SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Afuriあふり NAMAGEN 純米 兵庫県産山田錦 水酛無濾過生酒純米生酒無濾過
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Let's narrow it down to four kinds today. We were seated behind the counter, but you can barely see the cold storage! That four-pack looks like a rainfall! So I asked the proprietress to serve it to us! She said, "It's mizu-hashiroshi. Please do! In the past, I drank a pink labeled Amezure and it gave me an impression that it was a good sake to start with, but this rainbow 🌈 labeled Amezure has quite a distinctive taste! If anything, the acidity stands out! It is similar to Kijoshu. Okayama's famous Kiara egg dish! Three big raw oysters from Nissei town! Unbearable! I found a rare sake that is as good as such a dish! extensive knowledge Rice polishing ratio: 90 Rice used: Yamadanishiki from Hyogo Prefecture Brewing water: Amezan groundwater (150 hardness) Yeast: No additives Alcohol content: 15