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Meiho Kikumori特別限定品 信交酒545号 山恵錦100%使用純米
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Sake meter degree +1, acidity 1.6 Yamane Nishiki" is a brand-name sake rice from Nagano Prefecture, registered as a variety in 2017. Its name is derived from the image of "bounty from the mountains of Shinshu. It is the same ripening stage as "Miyamanishiki," and is characterized by its short length, resistance to downfall, and resistance to cold damage and rice blast disease. It is superior to Miyamanishiki in terms of yield and brown rice weight, and has a higher incidence of heart white, resulting in a superior appearance of brown rice. It is suitable for processing, with less cracking during milling (advanced tosei), and taste tests on sake (junmai ginjo sake) have shown that it has a mellow aroma and a smooth taste. Aroma Fruity ginjo aroma. Fresh sour aroma like green apple and sweet aroma like muscat. Pleasant. You can smell it all the time. Mouthfeel Smooth on the palate. The first impression is fruity, just like the aroma. You can taste the umami and sweetness of the rice. Elegant sweetness. You can also enjoy a pleasant acidity, and as soon as you swallow the sake, a pungent taste passes through your nose. The sharpness is good. Summary This is a light, slightly dry sake! Sake with a good sharpness! It seems to go well with meals! It is smooth, umami, and just plain delicious! I remember Yamae Nishiki!
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I wondered what this "improved Nobukou" was, so I looked it up on the Internet and found that it was the name of a sake rice. This sake rice is said to be difficult to grow and harvest. It is said to be an "improved" version of a rice called "Nobukou 190. (according to internet research). A strain of Takananishiki (?). I found out that it is a strain of Takane-nishiki. Aroma】※I'm drinking it cold. Sweet and sour like apple. Citrusy sour aroma like lime. Sweet and sour aroma of lactobacillus drink like yogurt. Mild alcohol. In general, it has a clear ginjo aroma. Mouthfeel Sweet on the palate. It has a sweet fruitiness similar to peach or mango. Sweet like sweet yogurt or lactobacillus drink. Apple. But the sweetness is short-lived. As if on top of the sweetness, the flavor and richness of rice spreads in your mouth and fills your mouth with it! Where is the sweetness I felt earlier! The lingering taste is bitter, with a mild pungency on the nose. Summary. This sake is not just sweet. The sweetness and bitterness are woven together to create a very "round" sake. You can fully enjoy the flavor and richness of the rice. I thought that the characteristics of the sake rice called "Koudou-Shinko" were used to great effect!
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A perfect jacket purchase. In 2021, they released Kudoki-ueki with this BAKA label while the president was angry with them. Although he said he would never release it with this label again, he released it again in 2022 with a different text and a different tint. It will probably be released again in 2023. Please release it again. I personally love labels like this. [Aroma Fruity and clean aroma of ginjo. Pineapple, pear, muscatel, green apple, and a hint of peach. There are also sweet nuances like freshly made cotton candy. Mouthfeel. Smooth and sweet on the palate. The tongue is enveloped by a gentle sweetness. It is happy. It is very easy to drink. When you roll it around on your tongue, you can also taste the refreshing sweet acidity. There is almost no pungency. No unpleasant taste. Summary Sweet sake. It is very easy to drink, and the sweetness and moderate acidity will not make you tired at all. You can enjoy the fresh sweetness very much. It is like fruit juice in a good sense. Jr. 2022 is still available on the internet, so if you are interested, please try it. It is seriously delicious. Alcohol: 16.5%, Sake meter: -5.0, Acidity: 1.3 Rice: Yamadaho Polishing ratio: 44
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Nama-fume (once-fired) Alcohol: around 16.3 Rice: Dewanosato (locally grown in Haguro) Rice polishing ratio: 29%, Sake meter: -5.0, Acidity: 1.3 I bought a bottle by mistake. It's okay. No problem. [Scent. Fruity. Floral and refreshing. Sour aroma with sweetness. Fresh citrusy aroma of green apple, sour pineapple, sudachi (Japanese citrus fruit), and lime. Slightly alcoholic. The acidic aroma is accompanied by softly sweet aromas like lactic acid bacteria drinks and suama (rice cake sweets). Taste The aroma is mainly sour, but the mouthfeel is sweet and fruity! Muscat, a hint of peach, and the sweetness of lactic acid beverages. Maybe some honey? A pleasant sweet sourness appears in the middle. This is a very juicy flavor full of both sweet and citrusy fruit! Lingering bitter sensation. Summary. Less assertive sweetness than the HIMITSU and AIZAN 33 that I have had so far, but still sweet enough. I bought a bottle by mistake and drank it over several days, but I was able to enjoy the sweetness that only Kudokutei can offer until the end. As the days went by, I think the acidity became more pronounced. The Jr. series is really delicious!
