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Shinshu Kirei純米大吟醸39 美山錦純米大吟醸
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The proprietress asked me what I was going to drink tonight. When I saw the cold storage, I thought it would be the Shinshu Kamerei with the turtle mark! I had been thinking that I would definitely drink it when I found it! The proprietress suggested that we could compare three kinds of Shinshu Kamerei tonight! But I'm going to stick to my original intention and finish with four kinds tonight! So, this Kamerei, please! It is polished to 39%. It was a delicious fruity sake, just the way I like it! The next morning, we check out early, so let's finish up here. I'll take one onigiri (rice ball) as a souvenir for the end of the day! I'll visit again when I get a job in Okayama or Kurashiki. extensive knowledge Alcohol content - 15 Sake degree Rice used: 100% Miyamanishiki from Nagano Prefecture Polishing ratio 39
TakachiyoPINK かすみ無調整生原酒原酒生酒
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While there were not many customers, I had a chance to look around in front of the cold storage room. Among them, I had to try this one! Hiragana Takachiyo with a beautiful shocking pink color! As expected, it was my favorite fruity sake! Stewed river fish and beef tenderloin! How could it not go well with sake? Marumoto-san, I'm glad I chose it after all! extensive knowledge Ingredients rice(domestic),rice malt(domestic) Alcohol percentage 16 or more, less than 17 Rice used: Undisclosed Polishing ratio Not disclosed Yeast used Not disclosed Sake degree Not open to the public Acidity Not disclosed Nama/Hiirei Nama
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Unknown bottle seen from the counter in the back Flowers on the label🌸 They brought it to the counter and showed it to me. It's a sake from Miyazu, Kyoto. I regretted passing on drinking it this time 🙅. I couldn't find it on the internet. I wonder what kind of sake it was. It's annoying 😵‍💫 extensive knowledge I'll write about it next time I encounter it
Afuriあふり NAMAGEN 純米 兵庫県産山田錦 水酛無濾過生酒純米生酒無濾過
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Let's narrow it down to four kinds today. We were seated behind the counter, but you can barely see the cold storage! That four-pack looks like a rainfall! So I asked the proprietress to serve it to us! She said, "It's mizu-hashiroshi. Please do! In the past, I drank a pink labeled Amezure and it gave me an impression that it was a good sake to start with, but this rainbow 🌈 labeled Amezure has quite a distinctive taste! If anything, the acidity stands out! It is similar to Kijoshu. Okayama's famous Kiara egg dish! Three big raw oysters from Nissei town! Unbearable! I found a rare sake that is as good as such a dish! extensive knowledge Rice polishing ratio: 90 Rice used: Yamadanishiki from Hyogo Prefecture Brewing water: Amezan groundwater (150 hardness) Yeast: No additives Alcohol content: 15
Senkin雪だるま しぼりたて活性にごり酒生酒にごり酒発泡
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At Kurashiki Marugen A restaurant I visited last year at this time of the year and liked it. This time with my wife. I always follow them on SNS. The latest news was that they had just the right amount of sake in stock! Unlike last time, we started with the yellowtail shabu-shabu, and this time we asked for the course to be left to us! Let's start with a light nigori sake! Senkin Snowman Pichi pichi shuwashi shuwashi! It's the perfect start to a sweet day! Let's keep it down today! Seared Sashimi It was a local fish, but I lost the name! But it was delicious and unforgettable! a wealth of knowledge Rice: Yamadanishiki (Sakura City, Tochigi Prefecture) Rice Polishing Ratio: Koji Rice 50%, Kake Rice 60%/ Alcohol content : 13% (Unpasteurized)
神心純米吟醸原酒 涼吟醸純米吟醸原酒中取り
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Japanese sake BAR Marugen Junmai Ginjo-Ginjo-Genshu 13% alcohol Koji rice / Satoumi rice Omachi 20% (50%) Kake rice/ Satoumi rice Akebono 80%(58%) Association 901 yeast The acidity comes forward, reminding us of the summer coolness of Okayama's famous "Shine Muscat" 😊. 4th glass Omine Summer Kasumi 5th cup Hakusen Doburokku 6th cup Kudokibe Jr.'s Mystery Girl Thai nameko, delicious 😊. The first cup of rice the first cup Shinsei 2022 ? The 1st cup Abe Akada & Kamiwa Shinden ? The 1st cup Jyushiyo Ginzen Simmered yellow chives with egg
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Japanese Sake BAR Marugen Junmai 16%. Omachi from Okayama 68% 2023.04 Yeast/Association No. 9 Everyone loves unfiltered raw sake😊Good for Okayama Prefecture😊.
