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日本酒を好きになるきっかけとなった、 熱燗、純米酒、低精白、生酛造り、 を好んで飲みますが、吟醸も本醸造も 冷酒も、日本酒全般が大好きです♡♡ 酒蔵に直接足を運んで購入するのが趣味で、さけのわ🍶を知り、自分の記録用に投稿しています( ˆ ˆ )

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mirin100% Aizan rice produced in special A district in Hyogo Prefecture Polishing ratio 50%. At Kappo restaurant Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! 🍶Memorandum of the past
mirinRice: Gohyakumangoku Polishing ratio 60 Sake meter degree +5 Acidity 1.8 With Sushi Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! 🍶Memorandum of the past
Kent LeungJust heard that there was an earthquake near to 福島&宮城. Hope you are safe & not affected。🙏🏾
mirinYeah, I was so surprised😳 I live in Kansai(関西) now, so I'm okay👍 Thank you for your concern😊✨
Kent LeungGood to hear that. Let’s have a good day.
mirinPolishing ratio 60 Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! 🍶Memorandum of the past
mirinRaw material rice Yamadanishiki Polishing ratio 55 Yeast No. 6 Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Memorandum of the past
mirinRaw materials: Yamadanishiki and Gohyakumangoku Polishing ratio 55 Sake meter degree +3 Acidity 1.5 Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! 🍶Memorandum of the past
Kent LeungLove this one. But this is quite difficult to get it in my city. Hope you are well in Japan.
mirinYou really know a lot about Sake!🍶💕 I always enjoy reading your posts😍 I hope you are also well✨
Kent Leungありがとうmirinさん。I’m still learning. Hopefully i can get a pass for my sake exam later this year. 😂🙏🏾
mirinAmazing!!✨ I didn't know about being able to take the sake exam abroad😳 I’m sure you’ll pass😊💓
mirinRice: Strong rice Polishing ratio 65 H25BY Yeast used: Kurazuke yeast Sake meter degree +13.5 Acidity 2.1 Amino acidity 1.3 Hot sake Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! 🍶Memorandum of the past
mirinMy favorite ★★☆☆☆☆☆ 2012BY 100% Yamadanishiki rice Polishing ratio: 70 At room temperature. Mature aroma like whiskey. Light on the palate. Dry, mature sake with no sweetness. Good for eating, and also tastes good warmed up.
mirinMy preference (lukewarm to hot)★★★★☆ 2015BY 100% Hyogo rice Polishing ratio: 70 Cold, honey aroma. Light on the palate. The taste is sweet rice rather than fruity. It has a little bit of the flavor of aged sake. Sourness and a little bitterness in the aftertaste. ☆ Lukewarm to hot, with an aroma that includes acidity. The sweetness becomes thicker. Sourness remains. The mildness becomes stronger, but not too strong. ☆ Skipping warming up, it has a syrupy rice sweetness and mouthfeel. The acidity also remains, but the change in sweetness is the most memorable.
mirinMy preference (cold to room temperature) ★★★☆☆☆☆ 100% Fukuchiyama Kinuhikari rice Polishing ratio: 85 Cold: Nice aroma of rice. The mouthfeel is clear and not heavy. The sweetness of the rice flavor comes quickly, and it soon becomes dry. There is a bitterness in the aftertaste, but there is no cloying taste. Room temperature: Same base, but more mellow and pleasantly sharp. Hot sake: The higher the temperature, the higher the umami and sweetness of the rice, but the sharpness becomes blurred. Goes well with salty food. In this case, heshiko (fish paste).
mirinMy own preference (heated on the fly) ★★★★★ 100% Gohyakumangoku rice Polishing ratio: 60 Cold: Dry mouthfeel. It has a sweet taste of rice and a sense of old sake. Sourness in the aftertaste. ☆Warm: Sake for warming up. The higher the temperature, the more the rice becomes fuller and sweeter. Long aftertaste. Impressive lack of bitterness. It can be drunk by itself without food.