Kudokijozu純米大吟醸 Jr.の愛山33純米大吟醸
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Rice: Banshu-Aiyama Sake meter: -10 or so Alcohol level: 16.0-16.5 Acidity: 1.2 Amino acid level: 1.0 Aroma: Peach. Peach. Sweet and slightly sour peach. Fresh, yet smooth and sweet. A sour sweet aroma like a lactic acid bacteria drink wafts from the glass. Taste] Smooth and sweet on the palate. The harmony of sweetness and sourness is exquisite. The sweetness is the main taste. There is sourness, but this sourness is sweet, not spicy. Summary Sweet and delicious. Sweet and happy. The sake level is about +5 compared to the previous check-in, "Jr.'s Himitsu". Jr.'s Himitsu" had a strong impression of being so sweet that it felt like honey, but this "Jr.'s Aizan 33" is a little less sweet than Himitsu, but has a sweet acidity that enhances the taste of this sake. Kamenoi Sake Brewery ships Kudoki-Ue for a limited time only about once a month. (Information from the liquor store where I bought it) I want to buy it every month. I am hooked. I was completely seduced. I love Kudoku-jote.
Kameizumi純米吟醸原酒生酒 CEL-24純米吟醸原酒生酒
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[Aroma Fruity ginjo aroma. A refreshing citrus aroma like green apple, with sweet aromas of pineapple and muscat. Mouthfeel Sweet on the palate. It has a light, slightly squashy feeling. When rolling on the tongue, the sweetness switches to sourness unexpectedly quickly. There was almost no pungency on the nose. The aftertaste is more acidic than sweet. The sweetness is white grape and a hint of pineapple. The image of sweetness is refreshing. It is like a sweet white wine. Summary A delicious sake with an elegant sweetness. Compared to the previous check-in "Jr.'s Honey", you can enjoy a refreshing and elegant sweetness instead of the honey-bomb-like gory sweetness. There is also a sourness that makes it hard to get tired of the sweetness while drinking it! It is a sweet sake that can be matched with meals!
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Sake degree: -15 to -20% Alcohol: 16.1% to 16.5 Acidity: 1.3, Amino acidity: 1.0 Aroma: Sweet! Sweet! Pineapple, peach, rice, and lactic acid beverage. Sweet aroma explodes in the glass! [Taste Sweeter than you can imagine! Pineapple, peach, rice, and lactic acid bacteria beverage. And honey! Honey! It's honey. !!!! When you put it in your mouth, you feel a sweet mass in your mouth as if you had a bomb of honey! And then that bomb explodes in a big way!!!! As soon as it explodes, the above sweet flavors pop off!!!! That's the image: !!!! I now know what the NECTAR on the back label means! It's sweet in every way, but in the middle of the flavor, you can also taste a nice sourness! But this sourness is so sweet that it doesn't seem like sourness!!!! Usagi is really, really sweet after all!!!! A local sake from Yamagata Prefecture. It is as sweet as its reputation! But it is a delicious Junmai Daiginjo with good sweetness sharpness and sourness. If you are looking for sweetness in every way, why not give it a try?
