じゅんいちSlightly schwiffy. Refreshing.
Melon-like sweetness and muscat-like acidity. じゅんいちMelon-like sweetness. Goes down smoothly. じゅんいちA little sweet, but refreshing and clean. じゅんいちA cup that made me feel good. It's refreshing and sharp. じゅんいちClean. Slightly schwitty, melon-like sweetness. じゅんいちSlightly schwarzy.
A little sweetness in the freshness. じゅんいちA little sweet.
It stays in the mouth. じゅんいちSlightly acidic.
Clean, like muscat. じゅんいちIt is clean and leaves no aftertaste.
Tastes a little zingy. じゅんいちClean and leaves no aftertaste.
Cute label. じゅんいちClear aroma.
Muscat-like flavor. じゅんいちSlightly sweet aroma.
Tastes like muscat and is refreshing.
Tastes sweet too. じゅんいちIt goes into the mouth quickly and is fragrant inside.
It has a bitter taste, but at the same time it is refreshing. じゅんいちSlightly coffee-like aroma.
Bitterness? Astringency? I felt a bit of bitterness. RecommendedContentsSectionView.title