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Maibijin Flavor Chart

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I was going to buy Zenkichi but for some reason I bought this 🤔. I was craving for Mai-Bijin 🤣. It has a lot of oli but it doesn't blow up at all😅. I don't think it has much gasiness. The acidity is 8.0, and the normal sanQ without nigori is said to have a sake level of -12. It's very sour, but it's refreshing and easy to drink because it doesn't have a pungent or sake-like taste. It's like eating a grapefruit😋. I hope Nemuchi-san and Matsuchiyo-san will try this sake 😁.
Hello bouken😊 I'll try it if I can find a place that stocks it 😂. I heard from the owner of my favorite bar that this brewery has a big fluctuation in taste from year to year.
bouken-san, good evening 🌛I see you have withdrawal symptoms from the peculiar and perverted sake 🤣I drank Oorigarami, not Nigori, but it was still too peculiar 😅Maibijin is aiming for the summer sake recommended by bouken-san😎.
Good morning, Matsuchiyo-san. I wonder if there is a difference in the taste of the yeast 🤔. I think the impression will change every time I drink it 😅
Good morning, Nemuchi-san! I also bought ALPHA8 and I'm having withdrawal symptoms. 🤣The taste impression is more sour than sweet and spicy 💦Summer nigori is 40% polished and cost-effective, so I recommend it 😋.
Maibijin越前 木槽搾り特別純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Self-heated at Sake Street's corner bar. Sourness typical of Mai-Bijin! I warmed it up at 45℃, but it might be better at a higher temperature.
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The orange one. It has a peculiar taste, but I'm sure it has the best flavor of all the pickled cheeses.
Maibijin純米 酒粕再発酵酒 MYVY
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I was curious to see if the colors would make it interesting. I thought it might be Shaoxing wine, but it smells like mitarashi dumplings. It's so sweet. The syrup is thick and thick. Dense sweetness like condensed brown sugar. Smooth coffee-like mouthfeel. Aromatic nuttiness. A bit of mellow acidity that lingers on. Smooth and dense from start to finish, rather than puffy. It is a strange combination with persimmon peas as a side dish. I would like to try it on lacto ice cream. Dessert liqueur. There is a repeat.
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What was STRONG was the acidity. Cloudy yellow and trolly texture. Grape and mirin-like aroma. It's sour! More of a white wine vinegar thing than rice vinegar. After all the delay, a rich and glossy flavor like brown sugar spreads to the back of the tongue. The rice flavor seems to be Mai-Bijin. An excellent combination with the sweet sauce of the eel stick sushi. Nibun Han
MaibijinsanQ サンキュー純米山廃原酒生酒無濾過槽しぼり
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A set to compare Mai-Bijin's old Muro and new Muro. This is a sake made with the brewer's yeast of the new Muro. The alcohol content of the old Muro was 16-17 degrees, while the new Muro is much higher at 19-20 degrees. It is interesting to see the difference in the specs. It is refreshingly spicy! It's also very sweet, but it seems to parallel the acidity without intermingling with it. A grain-like lactic flavor lingers on the palate afterwards. It has a bitterness that the old Muro didn't have. But the new Muro goes better with food. Date of production: June 2023 Release date: July 10, 2023
Good evening, Mr. Yu. Sake with different koji muro is very interesting. I can't believe it's Mai-bijin! I'd like to try it 😍.
>>Haruhi Peco. Thanks for your comment ✨ I got it on Makuake! I was surprised to see how different it is even if brewed under exactly the same conditions! It was fun to compare the brews 😆.
MaibijinsanQ サンキュー純米山廃原酒生酒無濾過槽しぼり
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A set to compare Mai-bijin's old Muro and new Muro. This is a sake made with the yeast from the old Muro brewery. It is sweet and sour. The balance of sweetness and sourness is exquisite and delicious. It is so sour that it makes the pores of your scalp open and makes you sweat. When heated, all the sourness hits your nose. The sweetness is full-bodied. The distance between the sweetness and sourness is more distant than when it is hiya. Production date: June 2023 Sealing date: July 10, 2023
Maibijin山廃純米酒 生詰 ひやおろし純米山廃原酒生詰酒ひやおろし
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It's so dark! The sense of maturity and acidity is unbearable. At first, I felt it was sour, but as I got used to drinking it, it converted to the original flavor and sweetness of rice. I found that it was converted into the original flavor and sweetness of the rice. I don't know if I will be able to encounter this sake again since it seems to be a small production brewery, but it is a pleasant and intoxicating sake. ❣️

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