御園竹純米大吟醸 鑑評会 出品酒類規格 山田錦35%純米大吟醸
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Takeju Honke Sake Brewery, purchased at the sake brewery opening event No. 2. Aroma Fruity ginjo aroma. It is not heavy and has a refreshing aroma. The main aroma is a refreshing sourness like green apple. There are also faint pineapple and peach-like sweet aromas. Taste Sweet on the palate. The first attack is a clear fruity sweetness like ripe pineapple. It is very smooth and easy to drink. This sweetness is a tart one. After the sake is in the mouth, sourness also appears, but this sourness is not so strong and enhances the aforementioned sweetness. There is also a pungency through the nose, but it is not strong. Summary A delicious Junmai Daiginjo with a clean aroma and sweetness! The "savory aroma" that we felt when we drank the 23-year-old aged Gyoonchiku sake we checked in with before is present in the sweetness of this Junmai Daiginjo and in the lingering aftertaste. I think this savory sourness is the characteristic of Misonotake.
Ryu純米大吟醸 火入れ 播州山田錦100%使用 黒ラベル純米大吟醸
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I was given a bottle of high-grade sake to enjoy. Aroma Highly aromatic...extremely gorgeous. The citrus aroma comes along with the alcohol aroma. This is citrus. Very fresh. Clear aroma. There is a faint sweet aroma like a lactic acid bacteria drink. It is not mainly sweet. It is an elegant and fresh citrus aroma. It's nice! Taste Smooth on the palate! And the umami of the rice is very pleasant and delicious! The more it rolls around on the tongue, the more the umami of the rice oozes out and spreads from the top of the tongue to fill the mouth! The acidity is also present along with the umami, and the sharpness is good! The nose is not too harsh, and the sourness passes through the mouth gradually. Well, there is no doubt that this is a gem. I can definitely recommend it to those who seek the "umami of rice" in sake. It is not sweet. But it is smooth and easy to drink. The balance between umami and acidity is truly exquisite.
御園竹美園竹 大吟醸 二〇〇〇年大吟醸古酒
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Daiginjo-shu brewed in 2000. The maturation period is 23 years. I went to the opening of the Takeju Honke Sake Brewery in Nagano Prefecture to buy some. It was the first time I had ever had sake that had been aged! [Aroma. It's not fruit. !!!! What is it...savory? (lacks vocabulary) It's a complex aroma. It smells like slightly burnt rice hulls. It's not smoky or smelly. There is a cocoa-like sweet aroma that wafts along with a mild alcoholic aroma, and this is a dark caramel aroma. Some honeyiness. A hint of soy sauce. It is easier to pick up the sweet aroma at room temperature than cold sake! This is what you call an aged aroma! I imagined a fruity feeling from the name "Daiginjo," but it's not at all what I expected! The aroma is similar to the 90% rice polishing ratio sake "Katori" that I checked in before. But this old sake is not rough at all and has a more elegant image. Taste. This soy-sauce-like nuance is the acidity! (self-resolved). There is a mild and complex acidity on the palate that I have never experienced before. But the texture is smooth and silky! It also has sweetness and umami. There is almost no pungency on the nose, and a mellow aroma wafts through the nose. You can enjoy the acidity and umami that have changed with maturity! It was personally a very tasty aged sake!
Kitaakita純米大吟醸 磨き四割五分純米大吟醸
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Kita Akita Junmai Daiginjo, the highest gold medal of sake 2021, which tastes great in a wine glass. I bought it because it was indicated as a recommended sake at *3 in the Sake-no-wa. Alcohol content: 15 Sake meter (reference value): -3.0 Acidity: 1.5 [Aroma. Fruity ginjo aroma. Aroma: Sweet aroma of rice. The aroma is reminiscent of a sweet flavor, but there are also fresh and citrusy aromas like green apple and unripe pineapple. It has a nice aroma. Better in a wine glass! [Taste. The mouthfeel is sweet due to the sake's negative sake degree. Easy to drink. While rolling on the tongue, you can fully enjoy the sweetness of rice, pineapple, and peach. When the sake is swallowed, the aftertaste in the mouth is not sweet. It has a pungent taste and some bitterness. The sharpness is good. This may be the unique good thing about this sake! This goes well with meals! This is a sweet sake that can be drunk with a meal rather than enjoyed slowly with a glass of wine!