mirinMy preference (hot sake) ★★★★★ Raw material rice: Yamadanishiki Polishing ratio: 60 Cold: Of course, the aroma is not open, but it still has a strong rice flavor. The taste is characterized by a sense of maturity, and the aroma is like that of soy sauce. Warmed: Mildness, umami of rice, and sweetness increase dramatically, but the aftertaste is delicious because it is not too thick. I like this cup of sake very much, including the design. It has a strong flavor, so it goes well with Chinese food and simmered dishes.
mirinMy preference ★★★★☆ 100% Gohyakumangoku rice (produced in Kouzan) Polishing ratio: 60 Room temperature: Smooth on the palate. It has a nice aroma of rice, a little more fruity than expected. It is light, crisp, and moderately dry, as is typical of honjozo. Heating: The overall flavor becomes rounder and the taste of rice becomes stronger, but the sharpness remains. Delicious both at room temperature and warmed, and goes well with a variety of meals.
Komagura生酛純米 2017BY純米生酛
mirinMy own preference ★★★★☆ 100% Yamadanishiki rice (Itoshima, Fukuoka) Polishing ratio: 70%. The best temperature is hot or jumpy warming. It has a strong sweetness and aroma of rice, and a moderate acidity. The bitterness gives the impression of a spicy aftertaste. As the temperature is raised, the umami and sweetness increase. It goes well with meat dishes such as yakitori.
mirinMy preference ★★★★★ ☆ Room temperature → Acidic aroma. The taste is still acidity, soy sauce and rice flavor. The mouthfeel is dry and light. ☆ 50℃→Heavier on the palate. Bitterness increases. 60-70℃→The most delicious temperature. The acidity remains the same, but the Shaoxing wine feeling becomes weaker and the sweetness of the rice increases greatly. The fullness and complexity of the taste is impressive. Room temperature to hot, the base is always dry and acidic but not too harsh. Warming increases its bulkiness and drains away the oiliness of the meal, making it a very good match for Chinese and strongly seasoned dishes.
Tamagawa祝 2017BY純米吟醸
mirinMy own preference ★★★★★ Rice used: 100% Shuku Polishing ratio 60 2017BY Room temperature → Sweet and gorgeous aroma. Mouthfeel is mild but light. Sweetness is intense and light syrupy. There is no sourness, bitterness, or pungency, and the sweetness lingers for a long time. ☆ - 50°C → Aroma is as good as ever. The mouthfeel becomes a little heavier, and the taste and sweetness become more intense and full. Then soft acidity and bitterness. The sweetness is firm, but not at all clingy, probably due to the good balance of flavors. I have the impression that it goes well with sweet Japanese food such as simmered dishes. It can be enjoyed at room temperature or warmed, but we prefer it warmed for its fullness.
Bentenmusume中垂れ R1BY 五百万石純米原酒生酒中取り
mirinI liked it so much I bought another bottle. I was puzzled by the difference in taste, as it seemed more light and refreshing than the last time, but a few days after opening the bottle (and nearing the end again), it became darker and sweeter, giving the same impression as the last time. I realized that it is very tasty and preferable at 60°C or higher. Tobikiri heating gives it weight. The sweetness of the rice is soft and very intense. Lingering aftertaste is even longer.
Hiokizakura伝承強力 Ver.数馬米純米吟醸
mirin原料米 強力100%・精米歩合60% 26BY・使用酵母 協会6号・日本酒度+10 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 🍶以前飲んで美味しかった日本酒を記録に
Hiokizakura山滴る 特別純米生酒特別純米生酒
mirin原料米 鳥取県産山田錦 精米歩合60%・27BY 使用酵母 協会7号・日本酒度+14 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 🍶以前飲んで美味しかった日本酒を記録に
Tamasakura生酛仕込 改良雄町純米生酛
mirin原料米 改良雄町100% 精米歩合70%・25BY・日本酒度+9.5 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 🍶以前飲んで美味しかった日本酒を記録に
サケマルコお燗でこれ飲みましたー!! すごく美味しかったです!👍🏻
mirinTakashi Noguchi様 初めまして、コメントありがとうございます!玉櫻の熱燗、とっても美味しいですよね😊✨