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Akatsuki No Kura (AKATSUKI NO KURAアカツキノクラ)

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Rice used for making the rice:- Rice Polishing Ratio:60 Alcohol content:15.5 ◇ Characteristics / Taste◇ Shinkame This junmai-shu is a versatile sake "Shinkame" filled with the flavor of rice. It is recommended to be served at room temperature or warmed. It is packed with rich rice flavor and has a perfect balance between the high acidity and the matured, rounded flavor from more than two years of aging. It is delicious on its own, but it is also a great complement when served with food.
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Raw material rice:Yamada-Nishiki Rice Polishing Ratio:55 Alcohol content:16 Characteristics & Taste◇ Kanpokuto This is a "winter-only" unfiltered, unpasteurized sake. A dry junmai sake with a pleasant freshness and a slight gaseous taste. Shi-Bi-En" refers to a section on the celestial sphere in ancient astronomy, a constellation with the celestial north pole at its center. The label, which is designed to resemble the celestial sphere, features a star pattern with the "Nanayo pattern" of the Hokuto Palace's crest, and the shining "Polaris" and the "Big Dipper" in the center of the star pattern, which symbolizes the quality of "Kanbokuto" sake.