Chikumanishiki純米大吟醸生貯蔵酒 吉田屋純米大吟醸生貯蔵酒
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In a pure white bottle! No front label! I bought this at the recent Chikumonishiki Sake Brewery opening. How does it smell and taste? Aroma Clear and fruity ginjo aroma. It has a sweet and exquisitely sour apple aroma. It is citrusy, but also has a hint of sweetness. Apples, pineapples, peaches, bananas... The nose is a jewel box of fruits. It makes me happy. You can enjoy this aroma more fully if you drink it in a wine glass. Taste The mouthfeel is sweet and tasty. Easy to drink. The acidity, umami and sweetness of the rice spread over the tongue and fill the mouth. It is not the type of sake with a sharp taste, and you can also enjoy the lingering aftertaste. The pungent taste of sake escapes through the nose. In the mouth, you can enjoy the lingering aftertaste of rice flavor and acidity. This is delicious. I think I bought it for about 1,700 yen, but I am sure it was a festival price and the real price is much higher.... I don't think it's sold on the internet. Is it a festival-only sake? I should have talked to the staff before buying it! I personally need to check out the Yoshidaya series of Chikuma-Nishiki!
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I was super excited because I had never had Chikuma-Nishiki even though I live in Nagano Prefecture. The bottle was very cute with a cherry blossom pattern that reminded me of spring. The aroma A faint orangey citrusy sour aroma with a soft sweetness like Daifuku rice cake. It is accompanied by a soft sweet aroma like Daifuku rice cake. Behind that, there is a light twang of alcohol. ...The combination of these aromas makes for a very gorgeous, fresh aroma! Interesting! It may be close to the esthetic aroma expressed in the whisky world! Taste. The palate is refreshing, with a light acidity and the sweetness and umami of the rice spreading to the palate. The alcohol that I sensed in the aroma was also present in the taste, expanding the aforementioned acidity and umami in the mouth. What surprised me was that the alcohol was not unpleasant at all, and it was in harmony with the deliciousness of the sake, creating a very fresh taste! Amazing! A flavor I have never experienced before! This fresh and delicious sake is only available in spring. Is this what the world's fresh stored sake tastes like? I don't know because I don't have much experience, but this is a gem that made me want to try a variety of fresh stored sake! It is currently available at the official Chikumonishiki online store.
Momokawa純米大吟醸酒 磨き五割純米大吟醸
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Another Aeon Liquor limited edition. I had bought Hanaharu, Blooming, and Momokawa. [Aroma The aroma is very fruity, as only a junmai daiginjo can be. The aroma is very fruity, as is typical of junmai daiginjos, with a refreshing apple-like aroma and a soft banana aroma. There is also a slight citrus aroma. Nice aroma. Taste The flavor is sweet, but not too sweet. Not too sweet. Not too sweet, but not spicy either. The acidity is moderate and very easy to drink. The mouthfeel is full of the flavor of rice. It is sharp and has a slight spiciness in the aftertaste. While the previous check-in "Sakita" was fresh on the tongue and had a sharp taste, this time, you can enjoy a rich umami taste on the tongue. That is my impression. The flavor itself is not so strong, so it seems to go well with food! Another delicious Junmai Daiginjo. As a sake novice, I was very happy to see this Aeon Liquor limited edition. All Junmai Daiginjos are priced at 1,078 yen including tax. There are more than 10 varieties to choose from. Aeon Liquor limited edition products........ (2nd time)
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Junmai Daiginjo, a limited edition of Aeon Liquor, available for about 1000 yen. Is Hanaharu, which I checked in before, one of them? *I drink it cold. [Aroma. Fresh and fruity impression. I wonder what it is...I feel a very fresh ginjo aroma. Mainly green apple? It smells somewhat like bananas. (It turns into a banana-filled aroma when it gets close to room temperature!) (It turns into a banana-filled aroma when it gets close to room temperature! Taste. The mouthfeel is very light and fresh. It is smooth and really fresh. The easy-drinking mouthfeel is followed by the umami of the rice. It is not just light. After the freshness, the mouth is like a flower blooming, and the umami of the rice spreads softly...that is the impression I got. The sharpness of the flavor is good. The acidity is low. The lingering aftertaste is a little spicy as the flowers fall out. This is delicious. I am sure it goes well with a variety of meals. There seems to be almost no reviews of this sake, but it is just plain delicious! For those who want a light dry sake to go with meals, or for those who want to enjoy sake in a more casual way, I think this is a very good value for money! An Aeon Liquor limited edition.....you should be afraid of it....
