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Maibijin Flavor Chart

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The taste is mainly umami, without much of Mai-Bijin's characteristic acidity. It has a smooth and refreshing impression on the palate. The 18% alcohol content washes out the palate, making it easy to drink with oily foods.
Maibijin純米大吟醸 無濾過生原酒 STRONG
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A weird sake with an acidity of 9.6 🍶. Tsuchida F had an acidity of about 7, but when I heard that it exceeded that level, as a lover of kinky sake, I had no choice but to drink it 😌. The top aroma is... vinegar😇. The aroma is not the strong aroma of rice vinegar used for cooking, but a clear sour aroma like fruit vinegar. When you put it in your mouth, it is just sour 😆. Compared to Tsuchida F, it has no bad taste or peculiarities and is elegant, but it is very sour 🍋. I also felt a slight sweetness. I wonder if this elegant feeling is because it is Junmai Daiginjo? 🤔 If you ask me which is easier to drink compared to Tsuchida F, I would say neither is easy to drink 🤗. It was an interesting sake 🍶.
Good evening, Mr. Matsuchiyo 🌃🎄. My Narumi Hatsushibori is also a perverted sake, but this one is pretty good too 😅. Mai-bijin is rather a perverted brand 😆.
Good evening, Mr. Matsuchiyo. I'm so glad you had a chance to try this one too! I was hesitant to buy it when I heard that it was aged at room temperature even though it was a draft 🤣.
Good evening kab🍶. Mai-bijin is a strange brand, isn't it 😂. I think they are aggressive with sanQ and sake lees re-fermentation........
Good evening bouken 🍶. I can enjoy it for one drink at a bar, but I wouldn't buy a bottle even if it's a four-pack 😂.
Good evening, Mr. Matsuchiyo 🌛You drank a sake with a great acidity 😁that was very helpful 🙇As a lover of scary, strong and perverted sake, Mai-bijin is a brand to watch 🤣It takes a lot of courage to hear that it is not easy to drink 😅.
Good evening, Matsuchiyo-san😄 I also drank it before! The specs (other than the acidity) are pretty royal, but once you take a sip, it's unforgettable, a taste you definitely won't find in any other sake 😁I was impressed by the depth of the brewery's nostalgia in commercializing this product.
Good morning, Nemuchi✨ Nemuchi-san, you are also a perverted drinker, aren't you? (I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm not a fan of it. It's not easy to drink, but it doesn't have any weird peculiarities other than a strong acidity, so it was one of the easier to drink perverted liquors 😂.
Good morning, Aladdin! I would like to ask the brewer what kind of sake he really wanted to make by polishing it to 40% 😂.
Maibijin山廃純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒
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Mai-bijin Yamahai Junmai Ginjo Unfiltered Nama-shu Prefecture: Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture Rice: 100% Gohyakumangoku produced in Fukui Prefecture Polishing ratio: 50 Sake degree: -1.0 Alcohol content: 17%. @Kiyoshi Oishi (Hyogo Prefecture)
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★4.0 A low-polished raw sake aged for 7 years. I thought it would be heavier, but it is surprisingly refreshing. However, it is still full-bodied and full of umami.
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
Orchid Sake (Metamorphosis Sake) is here 😳! It is Mai-bijin STRONG! Mikawa Sake Brewery uses all Fukui rice and traditional brewing methods, and presses their sake in wooden vats! The brewery uses Furozumi Inspire, a brewery yeast from the brewery, to make their Yamahai sake. The brewery aims for a "tasty sake with a high acidity level. The brewer's yeast seems to be highly acidic, so much so that when it was first brewed, the acidity was so high that the brewer had to submit it to an inspection agency to make sure it was not rotten before selling it😅. For example, Mai-bijin sanQ's acidity is about 4-7😳It's usually 1-2, so it's a different level 😁. The 6th generation brewery owner and his wife who seem to be good people brew such a perverted sake 🤔. The Strong is a very orthodox pure Daigin unfiltered raw sake with Yamadanishiki, 40% rice polishing ratio, and I'm looking forward to 5 years of aging 🧐. But the acidity is an astonishing 9.6😇 The appearance is crystal with topaz mixed with chunky flakes of tailings. Vinegar-like aroma with no thorns 😄. The mouthfeel is smooth with a thickened texture. On the palate... attack of vinegar acidity 😅. Slight sweetness and umami also 😄. A lingering taste of vinegar 🤣 Definitely a fun sake with a punchy acidity 😁. My definition of sake has expanded 😊. Thank you for the food 🍶.
Hi Aladdin 😃 I've been curious about this but I'm hesitant to buy it because the liquor store's social networking site says it's aged at room temperature 💦 It sounds interesting like vinegar though 🤣.
Hi Aladdin ✨ I knew it was vinegar 🤣. I'm too inexperienced to buy it myself like bouken because it's too kinky, but my favorite bar is planning to stock it so I'd like to try it 😆.
Hello bouken😄I think it's a must drink, but you shouldn't drink a bottle of it 😅I think it's like vinegar but with a deeper flavor than that, you can't drink a lot of it and it's not a bad drink, alcoholic or not: ☺️
Hi, Matsuchiyo 😃 I'm afraid that unless you are an advanced drinker who has mastered the perverse liquors, you will soon end up with cooking vinegar if you don't taste it when you buy it 😅But I'm very interested to know what kind of food the drinkers who buy this will pair it with 🤩.
Good evening Aladdin 🌛I was also interested in drinking this weird drink 😆 I heard it's like vinegar and I want to try it even more 😋I want to experience the 9.6 acidity 🤣.
Good morning, Nemuchi😄! I think it's still there for a while 😳chuin still has it 😁I heard that when customers order it, he explains that it has an impact and even if they ask for a medium size, he makes it a small size 🤣.
Maibijin純米大吟醸 無濾過生原酒 STRONG
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Mild ripe aroma. Sour. Citrusy sourness runs through. A firm sense of maturity at the end. The acid flavor lingers in the aftertaste.
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Brewed in 2018 Nice amber color after 5 years of aging. Acidity is an amazing 9.6 degrees! Sour from the smell before drinking. Tried it at room temperature first... Mmmm, grapefruit! And it tastes like old grapefruit! No alcohol taste at all, easy to drink. It's hard to believe that this drink is made from rice... Can't imagine what it would be like if it were heated up... Added on 11/17/2023 I tried heating it up! There is almost no smell, and the taste is really strange with sourness & bitterness & astringency like grapefruit to yuzu like yuzu & kabosu like kabosu. There is no sense of alcohol at all. It's good, but it's hard to pair it with food 🤔.
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Well, well, well. Three days of rest. Yes, you guessed it when I wrote this. Today, after serving two interesting drinks, I was served one with a stronger habit. Yes, it is good. As it looks, if you ask me if this is sake, it is more like a liqueur. I would have thought that I would want to drink it with something else. But, like last time, the color, followed by the careful explanation, ah, good job. Unlike last time, the alcohol content is a bit high for sake. But it's nice that it goes down so easily. Now, the first sake in 96 hours. Oh, what can I say about this, but thank God for sake today.
Maibijin純米大吟醸 無濾過生原酒
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Aroma typical of the usual Mai Bijin 🤔. But the taste is clearly different from the others. The sharpness is amazing 😏. This is delicious 😋. No matter how much sake you drink, it always has a strong punch and is always good. I tasted it and bought it instantly (lol). The old sake of this was good too 😅.

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