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Japanese Sake BAR Marugen Junmai Ginjyo 13% Japanese rice Domestic rice 55% 2023.05 When I entered the bar with my Hanayo backpack, the waitress found out I like sweet sake and recommended it to me 😊. The sweetness is pleasant😊The cup was emptied in no time🥺👍.
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The second type, Fukukomachi Kikuzake, was also sweet, but this one was even sweeter and more sour! I checked and found that I had had this the last time I was in Okayama in the fall. My impression at that time was that it was a white wine with a sour taste. But each of these three wines has its own characteristics, and I think they were just right to finish off my sake! After all, it was -55 from -39! I made sure to remember the fish in the shade of the tree! I went to Marugen for two days! I will visit again when I come to Kurashiki! extensive knowledge Winner of the Gold Prize at the Feminaries World Wine Competition 2022, a unique international competition selected by female wine experts from around the world! One sip and you'll think, "What? This is sake? This is a sake with a new sensation that makes you want to say "What? It has a sweet and sour, refreshing flavor reminiscent of apricots and plums, and its low alcohol content of between 8% and 9% makes it easy to drink even for those who are not so fond of alcoholic beverages. If you have never had this sake before, the new sake "Kiin no Uo" is clearly different from the sake you have been drinking until now. Alcohol 8 degrees Sake degree -55 Acidity 4.5
Fukukomachi貴醸酒 火入れ純米貴醸酒
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Second, Akita sake in the middle Fukukomachi Kojo-shu. I thought it might be sweet, but it is surprisingly light sweetness and delicious! I guess this is a good way to end the meal! The owner told us that the next one would be even sweeter! What kind of sake is it? (a brief description of the secrets of this dish) Kijoshu is usually brewed using junmai-shu (pure rice sake) instead of brewing water during the distillation process. However, Fukkomachi's kijoshu is made with junmai-daiginjo instead of junmai-shu, which gives it a more elegant and smooth taste and a rich aftertaste. The sake has a smooth and elegant mouthfeel and a rich aftertaste. Furthermore, the alcohol content has been kept in the 13% range, so the sake has a high extract content and, like a ripe fruit, is richly mellow and sweet, yet smooth to drink with a clean finish. Rice: Akita Sake Komachi Rice polishing 55 Yeast: Akita yeast No.12 Alcohol content 13.5 Sake meter degree -39 Acidity 1.9
Miinokotobuki冬純米活性にごり Neve ネーベ純米にごり酒
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Yellow-tail shabu-shabu (shabu-shabu with amberjack) Now that we've had our fill, it's time to wrap it up! Lightly seared onigiri rice balls were served! The owner told us to pour the soup stock into this bowl and enjoy! But we put the onigiri into the pot with the rice ball and had ojiya (rice porridge)! Let's finish the comparison with not two but three kinds of sake! First, a selection of jackets found in the cold storage! Winter atmosphere, active nigori! It's dry with a strong rice flavor! What about the other two? Knowledge The rich ooze has a freshness like that of a green apple. This nigori sake is not sweet, but dry and pleasantly effervescent. Rice used: Yume-ichikkyo Rice polishing ratio: 60 Yeast: ---- (yeast) Alcohol content: 14%. Sake degree: +6 Acidity: 1.5
大嶺Ohmine 3粒 春風かすみ生酒 愛山純米生酒おりがらみ
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The comparison was Oomine, which the guest next to me had drunk the day before and I was curious about. Lightly cloudy It is refreshing and delicious! It is a good combination with the sweet sake Kosumori. The owner taught me the meaning of the number of rice grains on the Omine label! The Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter is within walking distance from the store. Quite a nice atmosphere! extensive knowledge Ohmine presents a series of seasonal tidings, Kasumi Nama-zake. This product is "Harukaze Kasumi Nama-zake" made with Aizan, which brings an early hint of spring around the time of Risshun. This product is made from Aizan, which is carefully grown by contract farmers in the special A district of Yoshikawa Town, Hyogo Prefecture. The large white-colored Aizan grapes are carefully polished to 60% to prevent cracking. The warm, gorgeous, and clear aroma is reminiscent of a spring breeze, which is also in the product name. On the palate, the floral bloom and refreshing fruitiness, like muscat and lychee, make you feel light and airy. The corkage creates a smooth mouthfeel, expressing not only freshness but also a deep umami flavor. Fresh, Ohmine-like acidity and complex flavors converge on the palate, gently blowing through and disappearing, leaving a light lingering finish.