Kyohime紫乃 純米大吟醸45純米大吟醸
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I found another version of Kyo Hime and bought it because I enjoyed the Kyo Hime Shuku Junmai Daiginjo Genshu that I checked in before. I had it cold, which is the recommended way to drink it. Aroma Fruity aroma. Peach and pineapple. Slight citrus. It is reminiscent of a luscious flavor. Taste. The mouthfeel is smooth and light. It is easy to drink, with a sweetness that matches the aroma. It is not spicy. Slightly acidic. The taste of rice, sweetness, pineapple, white grapes, and bitter chocolate-covered orange peel lingers on the palate. Easy to drink, just like the celebrated Harazake! This sake is as easy to drink as a sweet white wine. No wonder it has won the highest gold medal at the "Delicious Sake in a Glass of Wine Awards. The hollyhock mark on the label is also stylish.
Koshinokanbai純米大吟醸 浹純米吟醸
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Sake meter rating +1 Smooth and soft on the palate, with a taste of rice flavor and sweetness. Another easy-drinking sake! Kusawawaishua was also smooth to drink, but it left little lingering aftertaste, leaving a crisp, clean finish! Unlike Kawawa, this new Un'yei has a nice, smooth taste that spreads in the mouth, making it very pleasant to drink! It was interesting to compare the two and see the difference! Personally, I think I prefer Sukiri.
Hanaharu旨くち 純米大吟醸 磨き50純米大吟醸
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Purchased at Aeon Liquor. Nice to meet you at Haruhana. Something about it, I didn't get caught in many searches on the internet except for Sake-no-wa. The taste is fruity! It is smooth and sweet, just like the name "Umakuchi". In a good sense, it is easy to drink like a juice. However, the lingering aftertaste is also pungent. The sharpness is good, and there is no unpleasant taste. Compared to recent drinks, it is sweeter than Koshino-Kanmei Kwaiswa. That is my impression. I am sure that Hanaharu's other brands that are not "umakuchi" would also be delicious! I can recommend this to women and sake beginners! It is perfect for sake veterans who want sweetness!
Katori自然酒純米90 無農薬米100%使用生酛
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Alcohol 15%, Rice polishing ratio 90%, Sake degree +4 to +7 Acidity 3.0-6.0, Amino acidity 2.8-3.5 My wife gave this to me on a business trip, saying, "If you drink organic wine, you should also drink this. Looking at the specs, it seems to have quite a unique character! We compared the wines by drinking it warmed and chilled! Cold The aroma is sweet. I could smell the inside of a rice bag containing threshed rice. Slight hint of soy sauce. On the palate, one senses a complex acidity, but the umami of the rice comes through later! The aftertaste is short and crisp. This complex and intense acidity must be the reason for the 90% rice polishing ratio...! Warming up The aroma is milder and sweeter than in the cold sake. The aroma is milder and sweeter than cold, with a hint of sourness. The taste is a combination of sourness and sweetness, which were clearly separated when cold. The sourness is more complex and stronger than when cold! And the sourness itself seems to be covered with sweetness! When returned to room temperature, it approaches the flavor of cold. As the label says, this complex sourness, which is like a "miscellaneous taste," enhances the original flavor of the rice...this is the kind of sake we are looking for. I think those who are hooked on this sake will never be able to go back to modern, mild and refined sake again! I am sure that sake in the past was like this!
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The quality of the sake is light and dry...or is it? Not fruity or gory [sweetness], but pleasant rice [umami]. Anyway, it is easy to drink. I'd like to pair it with a meal! Now that I'm tasting Kawafushi by itself, I'm craving something to eat! This is easy to drink!