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TenbiTENBI 純米吟醸 生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
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Here we are again today. Kurashiki Marugen Studied hard during the day Blood sugar is dropping. I saw the blackboard saying there were only a few places left to start, so I went to Tenbi. White tempura is still delicious! A great way to start the day! I'll drink tonight 🍶. extensive knowledge Gorgeous and fresh aroma like white grapes, soft sweetness and acidity, and freshness, which can be enjoyed both before and during dinner. Immediately after opening the bottle, it tastes fresh and juicy with a touch of carbonation. After three days from opening, the carbonation is released and the sweetness and flavor increase. Please enjoy the changes after the bottle is opened. It is made to go well with fugu (blowfish), a specialty of Shimonoseki. Sashimi, white fish with ponzu (Japanese sauce made from ponzu citrus juice). It goes well with soup stock and sushi. It also goes well with fruits such as strawberries and muscats. Rice : Yamadanishiki Rice polishing ratio : 60 Yeast : No.901 Alcohol content : 15% (undiluted)
Sogga pere et fils「IL Y A CENT ANS」(イリヤソントン)純米生酛原酒生酒
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We found Sogapere Efis! I was curious about it because I had been informed that it had just arrived at a store in Sapporo. The store there is Numerosis. Tonight I found Ilya Thornton. Naturally, it was my first time! It is dry and crisp, reminiscent of white wine! The owner, who hails from Kameoka City in Kyoto Prefecture, told us that there are many varieties! From 1 to 9 (there is no 8)! And Ilya Thornton is a cross between 1 and 2. He also told me that there are some that are a mixture of all of them! I'll have to review that later! And as we talked, it was almost closing time! I'll be back! After leaving the restaurant, I wandered to a ramen shop across the street to fill my stomach! extensive knowledge Sogapère Ephis uses a total of eight different yeasts, numbered 1-7 and 9, each with a different name and flavor. Those using No. 1 yeast are "numero uno". No. 2 yeast is "Deux Trois" for No. 3 No. 4 is "Cattle No. 5 is "Cinqoux No. 6 is not named like No. 1 to No. 5 and is "numérosis No. 7 is "Setteux No. 9 is "Neuf" Ilya Thornton No. 1 and No. 2 yeast are used
TakachiyoTakachiyo 59 CHAPTERIII AIMACHI 愛町あいまち 純米吟醸生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
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Aimachi for the next sake? A new sake rice that is a cross between Aiyama and Omachi? No, no, no. It is a blend of Aiyama and Omachi. It was also fruity and easy to drink, with a crisp bitterness at the end! There were no customers, so after looking at the menu, I took my time to take a look at the cold storage! There it is, the awesome sake! Sake I didn't even know existed! I'm looking forward to coming back! Pour a little bit into a small glass and enjoy the sake you don't know about! a lot of knowledge From Takachiyo Shuzo, which brews high quality sake such as "Takachiyo" and "Takachiyo". The new series, "TACHIYO", is an evolution of the series. Takachiyo59" is a new and highly anticipated series that can be considered an evolution of the series. Takachiyo in English or codenamed "Gokutaka (59)" series. This series is an ambitious attempt at daigin-zukuri, brewed with "Association 1801" sake rice from all over Japan and unified at "59%" using the flattened rice polishing technique, which is one of their specialties. CHAPTER III uses Aizan as the Koji rice and Omachi as the Kake rice. CHAPTER III is named "AIMACHI", using Aizan as Koji rice and Omachi as Kake rice, and has a fresh sweet fruity aroma. It finishes with a smooth sweetness, umami, and a full-bodied deliciousness, but with an overall sense of clarity on the palate.
PS Ingredients / Details Aizan, Omachi Polishing ratio: 59% flat polished rice Alcohol percentage 16 Sake meter degree ±0 Acidity 1.5
Chiebijin裏ちえびじん 純米吟醸 生 ~番外編~純米吟醸生酒
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Our neighbor's guest had left, so we had the place to ourselves. We talked with the owner about the store and Kurashiki while trying our next drinks! I tried the Ura-chiebijin, which I had never had before! It was also delicious, delicious, delicious😋! It's hard to believe it's been 7 years since the restaurant opened. The white wooden structure creates a bright atmosphere. The owner is cheerful and funny 🤣. We promised to visit again tonight and booked the yellowtail shabu shabu course! We can drink with peace of mind 🍶. There are so many brands to choose from on the menu! We had a light lunch, so we only had the appetizer tonight! extensive knowledge Urachie", nicknamed "Urachie", is a Japanese word for "Urachiebijin - extra edition". Urachiebijin" is a challenge sake by Nakano Shuzo, the brewer of Chiebijin. Sake is meant to be enjoyed with food to complement it. Then, as the food culture is changing, we need to review the quality of sake as well, don't we? It was with this in mind that "Ura Chiebijin" was born. Is it different from regular Chiebijin? The "sweetness" and "aroma" create a new marriage. The specifications are undisclosed, and the concept is changed every year to evolve year by year. Type Junmai Ginjo Alcohol 16 Sake degree -1.0 Rice used: Yamadanishiki
Fusano Kankiku寒菊 OCEAN99 -凪 Spring Misty- 純米吟醸無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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Study meeting from today Staying in Kurashiki in advance Found a sake store near where we are staying! I opened the door even though the atmosphere was a little difficult to enter 🚪. We were welcomed with a smile and told to have a seat at the table of our choice! I had already learned about the large selection of sake on Instagram and Facebook beforehand! I found a sake that a friend of mine had recently posted about 🍶. The shocking pink label looks great! The taste is fruity like pineapple 🍍 as expected! We came in late and our flight was delayed, so let's have a light drink first. Knowledge Specific name: Junmai Ginjo Ingredients : Rice, Rice malt Alcohol content: 15 Sake Degree: -4.0 Acidity: 1.4 Rice type:Omachi Rice polishing ratio:55 Condition: Nama-shu The motif of this sake is the sea in spring with lingering winter temperatures, and the misty haze that rarely forms on the surface of the water is expressed by the light nigori (misty mist).