kamosu mori純米大吟醸 生酒純米大吟醸生酒
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The restaurant is full! The owner and his two waitresses are busy with their work. We joined the conversation of two other customers at the counter and served drinks to the owner as well! It was a nice evening! So we decided to order two drinks at a time! Let the sake comparison begin! We started with this one as we discovered the brewing forest! Junmai Daiginjo! I love fruity and umashuwa! Sweet and easy to drink as expected! Let's match it with the other one, Nigoromi! extensive knowledge Kozo-Sumori takes a lot of time and effort to make its sake, with one-stage brewing, bag-hanging, and unfiltered raw sake, but this Junmai Daiginjo is made with the most time and effort, and the rice is polished to the highest standards. This junmai daiginjo is made with the utmost care and polishing of the rice. The flavor has a dense sweetness and a bouncy aroma that is unlike anything we have ever tasted before. As soon as you open the cork, you will be immediately overwhelmed by the rich, sweet aroma that also includes acidity like that of grape and pineapple. When you pour it into a glass and taste it, you can feel a dense and incomparably sweet flavor. However, thanks to the acidity, the wine is not at all just sweet and cloying. It is a perfect match for dishes with rich flavors, and it enhances and enhances each other without losing any of the richness.
Morishima雄町 純米大吟醸しぼりたて生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒
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Tonight's seat is the first one on the right side of the counter. It's the closest to the cold storage room and you can see the bottles very clearly! As I mentioned at the start of Tenbi, I was really excited to drink as much as I could if there were so many sake to choose from! Next up was Morishima, a long time no see! Omachi Shiboritate, just released this month! Fresh, sweet and delicious! Junodai for such a great price! Thank you very much! extensive knowledge Morishima's characteristic glossy, shiny, transparent, light mouthfeel and freshness with a slight effervescence. Exquisite balance of voluptuous flavor with the plump sweetness of Omachi rice! The sharp aftertaste makes it an excellent food sake. Specific name: Junmai Daiginjo Ingredients : Rice, Rice malt Alcohol content: 15 Sake meter rating: +2.0 Acidity: 1.8 Rice used for making:Omachi Rice polishing ratio:50 Condition: Nama-shu
KazenomoriALPHA 3純米大吟醸無濾過
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Looking carefully at the cold storage, I found a wind forest, which was not there yesterday, as I recall. I asked the owner if I could open it. I asked if I could open it. The endorsement reads "Alpha 3". The owner said, "This is fire-roasted. But it was fruity and delicious beyond my imagination! I've found a great sake 🍶! The amberjack shabu-shabu is also great! extensive knowledge The ALPHA series is a more innovative lineup that goes beyond the conventional boundaries set by Kaze no Mori and explores new sake possibilities from various angles using creative techniques. ALPHA3 is the only fire-aged sake in the series. The freshness of the sake on the palate is so surprising that you may wonder if this is a fire-aged sake. It has a lively gaseous sensation that is typical of Kaze no Mori, with a wonderful balance of fruitiness reminiscent of muscat, a slight astringency, and a voluptuous umami flavor, and the sharp acidity finishes off the taste with a clean and crisp finish. Rice used: "Akitsuho" from Nara Prefecture Polishing ratio 50%. Designated Sake, etc. Junmai Daiginjo/Hiirei-shu Strength 14%.
