SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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The second type, Fukukomachi Kikuzake, was also sweet, but this one was even sweeter and more sour! I checked and found that I had had this the last time I was in Okayama in the fall. My impression at that time was that it was a white wine with a sour taste. But each of these three wines has its own characteristics, and I think they were just right to finish off my sake! After all, it was -55 from -39! I made sure to remember the fish in the shade of the tree! I went to Marugen for two days! I will visit again when I come to Kurashiki! extensive knowledge Winner of the Gold Prize at the Feminaries World Wine Competition 2022, a unique international competition selected by female wine experts from around the world! One sip and you'll think, "What? This is sake? This is a sake with a new sensation that makes you want to say "What? It has a sweet and sour, refreshing flavor reminiscent of apricots and plums, and its low alcohol content of between 8% and 9% makes it easy to drink even for those who are not so fond of alcoholic beverages. If you have never had this sake before, the new sake "Kiin no Uo" is clearly different from the sake you have been drinking until now. Alcohol 8 degrees Sake degree -55 Acidity 4.5