that disappears quickly is Champagne, but it is still rice, so it goes very well with the sashimi of tuna. It was very tasty.
Miinokotobuki純米吟醸 大辛口 山田錦純米吟醸
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Hirashima Liquor Shop (ひらしま酒店)
We are going to eat nigiri sushi at home and I bought a bottle of sake to go with the sushi! At first I thought it wasn't too dry 🤔. But as I drank more and more, the aftertaste was painful 🔥😫🔥. It tastes full but because it's dry, it's refreshing and delicious 😋😋.
Azakura中取り 特別純米 無濾過生原酒特別純米原酒生酒中取り無濾過
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The aroma when the bottle is opened is subdued, and it has a strong sugary sweetness that is typical of special junmai. When the bottle returns to room temperature, there is a slight alcohol smell, but the taste and aftertaste are clear and delicious, like drinking the sake on its own rather than as a food sake.
Kikuhime鶴乃里 生原酒原酒生酒
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It has a gorgeous aroma of nama sake and a robust sweetness and flavor due to its 19% alcohol content. It has a strong flavor, so we served it over two days. On the first day of opening the bottle, the sake was fresh and was enjoyed on its own, and on the second day, the aroma settled down and it went very well with sashimi and horse sashimi, making it very delicious.
Toyobijin十の風 槽垂れ生酒槽しぼり
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It has a strong sweet aroma and taste, especially a strong sweet taste, like sugar. However, the lingering aftertaste quickly fades away, so there is no persistent sweetness, and I did not get tired of drinking it. I thought the sweetness would increase at room temperature, but it turned out to be a very nice, calm taste.
Aramasaラピス 美山錦純米吟醸生酛生酒
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I had purchased this for New Year's, but it was too late to enjoy it. Compared to Yamada-Nishiki, the aroma when the bottle is opened is less intense, the taste and sweetness are gassy in the mouth, and the aftertaste is more acidic. The taste is totally different depending on the rice used. We enjoyed it very much with vinegared octopus.
十八盛朝日純米大吟醸 限定直汲み純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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As is typical of unfiltered, unfiltered, unfiltered sake, it has a tangy, gaseous taste, a strong, gorgeous aroma, a sugary sweetness, and a firm flavor that disappears easily in the aftertaste. On the second day, the aroma was less intense and the sweetness was stronger, giving it a different taste.
Juyondai樽垂れ原酒 生酒原酒生酒
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Happy New Year everyone! I was so excited when I finally got my hands on a bottle of Jyushiyo. The aroma is strong and fruity, like pear or peach, and the sweetness is strong but not unpleasant. The sake is not to be paired with anything, but rather to be enjoyed on its own.
Happy New Year, Mr. Inchkin 🌅 I would be so excited if I could buy Jyushiyo 🤩 We have been entering the weekly lottery for about 6 months but we haven't won 🥲 I wish I could taste the excitement! I'd love to taste the excitement 😌😌.
Thanks for your comment 😊 I was so happy and delicious that I had it in no time!