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Fire-aged Japanese pear Then how about the raw sake? What a pineapple 🍍🍍🍍! Our first test brew! I'm sure this will be very popular! We took turns comparing flavors while enjoying the main dish of the evening, yellowtail shabu-shabu! There was so much of it! I think I'm going to be full! a wealth of knowledge Limited Sake] The aroma is slightly fragrant, fruity, sweet-sour and plump. Voluminous juicy flavor from the petite mouthfeel. It has a moderate bitterness, a soft astringency, and a sweet, dark flavor, which is brought together by the spiciness that is felt above the sake's sake level, and flows down the throat smoothly and crisply. Alcohol 15 Sake meter degree -1.0 Acidity 1.7 Rice used (Koji) Yamadanishiki (Kake) Yamadanishiki, Shunyo Polishing ratio (Koji) 50% (Kake) 60
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We were served the sake we had agreed to drink the day before for a comparison! Tabe Takeshita Sake Brewery in Unnan City, Shimane Prefecture Hi-ire and Nama-shu First, let's start with the hi-ire sake! Fruity like a Japanese pear! This was the first time I had tasted it, and it was delicious! The owner also bought a bottle to try it out and decided to see how it reacted in a four-pack bottle instead of a one-pack bottle. I personally recommend it! (from the owner's own personal experience) A fire-aged version of the commemorative first brewed sake This is a commemorative first-brewed sake produced by Tabe Takeshita Brewery, a new brewery created by the business transfer of Takeshita Honten, a brewery that is also the birthplace of former Prime Minister Takeshita and DAIGO. The brewery's new brewery, Tabe Takeshita Sake Brewery, was established by the business transfer of Takeshita Honten, the brewery from which Yamada Nishiki and DAIGO were born. This is a test brew with high expectations for the future, and is only available now. The aroma is gentle, but has a beautiful core. The aroma spreads softly in the mouth, followed by the soft sweetness of the rice. The beautiful and elegant umami, with a light dry aftertaste. Rice used Yamadanishiki, Shunyo Rice polishing ratio 50-60 Alcohol content 15 degrees Celsius Sake degree / Acidity ±0 / 1.7
Mansakunohana純米吟醸 生原酒 責取り純米吟醸原酒生酒
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Comparison of Mansaku no Hana The Nakagumi from earlier has a Japanese pear taste. This one has a pineapple flavor. Different malted rice gives different tastes Sake is so deep! knowledge Fruity aroma, juicy sweetness, good with a glass of wine The "blamed" part is the part that is pressed further after the "Nakatori" part is taken, and is the part with the most intense flavor. It is the last part of the pressing process and has a slightly bitter taste, but it also has a sharp taste. Ingredient rice: Akita Sake Komachi Polishing ratio 50%. Yeast used: UT-2 Alcohol 16%.
Good evening, Shin Shin SY. I didn't know that they have "chugumi" and "blame" in "mansaku no hana". I would like to compare the drinks. 😋
Good evening, NITO-san. Nakagumi, I heard that there is not only blame but also rough running.
Mansakunohana純米吟醸 中ぐみ純米吟醸中取り
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The next sake is a comparison of Akita Mansaku no Hana The first one is "Nakagumi". It tasted like a fruity pear! I have never tasted anything like it in the previous Mansaku no Hana sakes! We are looking forward to the next one! extensive knowledge This is the middle of the "Ara, Naka, and Chukagumi" series, which are junmai ginjo carefully brewed in a small brewing process and separated by the timing of pressing in a traditional tank (fune). This is the one and only popular series that allows you to compare the exact same sake. In the Arabashiri stage, the bags are still coarse and the sake is still lightly cloudy, but the bags gradually become more and more tight and the sake turns clear, which is the sign of "Nakagumi. This is when the most beautiful sake is pressed. Nakagumi This is the "middle" of the pressing process. You can enjoy the most stable and beautiful taste. Ingredients : Akita Sake Komachi, Hyogo Yamadanishiki Rice polishing ratio : 50%. Alcohol content : 16