SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
kamosu mori純米大吟醸 生酒純米大吟醸生酒
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The restaurant is full! The owner and his two waitresses are busy with their work. We joined the conversation of two other customers at the counter and served drinks to the owner as well! It was a nice evening! So we decided to order two drinks at a time! Let the sake comparison begin! We started with this one as we discovered the brewing forest! Junmai Daiginjo! I love fruity and umashuwa! Sweet and easy to drink as expected! Let's match it with the other one, Nigoromi! extensive knowledge Kozo-Sumori takes a lot of time and effort to make its sake, with one-stage brewing, bag-hanging, and unfiltered raw sake, but this Junmai Daiginjo is made with the most time and effort, and the rice is polished to the highest standards. This junmai daiginjo is made with the utmost care and polishing of the rice. The flavor has a dense sweetness and a bouncy aroma that is unlike anything we have ever tasted before. As soon as you open the cork, you will be immediately overwhelmed by the rich, sweet aroma that also includes acidity like that of grape and pineapple. When you pour it into a glass and taste it, you can feel a dense and incomparably sweet flavor. However, thanks to the acidity, the wine is not at all just sweet and cloying. It is a perfect match for dishes with rich flavors, and it enhances and enhances each other without losing any of the richness.