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Senkinオーガニックナチュール 2023生酛
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My first Sentori. I was excited to drink it. To begin with, it was delicious. Aroma It has a clear and fruity aroma. Strawberry? Berry-like sour and sweet aroma. Yogurt or a hint of banana-like sweetness. In general, it has a nice aroma. You can smell it all the time. Taste Sweet on the palate. The unique sourness blooms in the middle of the taste. Green apple, white grape, bitter orange, rice flavor, sweetness, and slight spice. For a moment, I felt like I was drinking a white wine, but the taste in the mouth and the lingering aftertaste through the nose are sake itself. Summary. Fruity sake. Delicious with a glass of wine. It has sweetness without spiciness. The acidity is unique. You can enjoy its elegant aroma and taste. I once checked in a sake with a rice polishing ratio of 90% or higher that had a wildly acidic taste, and was astonished at how different it was from that. Does "wooden barrel brewing" give it the "oaky" feeling of whiskey? I don't know. The aroma and flavor of the sake has a hint of wood. No wonder "Sentori" is so popular. I'm going to try different kinds.
Good evening, kaito37147077😃. Congratulations on your first Sentori ‼️ 🎉! I'm sure you'll enjoy drinking different kinds of Sentori and get addicted to it 🤗.
Mr. Jay & Mr. Nobby I always refer to your Sake-no-wa reviews. Please let us know again about good sake from Tochigi prefecture. Thank you very much.